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Do you know that now it's possible to detect breast cancer earlier symptoms without eve... - 2 views

    Breastlight is a breast screening product for women with the help of which they can find early symptoms and more details about breast cancer awareness.

Its the breast cancer awareness month & Breastlight is with you in the fight against br... - 2 views

    Breastlight is an electronic device to find early breast cancer symptoms. It's a breast awareness device and women can use this device personally to figure out the issues.
    Breastlight is a product that allows you to see inside your breasts. It works by shining a powerful light through the breast tissue. It is completely safe and easy to use.

Breastlight: Say No To Junk Food and Save Your Breasts - 2 views

    Junk food is so popular among masses and nobody thinks about the negative impact it has on one’s health. It is the reason of many diseases such as diabetes, cardiac problems, obesity and cancer etc. We never want to have any of these diseases, but unfortunately the most common disease among women is breast cancer.

5 Useful Tips to Reduce Breast Cancer Risk - 1 views

    Diet is an important factor in increasing or decreasing the risk of breast cancer. What we eat has a strong impact on our body and health. You should eat a healthy diet because it is beneficial for overall health.

Effect of Breast Self Examination on Your Health - 1 views

    Breasts are not only the source of sensual pleasure they also provide you opportunity to have a strong bond with your baby.

Feeling Pain in Breasts? - 1 views

    Many women consider breast pain (mastalgia) as a sign of breast cancer, but in fact, this pain is not necessarily linked to a cancerous disease. It is important to know what breast pain is and how it can be eradicated so you can improve your breast awareness.

Women Are Never Too Young For Breast Cancer - 1 views

    Women are never too young to develop breast cancer as it does not recognize any limit of age. Although, the ratio of this disease is comparatively lower than in older women, still the risk is there. It is not wise to assume that you can never be affected by the disease.

How to Distinguish Normal and Abnormal Breast Changes During Pregnancy? - 1 views

    Breasts are prone to change throughout your life and you should have a good knowledge of these changes. This will help you easily identify any abnormal changes.

Go Pink - Support the Cause in October - 1 views

    Breast cancer has become a common disease in the UK and one in eight women is diagnosed with this disease in her lifetime. According to statistics, more than 49,000 cases are diagnosed each year in the UK.

Learn the Risk Factors of Breast Cancer - 1 views

    Breast cancer is a disease that has not been solved yet as its risk factor is still not confirmed. Although, some of them are determined by researchers and they are related to genetics, lifestyle, and environment.

It's Time to Be Aware - October 2011 - 1 views

    Disease is a word disliked by every human being; no one desires to have any type of disease. Some diseases are easy to cure, but some are difficult, even at times impossible.

Breastlight: Improve Your Lifestyle to Reduce Breast Cancer Risk - 1 views

    You might be amazed to know there is a strong link between your lifestyle and breast cancer. Yes, there is a strong link. The way you do several chores of life including your eating habits, physical activities and drinking has a strong impact on your overall health and breast cancer risk.

Breastlight: Engage the Youth in Breast Cancer Awareness Advocacy - 1 views

    Breast cancer has drawn the attention of everyone around the globe due to intensity of nature. It affects 1 in 8 women and the number of victims will increase in the coming years. The need of time is to spread awareness among women of all ages whether young or old.

Lets Learn About the Risk Factors of Breast Cancer - 1 views

    Life time risk of a woman developing breast cancer has increased from 5 % to 13% since 1940. The reasons are still unknown in most of these cases. There are certain risk factors that increase a person's chance of being affected by the disease.

Empower Yourself to Reduce the Risk of Breast Cancer - 1 views

    A deadly disease that puts women around the globe on higher risk is breast cancer. As the disease is intense in nature you should empower yourself to reduce the risk of being affected by the disease. Women have many options to empower themselves by different means.

Early Detection Saves a Life - 1 views

    In earlier times, lack of awareness and low level treatment methods made breast cancer a dreadful disease. A lot of myths developed and still some women believe in some breast cancer myths.

Breast Cancer and Lifestyle Factors - 1 views

    Lifestyle is one of the important breast cancer risk factors. Your lifestyle includes your diet plan, physical activity, drinking, smoking and various other activities. If you eat such food items that are unhealthy, you might have increased chances of getting breast cancer.

4 Ways to Treat Breast Cancer - 1 views

    The purpose of a breast cancer treatment is to rid your body of breast cancer and to prevent its recurrence. There are different types of breast cancer treatment depending on the type of breast cancer, its stage, the size and location of its tumor and various other factors.

Catch the Symptoms to Kill a Dreadful Ailment - 1 views

    Breast cancer is at the top of dreadful ailments so it is essential to fight it vigorously. You can fight a disease when you have extensive knowledge about it.

Make Early Detection of Breast Cancer Possible - 1 views

    BreastHealth UK has improved the breast cancer screening program by offering latest Infrared Breastscan Screening service to detect all types of breast cancer.
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