I,Claudius Project - 3 views
The goal of the I, CLAVDIVS PROJECT is to create a web resource which provides source materials and analyses for the BBC production of I, Claudius. Each episode is documented to show what is supported by ancient evidence or by the Graves novels and what is not. The site also includes resources and analyses on other topics relating to the emperor Claudius: his coinage, the imperial cult, and evaluations of Claudius and of his health.
Roman Emperors - 2 views
Lux in Arcana - official video - YouTube - 2 views
A preview of the official video for the exhibition-event Lux in Arcana -- The Vatican Secret Archives reveals itself http://www.luxinarcana.org. Filmed inside the Vatican Secret Archives, it shows rooms and bunkers in the Archive of the Popes, together with some of the 100 original documents that will leave the Vatican City for the first time in history. 12 centuries of history, 400 years of life, 85 kilometres of shelving: the world's most famous Archive reveals itself in the extraordinary halls of Rome's Capitoline Museums. Conclaves, heresies, popes and emperors. Crusades, excommunications, ciphered letters. Manuscripts, codices, ancient parchments. An exceptional and once-in-a-lifetime chance to learn History through its sources. February-September 2012.
Mapas del Mundo Antiguo - 1 views
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