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ashley kate

Surrogacy Versus Adoption - The Pros and Cons - 0 views

    Surrogacy Versus Adoption - The Pros and Cons
Daily Kool

Today's Kool Idea: Miracle Blanket - Baby Swaddling Blanket - 0 views

    According to the U.S. Census Bureau, July is the most popular month to have a baby. Surprised? We're certainly not. It seems that everyone we know is pregnant these days...yep, we at The Daily Kool have been getting some major baby fever. This month has been filled with baby showers galore, and we have had the arduous task of trying to find that "perfect" gift that everyone will love. What do new parents need most? Well, sleep of course, but let's face it...we can't package sleep and wrap it in a pretty bow no matter how much we'd like to. Or can we?
ashley kate

Surrogate Motherhood: Surrogacy Vs Adoption | Surrogate Motherhood - 0 views

    Couples who oppose infertility or other social bindings, such as gays and lesbians, have options to choose for pursuing the direction of being entitled as parents- it is primarily surrogacy versus adoption.
Daily Kool

Today's Kool Idea: BirdieBall Limited Distance Golf Practice Ball - 0 views

    Golf is one of those sports that has earned much respect in The Daily Kool household over the years. There is just something about the mental and physical challenge, combined with getting out in the fresh air on a beautiful grassy course, that is both relaxing and stimulating. We admit it, though...our original motives for playing golf were not entirely pure. Yep, we used golf as a front to establish potential (and often profitable) business connections...we're so ashamed! There was only one problem...we didn't account for how hard it is to stick to the green. Oh, that darn Tiger Woods...he makes it look so easy!

KidsBeSafeOnline LLC and The Institute for Responsible Online and Cell-Phone Communicat... - 0 views

    PR: KidsBeSafeOnline LLC and are dedicated to online child safety have come together to increase education and awareness of the dangers posed by the current trends in technology. They have joined forces to proactively educate children and parents regarding the consequences of sexting, sextcast
Daily Kool

Today's Kool Idea: Party on the Go Food & Dessert Travel Caddy with 4 Inserts - 0 views

    Every year, the summer is filled with picnics, barbecues and other casual gatherings for The Daily Kool family. Most of these get-togethers are pot-luck events where everyone brings a dish for the guests to share. Needless to say, tables are always filled with a ton deviled eggs, fruit platters, sandwiches and cupcakes galore. So much for shedding those last few (okay, or forty) pounds...sigh. Since most of us tend to bring homemade items as opposed to pre-made trays, we are always looking for convenient travel caddies to hold our food.

Sexting is stupid - 0 views

    I.R.O.C.2's Program getting press in the examiner out of Newark.
Daily Kool

Today's Kool Idea: Sadie Ryan Keepsake Tiles - Imprinted Invitations - 0 views

    The Daily Kool recently received a wedding invitation for a business associate. We've been having some trouble coming up with a gift idea, though. Apparently, they've also been living together for a while, so they probably have many of the essentials. Plus, the couple hasn't registered anywhere, so we're clueless as to what they really need...sigh. Way to make it tough on your guests, guys! Sure, money is always an option, but our egos can't handle such a generic gift...we need to stand out, be remembered and yes, get kudos for our creativity. Okay, so we're a little self-absorbed.
Daily Kool

Today's Kool Idea: Energizer Light on Demand Motion Activated Light - 0 views

    Our younger son is very afraid of the dark. In fact, his anxiety is so great, he insists on being carried into the house whenever we come home at night. The lack of street lighting in our neighborhood doesn't help...neither does the fact that our kid's going through another growth spurt and is definitely not a lightweight these days. We also tend to forget to turn on the outside light, especially when we leave the house earlier in the day when the sun is still shining. This is a particular sore point with our son, especially since the darkness makes it tough to see the keyhole on the front door and get us in the house quickly.

Evelyn Green's Home and Life Tips - 0 views

    Must see Evelyn Green's new blog about home, garden and life. Read, subscribe to blog. Check out the great offers on the page for your family!
Daily Kool

Today's Kool Idea: Naterfish Best Pet - 0 views

    The Daily Kool's beloved pooch Pepper, has just turned 9 years, time is definitely flying by quickly. Though he still acts like a puppy much of the time, we have noticed that things are slowing down just a little bit for him. The vet has told us his hips are beginning to weaken, as is often common for a standard poodle of his age. Plus, we've seen the extra hesitation when he jumps in the car, on the couch, and especially on the bed...yep, it's definitely time to get Pepper a pet ramp.
Daily Kool

The Daily Kool: Today's Kool Idea: Summer Reading Programs at Your Local Library - 0 views

    The summer has been a unique challenge to finding ways to entertain the kids, especially since they are not participating in camp this year. Yes folks, The Daily Kool is doing their own family camp this time'd be amazed at how many things you can do with your kids this summer without breaking the bank. From free/$1 movies (check out Regal and AMC) to bowling (, parks to pools, there really are plenty of things to do on a budget. Summertime will be over before we know it though, and our children are already experiencing the "summer slide" syndrome...when school starts up again, many kids will be backpedaling to recapture the 3 months of learning that they have lost from the previous year. How do we encourage our children to keep their minds active during the summer?
Daily Kool

The Daily Kool: Today's Kool Idea: Windshield Wonder, As Seen On TV - 0 views

    The Daily Kool family does a lot of driving. In fact, between work, school and enrichment activities for the kids, it often seems as if we practically live in our car. By the end of the week, our poor Saturn looks like a bomb has hit it...snacks, juice boxes, papers and toys are strewn all over the place. We've seen people recoil from the shock, shake their heads in wonder or, if they're parents, simply nod in commiseration at the mess of our car....yep, it can be pretty embarrassing! So, Fridays have now become the official "car cleaning" day in our household, and everyone has a job. No one ever complains...except whoever is responsible for window cleaning. The fingerprints and dog snot (Pepper loves taking rides in the car) are not such a big deal. The windshield, however, is another matter altogether. Our car has a pretty deep slope in the front, requiring us to drum up our best contortionist skills to clean it deep down. We admit it, our flexibility is quite pathetic...thus, so are our windshields.
Daily Kool

The Daily Kool: Today's Kool Idea: SKLZ Sport-Brella Portable Sun and Weather Umbrella ... - 0 views

    The Daily Kool had a great Fourth of July holiday this past weekend. We went to our parents, had an amazing barbecue lunch (courtesy of Dad and Weber's Way to Grill), enjoyed Mom's famous pasta salad and spent the early afternoon playing games with the kids. Ah, family gotta love it. Okay, who are we kidding? Fourth of July is all about the fireworks. Our city park has a spectacular concert and fireworks event every year, and the kids spend all afternoon, anxiously waiting for it to be time to go to the show. Unfortunately, the sun is still brutally strong when the show begins, and by the time it gets dark, the evening rains inevitably come out to put a damper (couldn't resist the pun) on our fireworks fun. Sure, we have a beach umbrella that we use to ward off the elements, but it's cumbersome and doesn't provide nearly enough coverage for our family of four.
Daily Kool

Today's Kool Idea: Skechers Shape Ups Fitness Shoes - 0 views

    Okay, so we are quite a few weeks into summer vacation, and we've noticed that we're filling out our bathing suits much more than we expected. Somehow, our plans for getting into better shape have fallen by the wayside. What's going on here? Well, though we are not ones to make excuses (yeah, who are we kidding?), we do have several explanations. The kids are home, so we're finding ourselves parked at fast food restaurants more often than not (hey, we're on vacation too). It's been hotter than...well, you know. And, if we're not suffering in the blistering heat, we're getting drenched in the rain and chased by a flock of mosquitoes. Who wants to exercise outside in that? Of course, the heat naturally brings on our cravings for the sweet stuff, so the kids are eating ice cream almost every day...we can't let them eat alone now, can we? Wouldn't it be nice if we had a way to get into shape without the extra effort?
Daily Kool

The Daily Kool: Today's Kool Idea: Bamboo Fabric Bedding Sheets - 0 views

    We at The Daily Kool have a confession to make. We have been having a really hard time getting out of bed in the morning lately. Yes, we know we have kids to take care of, places to be and readers to write for. But when the alarm goes off, we find ourselves stubbornly pressing the snooze button (over and over again) and snuggling deeper in our covers. Though we are admittedly a lazy bunch by nature, this is kind of over the top...yes, even for us. It's not our fault, though...really! We have a couple of dear, dear friends who are totally responsible for our recent indolence. We won't mention names, but they know who they are. Boy, are we grateful for them!
Daily Kool

Today's Kool Idea: Carvel Ice Cream and Ice Cream Cake - 0 views

    Guess what The Daily Kool found out the other day? July is National Ice Cream Month! Apparently, President Ronald Reagan decided to help out the International Dairy Foods Association (IDFA) back in 1984 by recognizing this cool and creamy treat. How we possibly could not have known about this is beyond us...but, we would be remiss if we didn't honor President Reagan's memory by throwing ourselves wholeheartedly into the spirit of this very important holiday, right? Since the third Sunday of July is officially National Ice Cream Day, The Daily Kool will be featuring some "kool" ideas and recipes over the next week in celebration of this event. Oh yeah...we're definitely going to take advantage of this legitimate excuse to indulge in one of our sweetest obsessions!
Andy Waler

bus travel - 0 views

    Travelyaari is an online bus tickets service provider. It is the only fully online bus ticket reservation system in India. It has the largest bus ticket inventory for more than 1000 routes in India. View bus seating arrangement before you book.
Daily Kool

The Daily Kool: Today's Kool Idea: Purina Frosty Paws Frozen Ice Cream Treats for Dogs - 0 views

    Yesterday, we returned from our gluttonous trip to our local Carvel ice cream shop on a euphoric sugar high. Oh yeah...The Daily Kool family has officially kicked off our celebration of National Ice Cream Month! Needless to say, we were in a fabulous mood when we walked through our front door. Of course, so was our lovable dog, Pepper...we may have mentioned him a few hundred times or so in our previous blog posts. Well, Pepper (as usual) was beside himself with joy when we came home, wagging his tail a mile a minute to show how excited he was to see us. We're telling you, there's not much that beats the feeling of unconditional love from a furry friend. Wait a minute...did we say unconditional? Because when Pepper got closer to lick our faces (hey, he's a French poodle, after all), he literally took a giant sniff of our ice cream breath and reeled back from each of us in indignant shock. Okay, we realize we're attributing human characteristics to our dog (doesn't everybody?). But seriously, you should have seen the accusatory look on his face before he pointedly turned his doggie butt on us and walked away to pout on his bed. Yep, Pepper's big brown eyes can really bring on the guilt. No doubt about it, our dog wanted to be a part of July's National Ice Cream Month holiday.
Daily Kool

The Daily Kool: Today's Kool Idea: Chef's Choice 838 Waffle Cone Express Ice Cream Cone... - 0 views

    Nothing says summer quite like an ice cream cone. Some of our best childhood memories include strolling down the boardwalk by the beach with our parents, eating ice cream cones while watching the ocean waves crash against the shore. We could never quite understand how anyone could dishonor the sanctity of ice cream by eating it out of a cup. Good thing we've never quite grown adults, we still love our ice cream cones, even when the sticky mess drips down the side of our arms. Waffle cones help us stay a bit cleaner...not that we care much. We just love them because they are so darned yummy!
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