Miguel Rodriguez on 07 Nov 09Genre Summary This website talks about genre in movies, but some of the explanations he gives are helpful for understanding genre. It also makes it easier to understand genre when you compare it in something easy and visual like movies. The definition of genre is a way of putting text into categories that share similar characteristics. It describes what makes up a genre which is situations and locations story and plots, characters and themes and values. These are known as generic signifers. How/why useful .This website is useful because its purpose is to help you understand genre. It has activites you can do to help you identify it easier. It has examples of the different types of genres there are and it matches them to famous movies. Overall, it makes it simple to understand genre by the use of movies. How/why credible This website is credible because it allows you to become a member of the site so that you can learn more. It properly lists titles by italicizing the titles. And it breaks down the elements of genre in an orderly fashion. Citation Jeremy Orlebar. (Thursday September 24, 2009). MediaEdu-resources-understanding, genre. In Understanding Genre. Retrieved November 7, 2009, from,