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Home/ BP Holdings Barcelona & Madrid Spain/ Contents contributed and discussions participated by mary campbridge

Contents contributed and discussions participated by mary campbridge


Washington Post BP Holdings Madrid Financial Reviews: Wal-Mart freaking ut om... - 1 views

  • "Vel, vi bare hadde en av disse ukene her på Walmart U.S. Hvor er alle kundene? Og hvor er deres penger? " På fredag, Bloomberg utgitt et par interne e-post fra Wal-Mart ledere panikk om selskapets verste salg start i sju år, "en total katastrofe," som en putte den. Execs tilskrevet lønn skatt fottur som sparket på januar 1, kutte median familiens take - home lønn ved ca $1000 i år Wal-Marts nedgangen. Så hvis du sliter med Wal-Mart, betyr det at alle andre bør bekymre? Det er to måter å se på dette. Først er at dette er en forferdelig tegn. Wal-Mart utgjør en stor del av den amerikanske økonomien-2,3 prosent av BNP i 2006-som mange analytikere ser på det som en nøkkel bellwether. Matt Stoller skrev en glimrende post i fjor på dette emnet: På grunn av sin skala og bemerkelsesverdig mengden data har selskapet faktisk mer detaljert data om økonomi enn de fleste makro-økonomiske prognosemakere. Som Fed styret guvernør Randall Kroszner sa i et møte i juni 2006, Walmart tjenestemenn "effektivt vet hva retail salg er før tallene rapporteres fordi deres salg er så høyt korrelert med generelle detaljomsetningen." Stoller kjemmet gjennom transkripsjoner av møter fra Federal Open Market Committee gjennom årene, og fant at Wal-Mart var ofte advarsel om tegn på problemer i økonomien lenge før noen andre: I 2004 begynte Walmart advarsel av høye energipriser, og at forbrukerne var "likviditet-anstrengt". Selskapet så i salgstall som forbrukerne ble stadig mer levende lønnsslipp til lønnsslipp. I 2005, selskapet begynte å bekymre deg om en "merkelige" situasjon-forbrukeren ble tappet ut, men salget og Walmart kunne ikke finne ut hvorfor. Dette var et snev av kreditt boble, men Fed ignorert det. Med andre ord, ta hensyn til Wal-Mart. De vet ofte noe resten av oss ikke. Men hvis tungsinn ikke er noe for deg, det er en annen m
    Hi..I would like to thank you for the efforts you have made in writing this post. I am hoping the same best work from you in the future as well. In fact your creative writing abilities has inspired me to start my own blog now.

BP Holdings: Beheersing van de vervaldatum voor belastingen - 1 views

    BP Holdings: Beheersing van de vervaldatum voor belastingen BP bedrijven madrid Spanje belasting verschuldigd data Als algemene regel van de duim, moet je altijd proberen om te minimaliseren uw belastingen in het lopende jaar, zelfs als daarmee middelen die u wellicht iets betalen meer belasting in de toekomst. Immers, weet niemand wat de toekomst in petto heeft. De fiscale wetgeving voortdurend veranderen, en er is een goede kans dat wat je ook denkt dat kunt u verschuldigd zijn in de toekomst anders zal zijn tegen de tijd dat je er komen. Bovendien economische omstandigheden of persoonlijke plannen kunnen wijzigen, zodat uw bedrijf misschien uitzien geheel ander zelfs een jaar op de weg. In het slechtste geval, kan je sterft onverwacht, en in sommige gevallen kunt u voorkomen dat fiscale helemaal als je sterven vóór het betalen. In grote lijnen, kunt u minimaliseren belastingen in het lopende jaar door de ontvangst van het inkomen uit te stellen zodat meer van het volgend jaar zal worden belast, en versnellende inhoudingen in het lopende jaar. Uitstel van inkomen, inhoudingen versnellen. Hieronder staan een paar specifieke BP bedrijven fiscaal Management how-to ideeën. Niet vergeten echter dat veel van deze strategieën veel gemakkelijker zijn te bereiken als u de methode contant geld voor de financiële verslaggeving. *Delay collecties - vertraging ultimo billings tot laat genoeg in het jaar dat betalingen zal niet tot het volgende jaar komen. *Delay dividenden - als u uw bedrijf als een C corporation werken, regelen voor dividenden na het einde van het jaar moet worden betaald. *Delay capital gains - als u van plan bent om te verkopen van activa die in waarde op prijs hebben gesteld, vertragen de verkoop tot volgend jaar. *Accelerate betalingen - waar mogelijk, vooraf betalen aftrekbare beroepskosten, met inbegrip van huur, rente, belastingen, verzekeringen, enz. â
    this post is very well written, you must be a really intelligent person, keep up the good work.

BP Holdings: Een andere nieuwe rol voor BP's Mike Utsler - 2 views

  • bp holdings madrid spain press releases and news articles, Another new role for BP's Mike Utsler Since the earliest days of the Gulf response, Mike Utsler has been a reassuring and critical leader for BP. Over the past two years, he's become recognized as an important "face of BP" in the Gulf. Now that face will become familiar to people throughout the US thanks to a new national TV ad that will begin airing on Monday, April 30 Since the earliest days of the Gulf response two years ago, Mike Utsler has been a reassuring and critical leader for BP - first as incident commander for BP's spill-response efforts, then as lead BP representative in the Unified Area Command, and finally as president of the Gulf Coast Restoration Organization. Those roles have made Utsler well-known across the Gulf, and by virtue of his regular visits with people in the Gulf and beyond - presenting updates on BP's progress in restoration efforts and lending a friendly ear - Utsler has earned a reputation for listening carefully and transforming feedback into action. "I've made a tremendous effort to be someone who doesn't just sit behind a desk," he says. "I've been out in the communities, on the beaches, and on the waters listening to everyone from small business owners to deckhands to legislators in order to understand their concerns and to show through my actions that BP is committed to helping to restore the Gulf. My visibility has meant that over the past two years I've become recognized as an important face of BP in the Gulf - a face that represents a team of extraordinarily committed people." Now that face will become familiar to people throughout the US, thanks to a new national TV ad that will begin airing on Monday. "The ad reflects BP's approach throughout the response - it's our actions, not just our words, that matter," he says. "The ad stresses the actions we have taken, but
    Well, the guys at school are right after all. They made me think otherwise but this part inspired me to excel and be like the writer in his logical way of thinking.

Rosneft is poised to buy BP's holdings in Russia | City & Business | - Ho... - 1 views

    "THE long-running saga of BP's troubled Russian joint venture moved closer to a conclusion last night as it held talks on a deal with state-owned oil giant Rosneft. Igor Sechin, chief executive of Rosneft, flew in to London for discussions on buying out BP's 50 per cent stake in TNK-BP in a deal that could be worth as much as £17.5billion for the FTSE 100 group. In what insiders described as "a fast-moving situation" and "a game of brinkmanship" Rosneft also looked poised to buy the remaining stake held by BP's partner, the AAR consortium controlled by a group of Russian billionaires. After years of friction between the two sides, both BP and AAR this year signalled they could sell out of the partnership or seek full control. In a dramatic move last night AAR pulled out of the bidding to buy BP's stake just hours before today's deadline. That paves the way for Rosneft to buy out both BP and AAR to gain control of the highly profitable TNK-BP business and create the world's largest oil company. BP has made it clear that it retains ambitions to remain in Russia and to expand in the Arctic As part of the deal BP is expected to take a 10 per cent stake in the enlarged Russian business, giving it access to one of the world's most important oil-producing countries. AAR sources said the tycoons had decided not to bid because they had been unable to raise sufficient finance in time and BP had signalled it was not interested in their offer. Another major problem for AAR is that Rosneft had already secured backing from a number of key banks who were unable to work with a rival bidder. An alliance between the oligarchs and the Kremlin-backed company has always been seen as unlikely and AAR made it clear that it would seek to sell its holding if Rosneft came on board. SEARCH CITY & BUSINESS for: Although TNK-BP has been very lucrative, generating £23billion in dividends after an initial investment of £5billion each in 2003, the two partners have always had a sto
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