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bombom keju

extreme sports, free style skiing, kitesurfing, base jumping - 0 views

    "Freeskiing is an extreme sport that requires a lot of skill and endurance. As with any extreme sport, there is a high level of danger and you need to be an expert to engage in the more difficult activities. Most of us think of skiing as the stuff we do when we go to a mountain resorts and make our way down carefully groomed slopes. Some of the black diamond slopes are certainly more challenging, but nothing really compares to the experience of freeskiing. This is far cry from the bunny slope where you first learn how to carve and stop. Back in the early 1990s, a number of extreme skiing professionals adopted the freeskiing term. Only the more adventurous athletes were involved in this daring activity. The basic concept revolves around skiing down an extremely steep mountain slope that is not groomed. That means you are heading down through trees, rocks, cliffs, and all sorts of other obstacles. These types of slopes are generally only accessible by helicopter or hiking. The general public may be skiing at a nice resort, but the extreme athletes are searching for mountain peaks."
bombom keju

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    Paul Walker Latest News Paul Walker News Peoria IL News Fox 59 News Fox News Billy Graham Paul Walker News 2013 Stonehenge New Discovery Jennifer Aniston New Hairdo Russia: Arafat's Death Not Caused by Radiation A Russian probe into the death of Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat has found that his death wasn't caused by radiation - a finding that comes after a French probe found traces of the radioactive isotope polonium and a Swiss investigation said the timeframe of his illness and death was consistent with that of polonium poisoning. Vladimir Uiba, the head of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency, said Thursday that Arafat died of natural causes and the agency had no plans to conduct further tests. Teams of scientists from France, Switzerland and Russia were asked to determine whether polonium, a rare and extremely lethal substance, played a role in Arafat's death in a French military hospital in 2004. French experts found traces of polonium but said it was "of natural environmental origin," according to Arafat's widow, Suha Arafat. Swiss scientists, meanwhile, said they found elevated traces of polonium-210 and lead, and that the timeframe of Arafat's illness and death was consistent with poisoning from ingesting polonium. "It was a natural death; there was no impact of radiation," Uiba said, according to Russian news agencies. In October, he was quoted by the Interfax news agency as saying that Arafat "could not have been poisoned by polonium" and that "traces of such a substance were not found." There was no immediate explanation as to how the three investigations could have come up with different conclusions.
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