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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Daniel Spielmann

Daniel Spielmann

ePIstudy - 7 views

    Exploring large-scale implementations of ePf in HE/FE
Daniel Spielmann

iPads at AES - a snapshot of iPads in school - YouTube - 4 views

    • Daniel Spielmann
      Why would you not allow comments on this video - feels like someone is not up for open discussion... Maybe that's because some of the statements seem quite naive. So students can learn faster with apps - what about learning depth and quality - any findings about that?
    • Daniel Spielmann
      I think it's about time for people to stop talking about the iPad and start talking about tablet PCs instead. So the iPad is "unquestionably great" for learning and they come up with that conclusion after two months of using the device in class. Hm. Can't help but think this all sounds more like an ad for Apple than anything else.
Daniel Spielmann

Rhizomatic Education : Community as Curriculum » Dave's Educational Blog - 2 views

    • Daniel Spielmann
      True, this reminds me of the recent discussion about the role of academic publishers...
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