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Graham Perrin

BBC News - Project Canvas given green light by BBC Trust - 1 views

  • 22 December 2009
  • Project Canvas given green light by BBC Trust
  • on-demand TV services such as iPlayer and ITVplayer
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • Set-top boxes, expected to cost around £200
  • available next year
  • The Trust has imposed the following conditions
  • core technical specification must be published well in advance
  • accessible without a subscription
  • Project Kangaroo, was stopped
  • The success of Project Canvas could be jeopardised by the increasing number of internet-ready TVs
  • 20% of flat-screen TVs shipped in Europe next year will have internet connectivity
Graham Perrin

TalkTalk Press Centre: News & Press Releases: Channel 4 and TalkTalk sign-up to Project... - 0 views

  • Channel 4 and TalkTalk sign-up to Project Canvas
  • December 16th, 2009
  • This press release has been issued by Channel 4 and TalkTalk Group
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • Mark Schmid, TalkTalk – 07515 034676,
  • Gill Pritchard, Director of Strategy, Channel 4
  • Max Alexander, Senior Director, TV at TalkTalk
  • Project Canvas project director Richard Halton
Graham Perrin

Electronics giants raise ruckus over Project Canvas * The Register - 0 views

  • members include Sony, Panasonic, Samsung, Toshiba and Pace
  • Intellect Technology Association
  • a free, open and universal standard
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • acting on the public's behalf
  • play content from multiple producers on a device or player
  • Internet videos on their current TV sets
    Page 1 of 2.
    A thought-provoking two-page article.
Graham Perrin

Canvas Timeline: Verdict Expected By Year's End | paidContent:UK - 0 views

  • Canvas Timeline: Verdict Expected By Year’s End
  • The BBC Trust tells paidContent:UK
  • hopes to publish its provisional conclusion on Project Canvas
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • Robert Andrews
  • Nov 25, 2009
  • That conclusion will then go out for still more industry consultation
  • potential to unify
  • disparate TV pull-VOD solutions
  • Sky and Virgin Media (NSDQ: VMED), are skeptical
  • invited to place their content on the platform together and offered capabilities
  • Sky and Virgin opposition now carries with it a very real chance the trust could rule Canvas out
    • Graham Perrin
      I hope not!
  • the trust could take the bold view that harmonising all these services would be both beneficial and innovative
Graham Perrin

BBC says Project Canvas could be delayed until 2011 - Telegraph - 0 views

  • BBC says Project Canvas could be delayed until 2011
  • 25 Nov 2009
  • unless the BBC Trust makes a ruling on Project Canvas soon, the roll-out of the video on demand technology will be delayed
  • ...12 more annotations...
  • could bring on-demand programming to Freeview and Freesat
  • unlikely to be rolled out until 2011
  • mired in a complicated approval process
  • delays in the consultation process
  • "My hope is that before the end of this year we will get interim conclusions from the BBC Trust. If we get those and they are pointing in the right direction – if they are positive – then I am fairly confident that it is possible to launch in 2010, although it will be towards the end of 2010. “If we do not get those, I’m afraid we will not be able to launch until 2011.”
  • £6 million over five years
  • to develop the technology needed
  • Sky has been vociferous in its criticism
  • cost of entry – an estimated £20 million – to become a partner
  • Project Canvas is expected to cost around £115 million over the first four years, including a marketing budget of just over £48 million
  • on sale by next Christmas
  • if the scheme is approved soon
Graham Perrin

Electronics giants raise ruckus over Project Canvas * The Register - 0 views

  • the technology that Project Canvas is developing is an open standard
  • open up an important piece of Internet technology
  • to develop products and services that meet the published standards
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • free to anyone who wants to use it
  • objecting CE makers have not offered up any of their technology as an open and free standard
  • ISBA told the BBC Trust that it supports Project Canvas "subject to caveats
  • Without Project Canvas the UK's creative video producers will be subject to foreign organizations
  • Page: ← Prev 1
    Page 2 of 2.
Graham Perrin

Project Canvas unofficial wiki - 0 views

  • Project Canvas wiki
  • unofficial
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • internet-connected television
  • Project Canvas is the current working name
  • combine broadcast content with broadband content
  • United Kingdom
  • a set of standards - including both technical and content standards - that once confirmed will be open to the industry
  • standards will be used to create the necessary hardware (such as set top boxes)
  • and programming content
Graham Perrin

Five signs up to Canvas - C21Media - 0 views

Graham Perrin

BBC Trust launches public consultation on proposal for internet protocol television (Pr... - 0 views

Graham Perrin

BBC steps up Project Canvas work | News | Broadcast - 0 views

Graham Perrin

BBC Trust publishes additional information on Project Canvas - 0 views

  • BBC Trust publishes additional information on Project Canvas
  • 24 July 2009
  • Timetable
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • As soon as possible following the end of the consultation on provisional conclusions.
  • Publication of a final decision by the Trust
Graham Perrin

BBC Trust assessment of Project Canvas proposals: supporting documents: Secti... - 0 views

    The agreement of the Canvas specification and industry engagement
Graham Perrin

BBC Trust assessment of Project Canvas proposals: supporting documents: Section 4: IP d... - 0 views

Graham Perrin

BBC Trust assessment of Project Canvas proposals: supporting documents: Section 5: 'Pro... - 0 views

Graham Perrin

BSkyB in fresh attack on BBC over Project Canvas | Media | - 0 views

  • BSkyB in fresh attack on BBC over Project Canvas
  • Mark Sweney
  • 24 November 2009
  • ...25 more annotations...
  • BSkyB has accused
  • renewed attack by BSkyB
    • Graham Perrin
      Bloody Rupert Murdoch and co…
  • non-public service broadcasters could become partners
  • nothing the BBC could say that is going get BskyB on board
  • accept the proposals
  • for the benefit of Licence fee payers
  • the model behind it is horribly flawed
  • threat to BSkyB (and it's SSSL gatekeeper company)
  • Sky has a stranglehold
  • satellites are fixed in their bandwidth
  • unwillingness to compete with a superior platform
  • unedifying blaming the BBC
  • Sky (as it's role as an ISP) got the BBC to ban pre-loading from the iPlayer
  • why it doesn't automatically get new episodes
  • in technical terms Project Canvas has the potential to be a very good thing
  • Moore's law operates on broadband lines
  • people are already finding other ways to access the iPlayer legally (or illegally) on a TV
  • painful to 'watch' this process
  • BSkyB's attempts to stonewall something the public clearly want is futile
  • The Trust should show some balls by greenlighting Canvas
  • truly open platform
  • Yet another attempt for SKY and the Murdoch Empire
  • hope the BBC Trust think more about the abilities of Licence Fee payers (and Taxpayers) and speed up this project
  • for the benefit of the whole population
Graham Perrin

Tumbled Logic - Official Project Canvas Website - 0 views

  • Official Project Canvas Website
  • not this. This
  • doesn’t have
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • An explanation of why agreement to adhere to the technical standards isn’t sufficient to constitute a “platform” (i.e., if the BBC adheres to DBook7 and the CE manufacturers do the same, they should be able to talk to each other—assuming the specification is sane)—and by extension why the rather costly and controlling joint venture is required.
Graham Perrin

Homepage - - 0 views

  • Project Canvas
  • open internet-connected TV platform
  • not-for-profit
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • promote the platform
  • Canvas compliant’ devices (eg set-top boxes)
  • common technical standard
  • common, simple, user experience
  • seamless access to a range of third-party services
  • three main elements to the project
  • setting the technical standard
  • building the technical platform
  • creating the user experience
  • DTG's work to establish a standard for "connected TV devices" will be published as an industry standard (DBook 7) in early 2010
Graham Perrin

BBC Trust assessment of Project Canvas proposals: supporting documents: Section 1: Vent... - 0 views

Graham Perrin

Welcome to - BBC Internet Blog - 0 views

  • Welcome to
  • 3 December 2009
  • Richard Halton
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