Pixer.us is a simple and straight tool for image editing quickly. It doesn't require signup. It has all the basic tools as crop rotate flip resize with color fix and resize. A positive feature is that it allows unlimited undo.
It is among one of the best option for photo editing. It has all the basic features and in addition many of the advanced tools. It enables simple animations that most of the online tools don't offer. Other features which makes Fotoflexer to stand out is that it has 25 filters and it can flatten images.
Previously known as Fauxto, Splashup is also a free online tool for enhancing the photos. It is browser friendly and supports various photosharing services as Picasa, Flickr, and Facebook. Splashup has a built up of various photo editing tools such as lasso, blur, brush fill, crop, etc. Multiple windows are allowed which gives it an edge above the rest. Beside, also provides us Splashup Light - a free offline photo editor, works perfectly on our desktop as well as on your mobile PCs.
You have two version choices when use this free online picture editor: Flash & HTML. This is very easy-to-use tool, just select your photo then choose the modifications to apply; although it's still in Beta version you can still choose up to 5 imaging processing functions and 12 special image effects. Wondering what are the good points of this tool? It supports all popular picture file formats (JPG, TIFF, NPG, GIF, BMP, TGA, …) and camera RAW formats (CRW, NEF, RAF, CR2, DNG, …), more than 400 formats supported. That's so powerful imaging solution!
Emerging Technologies for Online Learning Symposium, a joint Symposium of Sloan Consortium and MERLOT with MoodleMoot, is designed to bring together individuals interested in the technological aspects of online learning. The symposium, focusing on the technologies that drive online learning effectiveness, will continue to highlight research, applications, and best practices of important emerging technological tools.
Experts, intermediate users and novices are welcome to participate in Symposium activities that will include face-to-face and virtual components.
Symposium tracks highlight and demonstrate research, application and best practices of important emerging technological tools related to social networking, assessment, open educational resources, new media and support services.
The Symposium is brought to you by the partnership of the Sloan Consortium, MERLOT, and MoodleMoot.
Mixed ink: a collaborative writing tool that touts itself as a "fun, democratic, and elegant way for people to weave their ideas together" Their service is free.