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Is your Voice of Customer strategy helping you deliver on customer expectations? - 0 views

    Do you consider customer experience to be an integral part of your business? If so, are you rigorously listening to your customers to be able to deliver great experiences? Needless to say, the Voice of Customer is your most powerful weapon when it comes to understanding customers and their expectations. While most brands recognize this, the strategies they set in motion to gather customer opinion are nothing but ineffective and for namesake. If your organization is aiming to truly excel as a customer-centric brand and proactively meet customer expectations, Voice of Customer programs need to shoulder more purpose and also encompass the dynamics of the customer journey. We've come up with an infographic that explains what's going wrong in VOC programs and how you can set them right!

Customer Insights: The key to boost Customer Retention - 0 views

    This is a great explanation for Customer Insights since it highlights the "mutual benefit" angle of Customer Experience. Customer insights is basically actionable data that helps bridge the gap between your brand promise and the experience your customers take back home, and bridging this gap is the easiest way to make your customers loyalists, and RETAIN them!

How to inspire Consistency in your Customer Experience efforts? - 0 views

    When it comes to Customer Experience, there's usually a lot of talk around understanding customers, exceeding expectations, winning over their loyalty and so on. Such talk gets brands excited but the problem is that the excitement is short lived. The initial fervor to delivering outstanding customer experiences dies off which means companies slide back into what they were doing before. In other words, there's a lack of consistency in delivering great customer experiences. It's about grinding it out day in and day out, always placing the customer in front of you, and not everyone is willing or has the mindset to do that! So, we are going to be doing our best to up your consistency levels with the following quotes.

How Customer Complaints drive better Customer Experiences [Infographic] - 0 views

    When a customer is seen complaining about a brand, little does the brand realize that this can be a huge opportunity to understand their own business better. Most of the brands are quite far away from perceiving complaints as a stepping stone to rectify mistakes and align customer experience with what customers want. They need to realize that although complaints might sound negative and harsh, it's something worth reflecting on, something that could put you miles ahead of your competitors.

Customer Experience Lessons from Shark Tank - 0 views

    Valuation, revenue, cost of customer acquisition, inventory, venture debt, advisory shares, line of credit, equity - words you would normally associate with stuffy board rooms and golf courses, not prime time television. However, millions of people like me did not learn these words sitting with our notebooks open in MBA classrooms. We learnt them by sitting in front of the TV with popcorn watching prime time, Mark Burnett approved reality television.

5 ways in which Social Listening can fuel your CX goals | CloudCherry - 0 views

    The social landscape was, unsurprisingly, seen as a marketing platform for years. This was until the evolution of customer experience from just a concept to an organization-wide priority and the digital transformation of the modern-day customer. As a consequence, social media evolved into something more holistic. Today, the image that your business has on social platforms goes way beyond what you are selling. What matters, even more, is the communities you represent, the type of experiences you deliver, the culture that you nurture within your organization and how far you go to ensure that your employees are engaged.

Voice of the Customer program can make your Business great again - 0 views

    Consumers nowadays have a ridiculous number of options on where and how to make their purchases, which has led to them becoming pickier than ever, according to a number of studies. The factors that influence their decisions regarding who to give their business to vary significantly from one consumer to the next, but there is one common denominator among them all and that is that they want to be made to feel special. In fact, a study from Wunderman shows that most consumers want brands to prove they understand and care about them before they even consider making a purchase.
anthony page65

Silicon Valley Voices survey's to evaluates marketing strategies that are used by marke... - 1 views

    Silicon Valley Voices survey's to evaluates marketing strategies that are used by marketers, to successfully overcome obstacles posed by the ever-changing technology landscape and customer content consumption habits. Participate in one such survey on "Marketing to today's on-the-go customer" to share your opinion.
    Today's customers are using a wider range of devices to access content (emails,blogs, articles..). To what extent has technology advancements changed content consumption habits?

Data Adoption continues to drive revenue after XL, Axis Integration - 1 views

    Jakarta, Indonesia - PT XL Axiata Tbk announces its overall growth driven by Data, which is now considered as the fastest growing segment in the overall revenue of the company.
    A stunning 11% increase in revenue was reviewed to be constant year-on-year. On the last quarter of 2014, Rp 17.6trillion revenue was reported to come from Data followed by Voice and SMS with 4% growth in each service respectively. Data remains to deliver strong growth as we see continued strong demand for data in Indonesia. This has led data contribution to our total usage revenue increased from 23% in the previous year to 28% this year. Data traffic grew 136% YoY with Data subscribers reached 31.2 million users or 53% of the total base. We have seen strong growth in our data smartphone users with a penetration of 25% of our total base and reached 14.6 million users as of the last quarter of 2014.
    Extending XL's successful Internet Unlimited package, XL launched Internet Super Unlimited which aims at new Data entry users and to stimulate further Data adoption. The package offers fair usage limits and allows early data users to experience Data before they move upwards to other data offerings to suit their data behavior and needs. Bundling packages with various handsets continued to see encouraging results with higher Data usage. XL continued to offer various bundling packages to attract customers using Data services with various handsets such as Nokia Lumia, HTC One Mini, Blackberry Z3, Samsung Galaxy Trend Lite and others. XL collaborated with Facebook and Ericsson to improve data customers experience for Facebook application in several areas. This is in line with XL's commitment to deliver a consistently better Data experience for customers.
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