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Adrian Marroquin

Africa Adds to Miserable Ranks of Child Workers - New York Times - 16 views

    Stories of child laborers in Arica.
  • ...1 more comment...
    Africa adding to miserable ranks of child workers A child recounts his work pounding gravel 
    There's also a small chart showing how many workers in millions work in Africa, Latin America and Asia & the Pacific
    I like it
Melissa Chavez

Causes of Child Labour - 0 views

    Causes of Child Labor. Child Labor Statistics.
Adrian Marroquin

Africa has world's highest rate of child labour - News - Mail & Guardian Online - 10 views

    Africa has the highest rate of child labor.
    The african continent has the world's highest child labor rate 
Gerardo Navarrete

Causes of Child Labor - The Child Labor Education Project - 6 views

    The causes of child labor.
    Causes of Child Labor 
Adrian Marroquin

Documentary maker answers your questions: - The CNN Freedom Project: Ending Modern-Day ... - 0 views

  • Documentary maker answers your questions: CNN correspondent David McKenzie traveled into the heart of the Ivory Coast to investigate children working in the cocoa fields. His documentary "Chocolate's Child Slaves, premiers Friday January 20, 9 CET on CNN International. David is answering your questions from the comments section here: Martha Johnson asks “What is the motivation of this documentary?” Thanks Martha. The documentary is based on a simple premise. Ten years after chocolate companies promised to end child slavery and child labor in the cocoa plantations of West Africa, have they kept that promise? It’s about keeping them honest and holding them to their promises. We traveled into the cocoa fields to find the truth. And I think the truth is shocking and the promises have not been kept. As part of our Freedom Project initiative, CNN is investigating the scourge of modern day slavery wherever it exists
     Cocoa factories promised to end child slavery yet they haven't done so It's so sad
Adrian Marroquin

IHS Child Slave Labor News :: Diamonds Are Forever, But Not The Lives Of Child Workers - 1 views

    Child laborers work in diamond mines and die mining  

Victoria's Secret Revealed in Child Picking Burkina Faso Cotton - Bloomberg - 7 views

    Child laborers picking cotton used by Victoria's Secret.

West Africa: Stop Trafficking in Child Labor | Human Rights Watch - 3 views

    Life a a child laborer in West Africa. "Borderline slavery."
Ladarius Price

Child labour rooted in Africa's poverty - 7 views

    The causes of child labor in Africa (poverty).
     This is a page about  child labor in africa
devon painter

Child Labour in Africa - 0 views

    The world considers the issue of child labour to be a rather serious one in Sub-Saharan Africa. However, there are a set of experts in Africa who do not consider it to be serious and prefer to sweep it under their carpet in order to look into more 'serious' issues.
Bryan Cuellar

Child labor for Victoria's Secret cotton probed - New York Daily News - 0 views

    Clarisse Kambire (left), 13, and other alleged child laborers pick cotton… The U.S. government is investigating a report of forced child labor in a fair-trade cotton program that supplies material for lingerie giant Victoria's Secret. A Dec.

BBC NEWS | Africa | Child cocoa workers still 'exploited' - 5 views

    Child cocoa workers being exploited in Africa.

BBC News - Nestle 'to act over child labour in cocoa industry' - 0 views

    Child laborers in the cocoa industry.

Child labour in gold mining - 3 views

    Child labor in gold mining.

Grants: Ending Hazardous Child Labor - NGO News Africa - 3 views

    How to get involved with ending hazardous child labor.
Child Therapy

Child Therapy Works - 2 views

I have the chance of asking professional help for my kid who has been depressed for the past few weeks. We did not know what the reason was and so we asked help from NLP4Kids a reputed therapy orga...

Children kids Child therapy

started by Child Therapy on 23 Feb 12 no follow-up yet
Zara Mackey

World Vision - Child trafficking and exploitation - 0 views

    • Zara Mackey
      Take action in little ways
Ladarius Price

Victoria's Secret is Allegedly Using Child Cotton Laborers in Africa | - 0 views

    This is about victoria secrect in africa
Preston Fields

Worst Form of Child Labour - Uganda: Global March Against Child Labour - 0 views

    In 1995, there were 1,162,000 economically active children, 560,000 girls and 601,000 boys between the ages of 10-14, representing 45.31% of this age group.
ramon mendoza - 1 views

    diffrent facts of child labor in afica
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