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Online Diagram & Flowchart Software - Collaboration Tool | LucidChart - 1 views

    LucidChart is the missing link in online productivity suites. LucidChart allows users to create, collaborate on, and publish attractive flowcharts and other diagrams from a web browser. To accomplish this, it adheres to the following design ideals: The interface must be clean and intuitive to serve as a solution for experienced diagrammers and new users alike. Collaboration must be easy to set up and easy to use. Users should never be locked out of a document, or kept from editing it, just because another user is currently working on it. The experience will be the same across different browsers and devices without using plugins (i.e., Flash) by building on HTML5 and other web standards. Publishing to PDF or other image formats must be easy and robust.
et musiced

Portraits of Practice - 0 views

    Welcome to Portraits of Practice: Construction Zones for Musical Understanding. The purpose of this site is to share with others my work, as a music teacher, that is grounded in constructivist theory of learning. Visit The Journey, a collection of experiences and moments of discovery that have informed my beliefs about teaching and learning. Explore Project Design, a collection of ideas that can be put into practice to create a holistic and constructive learning environment for musical understanding. Observe Frameworks that are used to scaffold learning. Look in on Portraits to view project designs and artifacts., watch students realizing their musical knowledge and skill as they engage in collaborative problem-solving. Visit the Archive to view classroom documents and students involved in collaborative problem-solving. Learn More about the theory and research that supports and validates constructive learning experiences for students in our classrooms. Phil Greco Music Teacher Farmingdale Public Schools Farmingdale, NY
et musiced

Using Google Docs in the clas... - 0 views

    A resource for educators that addresses collaborative writing using google docs.
et musiced

KWL - 0 views

    " Recently, an instructional technique known as K-W-L, created by Ogle (1986) was introduced into classrooms. Teachers activate students' prior knowledge by asking them what they already Know; then students (collaborating as a classroom unit or within small groups) set goals specifying what they Want to learn; and after reading students discuss what they have Learned. Students apply higher-order thinking strategies which help them construct meaning from what they read and help them monitor their progress toward their goals. A worksheet is given to every student that includes columns for each of these activities. "
et musiced - 0 views

    Welcome to the portal page of the International Music Score Library Project (IMSLP)! We at the IMSLP believe that music should be something that is easily accessible for everyone. For this purpose we have created a music library to provide music scores free of charge to anyone with internet access, with several other projects in planning. IMSLP is also entirely collaborative, and all contributions are greatly welcome.
et musiced

edchat / FrontPage - 0 views

    "The purpose of this site is to convert the inspiring and thought-provoking discussion from the weekly Twitter #edchat into real change. criar site elevadores joomla barra funda itaquera hospedagem joomla hospedagem Open, collaborative, focused discussion can open and expand minds. But let's not stop there- let's harness this wisdom of the many to crowdsource possible solutions to some of the major issues that are uncovered..."
et musiced

About Us » Water Music - 0 views

    The Vermont non-profit Water Music. Inc. is an international collaboration of musicians, artists, educators, environmentalists and activists who inspire others to viscerally connect with and practically support water-awareness, water-protection and water-education efforts in their communities and countries. Through the arts, music, the humanities, hands-on educational experiences and other presentations and information, the project increases awareness about the importance of water, underscores the threats water is facing worldwide and raises revenue that is used around the world for the protection and healing of this fragile, essential resource.
et musiced

Cacoo - Create diagrams online Real time collaboration - 0 views

    Cacoo is a diagram creation tool that runs in your web browser. Multiple people can work together on the same diagram in real time. Diagrams can be published directly to websites, wikis, and blogs.
et musiced

Team WhiteBoarding with Twiddla - Painless Team Collaboration for the Web - 0 views

    Mark up websites, graphics, and photos, or start brainstorming on a blank canvas. Browse the web with your friends or make that conference call more productive than ever. No plug-ins, downloads, or firewall voodoo - it's all here, ready to go when you are. Browser-agnostic, user-friendly. Currently free for educational use
et musiced

A Constructivist View of Music Education: Perspectives for Deep Learning - 0 views

    Article in General Music Today "The article analyzes a constructivist view of music education. A constructivist music classroom exemplifies deep learning when students formulate questions, acquire new knowledge by developing and implementing plans for investigating these questions, and reflect on the results. A context for deep learning requires that teachers and students work together to develop collaborative learning communities that all perceive as safe and supportive. ( 
et musiced

TodaysMeet - 0 views

    TodaysMeet helps you embrace the backchannel and connect with your audience in realtime. Encourage the room to use the live stream to make comments, ask questions, and use that feedback to tailor your presentation, sharpen your points, and address audience needs.
et musiced

DocumentCloud - 0 views

    DocumentCloud runs every document you upload through OpenCalais, giving you access to extensive information about the people, places and organizations mentioned in each. Annotate documents to highlight key passages. Use public notes to compose annotations that will be part of your published reporting, and private notes to organize your own thoughts. Every note has a unique URL, so you can point readers right to the passage you want to highlight.
et musiced

The Tech Curve: Managing Google Docs in the Classroom - 0 views

    Guide for managing google docs in the classroom
et musiced

Holding private Google+ Hangouts - 0 views

    Step by step instructions for holding a private google+ hangout video chat
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