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Jill Bergeron

(Rethinking) Makerspaces - @joycevalenza NeverEndingSearch - 0 views

  • A Makerspace is not a one-size-fits-all kind of space.
  • What are teachers already doing? What is already there, and how can we add to and augment it?
  • When students have to spend all their time fulfilling an external agenda, they don’t have a chance to learn how to create their own agenda. Teaching kids only what adults think they need to know can take up all the time kids need to explore what it is that they care about.
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  • Makerspaces in schools should connect to student’s authentic interests, or the experiences children have had.
  • But in the process of following their own interests, they’re going to develop a lot of other skills.
  • School does some things well, but what I love about the library is that when I enter, I set the agenda.
  • I am excited about Making in schools — it can be really great.  But if the agenda for what needs to be Made is coming from outside the Maker, then that could be problematic.
    How to think about making especially in terms of a library.
Jill Bergeron

Make the Most of the Maker Movement | Edutopia - 0 views

  • To realize the opportunity that the maker movement offers education, students need room for self-directed learning and interdisciplinary problem solving.
  • While setting up spaces for hands-on tinkering, schools also need to make mental space for creativity, risk taking, and learning from failure. Those qualities are central to maker culture, but still rare in too many school settings.
  • More important than gaining access to expensive tools is learning how to turn raw ideas into prototypes that can be tested, refined, and improved through feedback.
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  • Students who gravitate toward an engineering or STEM approach to problem solving may get fresh ideas from watching artists work out solutions (and visa versa). Collaboration is more likely to happen when thinking and tinkering take place in the open.
  • If you're interested in seeing a school makerspace in action, check out this curated list from Bob Pearlman
  • Encourage students to tell the stories behind their ideas and describe the process that took them from inspiration to finished product.
  • parents team up with their children for monthly Maker Saturdays.
  • Maker Education Initiative maintains a resource library, including sample projects.
    Resources about in this article which emphasizes skills over stuff when it comes to making.
Gayle Cole

PDF.js viewer - 0 views

    from Matt
Jill Bergeron

Maker Ed: Projects & Learning Approaches - 0 views

    Maker Ed has sourced project ideas from schools, clubs, nonprofits and independent websites.
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