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Lee Vander Loop

Fetal Hope Foundation: fetal development, fetal distress and fetal syndromes. : - 0 views

    The Fetal Hope Foundation's mission is to provide support, provide information, fund research, increase awareness and be an outlet for leading medical information pertaining to fetal distresses and syndromes. We are all about arming families and healthcare providers with information and helping to save babies' lives
Lee Vander Loop

Effects of ethanol on the development of circadia... [Nihon Arukoru Yakubutsu Igakkai Z... - 0 views

    PubMed - Effects of ethanol on the development of circadian time keeping system - Abstract: Ethanol exposure during gestation can have devastating consequences on the developing organism. Children who have a history of prenatally exposure to ethanol may show morphological and functional alterations, referred to as fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD). Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS), which is characterized by pre- and postnatal growth deficiency, specific cranial/facial features, and dysfunction of central nervous system, is the most severe end of FASD
Lee Vander Loop

Center for Developmental Biology & Perinatal Medicine (CDBPM) - 0 views

    NICHD Center for Developmental Biology & Perinatal Medicine (CDBPM). The CDBPM supports scientists who are advancing fundamental and clinical knowledge about maternal health and problems of child development, including preterm labor and birth, intellectual and developmental disabilities, congenital and genetic disorders, fetal growth restriction, and other conditions. The Center and its programs aim to maximize human development, prevent diseases and disorders, and improve diagnoses, therapy, and clinical care.
Lee Vander Loop

Pittsburgh Development Center - 0 views

    Pittsburgh Development Center of Magee-Womens Research Institute explores the molecular biology of cell function-- in gametes, embryos, stem cells, maternal/fetal efficacy of assisted reproduction technologies, the origins of developmental diseases, the causes and prevention of adverse pregnancy outcomes and the potential of stem cells for treating human disease
Lee Vander Loop

Isolated Mild Fetal Ventriculomegaly and Neurodevelopmental Outcome - 0 views

    Study to assess the development and neurological status of all children who were diagnosed as "mild ventriculomegaly" during the pregnancy in the last 6 years and to prospectively follow up all the children who will be diagnosed from the beginning of the study on for 6 years.
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