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Rss Feed Group items tagged

william doust

Widgetbox › SocialFeed Widget: Twitter, Pownce, Vimeo & More! Widget - 0 views

    for future - getting your ning activity into a feed - that goes into a widget! check it out: it included Ning.
william doust

Widgetbox › Charity Media Relations : : Charity PR Newswire Widget - 0 views

    easy widget making platform (I have account on it). Check out this example of this charity using the platform to develop widgets to share news ;o)
william doust - 0 views

    real time visitor stats for all to use - widget
william doust

FeedBurner - 0 views

    Get the best Real simple Syndcation (RSS) provider in the universe! - feedburner. See who's subscribed (stats), setup widgets showing No. of readers - setup widgets to feed your post direct to email...and much, much more! chk it out!
william doust

Add This! Social Bookmark and Feed Button - Web2.0 Social Media Optimization - 0 views

    social bookmarking widget that does the whole lot...check it out miche it's for us ;*
william doust

outbrain - Get the widget - 0 views

    widges for blogger, typepad - star rating
william doust

Widgetbox › Make a Blidget - 0 views

    cut & paste your blogs address and make a blog widget a.k.a blidget
william doust

FuelMyBlog: Submit your blog free, add a widget, let your community vote you to the top... - 0 views

    blod directory with widgets. Embed on your blog and attract more readres. If you find better ones, please add them to the group. thanks ;o)
william doust

FEEDJIT real-time blog traffic feeds - 0 views

    live traffic map
william doust

fd's Flickr Toys: Do fun stuff with your photos - 0 views

    Flickr toys & fun bits - turn your photos in the photo service into fun things - or upload your own.
1 - 13 of 13
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