When we conceive of learner as knowmad, the traditional roles assigned to teacher and student become less relevant, necessary, and linear. The knowmad is mobile and learns with anybody, anywhere, anytime. As such, the place we now know as school may be too small and perhaps unable to contain the range of learning engagements necessary for those with nomadic tendencies. Rather, think of the extended community--one that is physical, virtual, and blended-- as potential learning spaces that our knowmadic traveler composes, accesses, participates in, abandons, and changes.
In the pre-industrial age, nomads were people that moved with their livelihood (usually animal herding) instead of settling at a single location. Industrialization forced the settlement of many nomadic peoples…
…but, something new is emerging in the 21st century: Knowmads.
A knowmad is what I term a nomadic knowledge worker -that is, a creative, imaginative, and innovative person who can work with almost anybody, anytime, and anywhere. Industrial society is giving way to knowledge and innovation work.
the necessary ingredients for a MOOC:
Knowledge or the opposite of knowledge: a question to which you don't have an answer, but that you'd like to have answered.
People to serve as facilitators.
A digital infrastructure.
There is a fascinating distributed dialogue about the nature of instructional scaffolding, the Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) and how they can be viewed in the domain of today's learning landscapes.
I am one of two coordinators for Albany State University's (Albany, GA, USA) Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP), which centers about an online writing across the curriculum program.