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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Miguel Rodriguez


modality - Definition from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary - 0 views

    Modality Summary This is about as close as I can come to finding a website that describes modality. I chose to use this online dictionary because all of the other websites I tried completely confused me and led me down a path of frustration. Modality means, according to this online dictionary, "The quality or state of being modal" which translates to me as something physical being used for a purpose. That is as close as I can get to the description of the term "modality" How/why useful This website is useful because it is a dictionary. Any word you don't understand you can look it up. It is also useful because it separates the definitions by category and gives examples that help understand the definition. How/why credible This website is credible because it is a dictionary and most of the time you resort to a dictionary for reference. It is also a well known dictionary making this a very credible website to use for this assignment. Citation Modality. (2009). In Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary. Retrieved November 10, 2009, from

uw-madison writing center writer's handbook - 0 views

    The Rhetorical Situation Summary I understand that this website does not define "goal" in our list of rhetorical terms but I believe that "goal" is the combination of these other two terms, a thesis and a purpose. This website describes a thesis statement as being a sense of direction for the paper. This means that you are informing the reader what direction you are going with the paper and sums up the conclusions you have come up with. It also describes the purpose statement as being very similar to thesis statement with the exception that a purpose statement does not specifically give the idea of the conclusions the author has. I believe that both of these terms accurately define "goal" in our list of rhetorical terms. How/why useful .This website is very useful because it defines both terms in simple language easy enough for me to understand. I found the examples that were given very useful and definitely helped understand the meanings of the two terms. The reason is that the website gives both good and bad examples, which make it easier to relate to my own experiences. How/why credible This website is credible because it is a .edu website. I think this is also a university website. Another thing that makes this site more credible is that is has links that redirect you to other helpful sources. Citation UW-Madison Writing Center. (Last updated: Friday, October 23, 2009 ). UW-Madison Writing Center. In Thesis and Purpose Statements. Retrieved November 10, 2009, from

Basic Questions for Rhetorical Analysis - 0 views

    The Rhetorical Situation Summary I found this website that helps me understand the analysis of the rhetorical situation a little bit better. I chose it because it seems to best fit the situations that we come across when doing homework. This website is basically answering a question with questions but what I understood from it is what follows. This website describes the rhetorical situation as an event that gives way to a need or opportunity to persuade. The rhetorical situation analysis is composed of a few elements for example author, purpose, audience, and genre. How/why useful This website is very useful because of the format it is in. You can use this website as a reference or a self checklist when analyzing a rhetorical situation. The way in which the order of the questions is set up, gives it the format of a checklist. It is easy to find what you are looking for because all the topics are in bold print and there is not a lot of text to read. How/why credible This website is credible because it is a .edu website. There is also some sort of license that pertains to that persons work, which is something I don't know about. All the information provided is intended to help someone because it is setup as a checklist. Citation Silva Rhetoricae. (page update: Feb. 26, 2007 ). Silva Rhetoricae. In Basic Questionsfor Rhetorical Analysis . Retrieved November 9, 2009, from

How to Provide Context When Writing - 0 views

    Context Summary This website is about providing context in writing. It states that not a lot of writers realize or understand that context in reality is not just meant to quickly grab the attention of the reader, or as the author of the article describes it, "a lead-in to the meat of the text." It means answering all the questions the reader may have. Context informs the reader whether the text is in their best interest to read. Some of the questions the reader may have are, "is this something that fits my aptitude?" and "What was the exigency for this piece?". According to the article, good context is achieved after you have completed a first draft. How/why useful I found this website and article to be very useful because it provided a definition in the form of a question. I found it easier to understand by putting myself in the position of the reader because the questions that are mentioned are the typical questions a reader would ask. Another thing that I found useful about this website is that at the bottom of the page it provides completed citations for you to use. These include MLA style, APA style and Chicago style. How/why credible This website is credible because the purpose of this website is to provide articles that can be revised and rated depending on the level of usefulness. It is in essay format and does not provide links about examples of context. The website does allow you to become a member and become a contributor. It also provides links to other related articles and has a search function. Citation Sumerset, J. (2009, October 15).In How to Provide Context When Writing. Retrieved November 8, 2009, from¬to-¬Provide-¬Context-¬When-¬Writing&id=3096277

In Writing, What is an Audience? - 0 views

    Audience Summary This website talks about Audience in writing. When writing a paper it is important to remember who your targeted reader is because that is your audience. There are important things to keep in mind about your audience, like whether or not they have knowledge about what you are writing. Another thing is the choice of vocabulary. According to this website writers should express themselves with clear and simple language. The use of fancy wording or over thought sentences usually does not impress the targeted audience, with the exception of educated scholars an such, and sometimes it has the opposite effect. How/why useful This website is useful because the explanations are clear and understandable. This article is short but it does answer most of the questions that might arise about what the audience is. This websites targeted audience is most likely students and less experienced writers. The examples that are given are easy to relate to and understand. How/why credible This website is credible because the definitions that are given are backed up by understandable examples. It is in an essay format but still has paragraphs that separate key points about the description of audience. It gives two different forms of examples that broaden the audience of the article, an example of impressing a teacher or peer and a example of impressing an employer. One thing that decreased the credibility of the website is the advertising that cuts between the actual essay. Citation Tricia Ellis-Christensen. (copyright © 2003 - 2009). Wisegeek. In In Writing, What is an' Audience?. Retrieved November 8, 2009, from
1More - 0 views

    Author Summary This website is about the Rhetorical situation. It provides a description of Author. According to the website, the author is directly affected by all the other elements of the rhetorical situation. An author is someone or some people, responsible for a certain presentation of communication. That person is unbiased and has a reason or purpose for the text. Other topics discussed in the website are purpose, context, topic and audience. How/why useful This website is very useful because it provides detailed examples for each of the elements that make up the Rhetorical Situation. It is very easy to navigate the website because it provides links that direct you to a description of the selected topic. Other links on this website lead you to tips or questions about the topic, analysis and definition. The examples provided also vary. You can choose from a work related example, school related, and home related. How/why credible (Any other time I would not use a website like this because it has no visible title or author.) This website is credible because my teacher was the creator. Also because it is a .edu website. Other things that contribute to the credibility of the website are, the simplicity of switching from topic to topic, the various different examples given, and it has no flashing pictures of bears. Citation Shelly Rodriguo. (n.d.). No title. In Retrieved November 7, 2009, from

English 472, Fall 2005 (Exigency) - 0 views

    Exigency Summary This website talks about the Exigency. "an imperfection marked by urgency; it is a defect, an obstacle, something waiting to be done, a thing which is other than it should be." This is a quote describing exigency from the book, Rhetorical Situation, by Lloyd Bitzer. Exigence is one of the three components that make up the "rhetorical situation". In other words exigency is and event that causes the need for rhetor. How/why useful This website is helpful because it also talks about the Rhetorical situation, audience, and constraints. It is useful because it provides references to a book which make it more credible. It is useful because everything is organized. How/why credible This website is credible because it is a .edu website. It also has quotes that refer to a book called Rhetorical Situation by Lloyd Bitzer. The way the topics are organized also make this site more credible. Citation (Copyright Fall 2005). English 472: Rhetorical Studies, Fall 2005.' In The Rhetorical Situation. Retrieved November 7, 2009, from'

Proofreading Your Writing - The OWL at Purdue - 0 views

    Proofreading Strategies Summary This website is about proofreading strategies. Everyone has their own way of proofreading but according to this website, there are some general guidelines or strategies to proofreading with more effectiveness. Some of these strategies are Taking a break, giving yourself enough time, Reading aloud, Role palying and getting others involved. On top of these strategies there are more individual strategies you can practice that would help. Some of these strategies are Finding out your common errors, Learning how to fix those errors, and choosing specifific strategies like the ones stated earlier. How/why useful This website is useful because it is easy to understand. It also provides links that strengthen the topic of the website. The information is well organized and uses lists. How/why credible This website is credible because it is a .edu website. It provides links that are related to the topic and has a Navigation toolbar to other topics related to writing. Citation Purdue OWL. (Last edited by Allen Brizee on May 5th 2009 ). The OWL at Purdue. In' Proofreading Your Writing. Retrieved November 7, 2009, from'

Editing Strategies - 0 views

    Editing Strategies Summary This website is about editing strategies. It says that a good way to edit a paper is by taking steps. It seems like a long process but it is also a very good way to do it and definitely seems worthwhile. The steps basically mean that you should start big and work yourself down to every detail. Some of the steps are Think about your targeted audience, Starting with sentences, Consider words, checking grammatical detail, and punctuation and spelling. How/why useful This website is very useful because it clearly states the process of editing. It also provides links that deviate to a specific step and define that step. It is very easy to navigate the website because of the links and it also has a sample paragraph that you can try the steps on so that you get a better understanding of the process. How/why credible This website is credible because it is a .edu website. It also provides clear definitions and has links available. Citation Kate Kiefer, Luann Barnes, Mike Palmquist. (Copyright © 1993-2009 ). Writing guides:' editing. In Editing Strategies. Retrieved November 7, 2009, from'
1More - 0 views

    Genre Summary This website talks about genre in movies, but some of the explanations he gives are helpful for understanding genre. It also makes it easier to understand genre when you compare it in something easy and visual like movies. The definition of genre is a way of putting text into categories that share similar characteristics. It describes what makes up a genre which is situations and locations story and plots, characters and themes and values. These are known as generic signifers. How/why useful .This website is useful because its purpose is to help you understand genre. It has activites you can do to help you identify it easier. It has examples of the different types of genres there are and it matches them to famous movies. Overall, it makes it simple to understand genre by the use of movies. How/why credible This website is credible because it allows you to become a member of the site so that you can learn more. It properly lists titles by italicizing the titles. And it breaks down the elements of genre in an orderly fashion. Citation Jeremy Orlebar. (Thursday September 24, 2009). MediaEdu-resources-understanding, genre. In Understanding Genre. Retrieved November 7, 2009, from,

Special Connections - 0 views

    Revising Strategies Summary This website is targeted at teachers. This website can help teachers with ways on teaching some revising strategies. Revising strategies can aid a student when criticizing and improving another peers work. Some of these strategies can help form a checklist from which the reviser can check off. Overall the website is meant to give tips and guides on teaching these strategies to the students. How/why helpful This website is very helpful because it provides questions as headlines, which just makes it easy to find what you are looking for. It also gives a description of everything covered and most importantly it provides links to forms you can print. It has a list of the topics on top which are links, this helps when you are only looking for one thing. How/why credible This website is credible because it is a .edu website. This website is meant for teachers, because it specifies it and it gives tips on teaching. It also lets you create a profile so that you can access more information. Citation server contact: . (copyright 1999-2005). special connections. In Revising Strategies. Retrieved November 5, 2009, from

Drafting Strategies - 0 views

    Drafting Strategies Summary This website is about drafting strategies. I chose this website because it is short and just feels like it covers most of my questions. It is quick and straight forward. It has positive strategies as well as bad strategies. This is helpful because sometimes you don't know when you are doing these things. How/why helpful This website is helpful because it points out the simple, but important things. It is a quick reference for people that are watching how much time they have. (most people who are in a rush at the last minute!) How/why credible It is credible because it is a .edu website. I believe it is also a website for a college. Again, it is short and gets to the point. Citation Marie Boyko, Senior Instructor. (n.d.). Drafting: Best Strategies. In Drafting Strategies. Retrieved November 5, 2009, from

Library Research Strategy - 0 views

    Research Strategies Summary This website is very helpful with research strategies. It talks about what research means. Research is about finding ideas and adding your own input. It is about finding information that helps you with your topic. It is important to get into focus and understand that there are strategies you can use for research. How/why helpful This website is very helpful because it describes how to effectively research to complete a term paper. It has everything organized and it is easy to navigate the site. How/why credible This website is credible because it is a .edu website. It has a lot of information and it provides graphs to better understand the material. It is also credible because it advises against copying and pasting. Citation Araby Greene. (Fall 1998, updated 22 April 2002). Library Research Strategy. In, Developing a Library Research Strategy. Retrieved November 5, 2009, from,

How to Conduct 360 Evaluations | - 0 views

    360 Evaluations #3 Summary- This website provides a step by step procedure on how effectively perform a 360 evaluation. This evaluation provides feedback from their immediate peers and subordinates. It tells you what kind of questions should be in the evaluation form you will hand out. It also lets you know that this is an anonymous form and that they should be honest and open minded. After collecting the information you should compile it into something that the employee can understand. You should point out the strong points and the areas that need improvement. It also says that you should discuss the differences in opinions between managers and employees and why they think they differ.

360 Performance Evaluations | Easy to use tools - 0 views

    360 Evaluations #2 Summary- This website provides some details of how well their 360 evaluation works. It provides details about the eight fields that a manager is evaluated. This website provides a good description of what a managers evaluation would look like. It talks about how the process works and the things the reviewers should have in mind while completing these online evaluation forms. Then, it describes how they use an arrangement of colored graphs and charts to make it easy to understand points of improvement.

What is 360 Degree Feedback ? - 0 views

    360 Evaluations Summary- A 360 evaluation is a form filled out by a group of eight to twelve people consisting of collogues, managers, and yourself. Everyone fills out the same form which asks a variety of questions that deal with the workplace. After the forms are filled the person being evaluated receives anonymous feedback from the forms filled out. The purpose is to provide a better understanding of an individuals strengths and weaknesses.

Pre-Writing Strategies Online Tutorial - 0 views

    Prewriting Strategies Summary- This website has all the elements necessary to understand the prewriting process. It provides many useful links that define the all the steps that make up the prewriting process. The strategies that are provided in the website are unconscious strategies, conscious strategies, and strategies for productive reading and research. How/why useful- This website is very useful because everything is organized. It provides links for all the steps mentioned which then describe in much detail the topic that was selected. It doesn't just have a list of links; it gives a brief description of the topic to give you an idea about what the link will be talking about. How/why credible- This website is credible because it is a website for York University. It has many useful links and provides lots of graphic aids. It also provides a side bar that covers all of the information related to the prewriting process. Citation- York University. (March 10, 2009). In Pre-Writing Strategies. Retrieved November 1, 2009, from

For Students: Peer Essay Editing and Proofreading - 0 views

    Peer Editing\nSummary\nThis website talks about how to effectively edit a persons essay or work. It talks about how important it is peer edit, because it teaches a person to criticize, which helps when correcting your own paper. It also describes how Peer editing is when a peer rvises a draft of the essay and looks for things that might be out of place. Some examples are punctuation, spelling, and complete sentences. It also provides a checklist that you can use to effectively edit a paper.\nHow/why useful\nThis is a useful website because it takes the time to explain what peer editing is. It also helps as a reference for those who know what it is. It is also helpful because it provides a list of things to look for so that you can correctly peer edit a paper.\nHow/why credible\nI believe this website is credible because it also provides help for many other things such as admission essays, term papers, research papers and book reports. The website fully describes what peer editing means. \n

Strategies for Developing Listening Skills - 0 views

    Listening and reading strategies Summary- Listening strategies-This website has a lot of information about listening strategies. It defines listening strategies as techniques or activities that help a reader understand what they are hearing. It also talks about Top-down strategies and Bottom-up strategies. It also mentions that metacognitive strategies help plan, monitor, and evaluate what is listened. Summary-Reading strategies- This website provides five strategies to improve the reading experience. These strategies can help read more effectively and gain confidence in reading. The strategies described are previewing, predicting, skimming, guessing from context and paraphrasing. This website also provides tips on how instructors can help teach when and how to use these important strategies. This website overall is full of tips to better listening and writing skills. How/why useful- This is a useful website because it fully explains the strategies used in listening and writing. It uses letters in bold to point out an important topic and italicizes important terms. It is fairly to quote from the information provided and best of all it provides a citation in APA style which you can easily copy and paste. How/why credible- This seems to be a professional website. It was made with the college or university teacher in mind. It provides many links to other teaching topics and provides a link bar to facilitate maneuvering throughout the website. Citation- National Capital Language Resource Center (NCLRC). (n.d.). The essentials of language teaching. Retrieved April 23, 2007 from

Strategies for Developing Reading Skills - 0 views

    Listening and reading strategies Summary- Listening strategies-This website has a lot of information about listening strategies. It defines listening strategies as techniques or activities that help a reader understand what they are hearing. It also talks about Top-down strategies and Bottom-up strategies. It also mentions that metacognitive strategies help plan, monitor, and evaluate what is listened. Summary-Reading strategies- This website provides five strategies to improve the reading experience. These strategies can help read more effectively and gain confidence in reading. The strategies described are previewing, predicting, skimming, guessing from context and paraphrasing. This website also provides tips on how instructors can help teach when and how to use these important strategies. This website overall is full of tips to better listening and writing skills. How/why useful- This is a useful website because it fully explains the strategies used in listening and writing. It uses letters in bold to point out an important topic and italicizes important terms. It is fairly to quote from the information provided and best of all it provides a citation in APA style which you can easily copy and paste. How/why credible- This seems to be a professional website. It was made with the college or university teacher in mind. It provides many links to other teaching topics and provides a link bar to facilitate maneuvering throughout the website. Citation- National Capital Language Resource Center (NCLRC). (n.d.). The essentials of language teaching. Retrieved April 23, 2007 from
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