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3 Digital Tools for Helping Students Gain Perspective on Immigration | MindShift | KQED... - 5 views

  • For young people without a personal connection to an immigration story, these websites, games, multimedia news pieces, and more, can help put a human face on an abstract debate.
  • For students with first-hand knowledge of the immigrant experience, they can find validation of their stories and/or those of their friends and family.
  • they can help students step back for a big-picture, historical perspective on U.S. immigration
  • ...8 more annotations...
    • ismaelfranqui
      The foreign born population map information says, "The culture and politics of the US have always been profoundly shaped by the material and emotional ties many of its residents have had to the places where they were born".
  • analyze migration patterns for the whole country over time
    • ismaelfranqui
      This one is amazing and must be fully explored. "Illuminating, up-close-and-personal visit to the U.S.-Mexico border".
  • This unique interactive resource can be a valuable supplement to a lesson or unit about U.S. immigration.
  • an illuminating, intimate visit to the U.S.-Mexico border
  • Teachers can use Borderland for whole-class discussion and exploration, or give students time to experience these powerful stories on their own.
    • ismaelfranqui
      Not free (9.99) but sounds like an amazing learning experience.
  • Players approve or deny someone entry to a fictional country, basing their decisions on an ever-increasing number of virtual documents they must read and analyze.
    "You have no idea what people will do to reach the United States - until you hear their stories". (From reviewed tool NPR Borderline Stories)
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