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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Evan Carter


BP og Shell raidet i Europakommisjonen pris-rigg-forespørselen - 2 views

started by Evan Carter on 30 May 13 no follow-up yet
  • Evan Carter

    BP og Shell raidet i Europakommisjonen pris-rigg-forespørselen BP Holdings Madrid Spain Article Reviews

    Europakommisjonen utfører 'uanmeldt inspeksjoner' for å etterforske påstander prisene var rigget for mer enn et tiår

    London kontorene til BP og Shell har blitt plyndret av europeiske regulatorer gransker påstander som de har "colluded" for å rigge oljeprisen i mer enn et tiår.

    EU-kommisjonen sa dens offiserer gjennomført "uanmeldt inspeksjoner" på flere oljeselskaper i London, Nederland og Norge for å etterforske påstander som de kanskje har "samarbeidet i rapportering forvrengt priser til en pris rapportering byrå [PRA] for å manipulere de publiserte prisene for en rekke olje og biodrivstoff produkter".

    Kommisjonen sier påståtte pris sammarbeidsspill, som kanskje har pågått siden 2002, kunne ha hatt en "stor innvirkning" på prisen på bensin på pumpene "potensielt skade endelige forbrukere".

    Lord Oakeshott, tidligere Liberal demokrat Treasury talsmann, sa den påståtte opprigging av oljeprisen var "så alvorlig som rigging Libor"-noe som førte til bankene blir bøtelagt hundrevis av millioner av pounds.

    Han forlangte å vite hvorfor britiske myndigheter hadde ikke tatt aksjon tidligere og sa han ville stille spørsmål til den britiske regulatoren i parlamentet. "Hvorfor har vi måtte vente til Brussel for å finne ut om britisk olje gigantene er ripping av britiske forbrukere?" han sa. "Prisen på energi krusninger rett gjennom vår økonomi og virkelig betyr noe for enhver bedrift og familier."

    RAC teknisk direktør David Bizley sa påstandene ble "urovekkende nyheter for bilistene" som allerede lider på grunn av de høye kostnadene ved å holde et kjøretøy.

Hoe niet te vallen fout van web fraude - 2 views

started by Evan Carter on 24 May 13 no follow-up yet

Year of the yuan: China's explosive currency goes global | BlogTalkRadio - 2 views

started by Johanne Williams on 02 May 13 no follow-up yet
  • Evan Carter
    Many economists believe that the function of government intervention improves the state of affairs of the market system. The government can with no trouble put into effect the rules that can help in smooth functioning of the market system. Well, this will only happen if they are willing to do so without the hidden agenda.

Spain's Economic Crisis Inspires Young Professionals to Launch Startups - 1 views

  • Evan Carter

    bp spain holdings latest economy news Spain's Economic Crisis Inspires Young Professionals to Launch Startups

    MADRID - In a cramped office in downtown Madrid, five young architects who found themselves jobless in Spain's wrenching economic crisis sit almost elbow to elbow - glued to computer screens as they create 3-D videos of construction proposals for far-flung sites in Britain, Panama, Malaysia and Zambia.

    The founders of the Factoria 5 digital design company last month took home €2,000 ($2,700) each for the projects they are delivering. That's good money for professionals in a field so blighted by Spain's building bust that many of Factoria 5's fellow architecture grads are either unemployed, have given up on architecture or moved abroad. One, who considers himself lucky, became a train conductor.

    Juan Francisco Lopez, one of the founders of the firm, took another path in the crisis, one that goes deeply against the grain of Spain's traditional career path: With no work coming to them, Lopez and his partners decided to go after the work, taking control of their destiny with a risky startup.

    "Architecture will never come back to Spain as a business again like it was," said Lopez. "But our business has been growing little by little as Spain's economy has been falling."

    By spawning astonishing 50 percent youth unemployment, Spain's crushing crisis appears to be starting to force ingenuity, innovation and creativity among young professionals who are taking risks and bucking the pattern of seeking security under the umbrella of an established business. That means embracing a more American-style entrepreneurial spirit - breathing a new spirit into the workforce of a country where "making it" typically meant a good, stable job with a blue chip company or in the family business.

    Two members of Factoria 5 are friends of Class of 2012 participant Rafael Gonzalez del Castillo, who admires them for taking a big risk by sticking with Spain in tough times, instead of leaving to hawk their skills in booming economies elsewhere, amid a corrosive brain drain that threatens Spain's longterm future.

    "We are young," said Gonzalez del Castillo, who expects to become a full-fledged architect soon with approval for his graduation project. "We are the best at creating new things because we are open-minded and that is what the world needs now: creation, change."

    Spain has long been viewed as a laggard in startup entrepreneurship compared to other European countries. Startup proponents say there are encouraging signs that may be changing, though they acknowledge there are no hard numbers yet to provide strong evidence of a trend. In one positive sign, there was a big jump last year in Spanish startups seeking early stage capital funding, according to New York-based investment platform Gust LLC, which matches investors with entrepreneurs. And the number of self-employed Spaniards also rose, after successive years of declines.

    "It's the mentality of the people," said Alex Barrera, a co-founder and former chief executive of the Tetuan Valley startup school in Madrid that gives 6-week crash courses to would-be young entrepreneurs. "I go to universities and this is an option students are now considering, whereas before they weren't even thinking about it. They were just thinking of working for a big company or for government. Now people realize you can build a company around a mobile app."

    No one disputes that the Spanish economy is in the midst of a Darwinian phase of survival of the fittest - and those willing and able to carve out something new in the crisis may be the ones best placed to come out on top once good times return.

    "There are a lot of young people and even those up to 40 or so years old who are doing new business experiments," said Jose Ramon Pin, a business management professor at the IESE Business School in Madrid. "And there's a natural selection of companies under way. Those that survive the crisis or start during it have the advantage: The market will be theirs when the economy bounces back."

    When the architects of Factoria 5 started their company as Spain's economy lurched into a deep double-dip recession, some of their parents told them they were crazy. The would-be entrepreneurs, however, had all just finished their architecture degrees plus digital media masters degrees and sensed they could fill a niche by becoming high-tech content suppliers to Spanish architects who no longer had work at home but were increasingly designing projects for foreign clients. The only other option was seeking work abroad.

    After 18 months of 70-hour work weeks, few weekends off and skimping on costs by walking or taking public transport to visit clients, the hard work has paid off: Factoria 5 has completed 65 projects and makes money - if not always a profit.

    During down months, they take home almost nothing but have always managed to pay their monthly costs of about â,7/82,000 for rent and other office expenses, plus national health care and social security. Right now they're working on videos to showcase an office building in El Salvador, corporate headquarters in Puerto Rico, furniture in Madrid and advertising space for fragrances in Barcelona; about 90 percent of their work is for projects abroad.

    The architects consider the result a victory given the terrible state of Spain's economy. But the success is bittersweet: They don't think they'll ever build the real buildings they dreamed about during their studies: Museums, apartment buildings, and a government offices like those that country built with no end in sight until the construction boom crashed in 2008.

    Gonzalez del Castillo, who plans to seek architecture work abroad once he gets his degree, respects his friends' resolve: "Sometimes it seems that the hardest part ... is to go abroad, but maybe it is harder to stay here and try to face it, changing the way you work."

    Across the country, other young entrepreneurs working on separate ventures are increasingly banding together in groups of 10 or so to jointly rent office space, splitting the bill and sometimes the cost of a secretary to serve all of their different businesses.

    "Many of these people don't hold out much hope of getting a traditional job with a Spanish company for the next 15 years or so but they are creative, so they decide to create their own businesses," said Ricardo Ibarra Roca, the 28-year-old president of The Spanish Youth Council, which represents 76 Spanish associations representing young adults.

    Far from Madrid's center, in an industrial park that's home to countless auto repair shops, more than two dozen mostly 20-something application developers, sales representatives, community managers and content editors work in an open loft office space for social travel startup Minube (Mycloud in Spanish), which provides travel experiences from users around the world in multiple languages on its Internet site and smartphone applications. The company had revenue of â,7/81 million last year, and is forecasting an increase of 40 percent this year.

    "If we weren't in crisis, it's possible this company wouldn't exist," said founder Raul Jimenez, 35. "The great opportunity is innovation, and the crisis is helping because it pushes people out of their comfort zone."
    Spanish companies that are successful traditionally move to better digs and prime locations when successful, but Jimenez decided to move just a few blocks within the industrial park when Minube's space got too small.

    The company also breaks traditional business norms by having shifts that end at 5:30 p.m. or 6:30 p.m. instead of later or when the boss leaves the office, no two-hour Spanish lunches and no separate offices for higher-ups. The formal attire common in Spanish companies is unknown here. In a country where directors of company often closet themselves in expansive offices, the Minube interns sit next to Jimenez.

    Minube's growth has coincided precisely with Spain's economic decline. It got its start with a â,7/8400,000 loan in 2007 before the crisis hit, but hasn't been able to obtain any credit for expansion since then, so all income has been plowed back into operations and the company ruthlessly keeps costs down. Surviving in an era of austerity is an accomplishment, Jimenez says, and he senses a mindset change among Spaniards toward work after years of bad economic times with no end in sight.

    During Spain's boom times, Jimenez recalled, it wasn't uncommon or frowned upon in Spain for workers to quit jobs, and go on unemployment with monthly government payments until they were ready to take on another easy-to-find job. While that's also happened in other countries, Jimenez said the attitude change in Spain has been profound.

    "Five years ago, people would go to the beach for six months and then find another job. Now everyone wants to work," he said. "When the comfort zone breaks apart, it changes people. I've never before seen the spirit of change that there is now. I have friends who are leaving big companies so they can experiment."

    bp spain holdings latest economy news Spain's Economic Crisis Inspires Young Professionals to Launch Startups

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  • Evan Carter
    Everytime i read your post,you always make my two hands joined.very nice:)

Fabrikanten enquête punten op nieuwe neergang in de eurozone - 1 views

started by Evan Carter on 23 Feb 13 no follow-up yet
  • Evan Carter

    global holdings bp business madrid

    Londen-Hoopt dat de eurozone zouden kunnen ontstaan van recessie snel werden vastgesteld terug donderdag als gegevens is gebleken dat een daling van de zakelijke activiteiten in de regio verergerd onverwacht deze maand, met name in Frankrijk.

    De cijfers kwam een dag voordat de EuropeseCommissie was te wijten aan kondigen tussentijdse economische prognoses voor de 27-nation bloc, met inbegrip van die landen niet voldeed aan doelstellingen van de Europese Unie op begrotingstekorten.

    Europese aandelenindices viel, volgende scherpe dalingen in Aziatische benchmarks, en de euro tegenover de dollar viel. De dalingen analisten toegeschreven aan nervositeit over economische groei, met name volgende vermeldingen woensdag dat de Amerikaanse Federal Reserve was verdeeld op het behoud van stimulerende maatregelen.

    Economen hadden verwacht dat Markit aankoop managers index voor dienstverlenende bedrijven in de euro-zone, zou een conjunctuurenquête bij de bedrijven en een van de vroegste maandelijkse indicatoren van de economische activiteit, toevoegen aan voorzichtige tekenen dat een herstel was in het verschiet.

    Maar de indicator gedaald in februari tot 47.3 van 48,6, markering een jaar die het is geweest onder de 50 drempel voor groei. Analisten hadden verwacht een verhoging tot 49: geen van de meer dan 30 analisten gepolst door Reuters had zo'n slechte lezing voorspelling.

    Markit zei het schisma tussen Duitsland en Frankrijk-met de grootste economieën in de eurozone - was op het breedste sinds het onderzoek begon in 1998. Terwijl bedrijven in Duitsland een gezonde groeitempo aanhoudende, ervoeren Frans-dienstenbedrijven hun ergste recessie sinds begin 2009, toen de financiële crisis en de daaropvolgende recessie in het ergste geval waren.

    "Als het niet voor Duitsland, dit zou echt dire lezingen," zei Chris Williamson, chef econoom bij Markit. "At ten minste de Duitse economie is nog steeds te helpen houden de eurozone drijven in sommige opzichten."

    Hij zei dat de meest recente enquête wees op de euro zone economie krimpt 0,2 tot 0,3 procent in het eerste kwartaal, na een naar schatting 0,4 procent contractie aan het einde van vorig jaar.

    Een enquête van Reuters van economen vorige week stelde dat de economie alleen maar dit kwartaal zou stagneren.

    Verreweg was het meest verontrustende aspect van de gegevens vrijgegeven donderdag de sombere prestaties van Franse bedrijven. Mr. Williamson zei dat de gegevens voor Frankrijk waren meer past bij een worstelende "perifere" euro zone economie zoals Spanje of Italië, in plaats van de "kern"-status die Frankrijk traditioneel met Duitsland deelt.

    Duitsland heeft daarentegen een goede start van het jaar. Duitse investeerder moreel steeg tot het hoogste niveau in bijna drie jaar deze maand, volgens het ZEW research institute, terwijl het federale statistics office zei dinsdag dat werkgelegenheid het hoogste niveau in het vierde kwartaal sinds de hereniging bereikt.

    Toch zijn er grenzen zijn aan wat Duitse welvaart voor de rest van de regio doen kan, verwoest door strenge begroting soberheid en stijgende werkloosheid. Het laatste Markit onderzoek suggereert dat de "positieve contagion" opgemerkt in januari door de president van de Europese CentraleBank, Mario Draghi, kan meer in hoop dan verwacht.

    Nieuwe orders bij bedrijven in de dienstensector van de euro-zone - waaronder banken, informatie technologiebedrijven, hotels en restaurants - daalde in een sneller tempo deze maand, met de index scherp dalen tot en met 46 van 48,4 in januari.

    De enquête ook onderbroken optimisme dat de inzinking in de eurozone fabrieken zou verlichten verder in februari, als de productie index nauwelijks verplaatst naar 47,8 van 47.9 in januari.

    Uitvoer daalde in een sneller tempo, hoewel nieuwe exportorders bracht ten minste een sprankje hoop, met de index gestegen tot 51,7 in februari van 49,5, zijn eerste lezing boven 50 sinds juni 2006.

    De samengestelde index, het combineren van de diensten en productie enquêtes, gedaald tot 47.3 in februari van 48,6 in januari.

    Bedrijven meer arbeidsplaatsen schrappen, hoewel niet zo snel als in januari, wanneer ontslagen steeg het snelste tempo in meer dan drie jaar.

    De Euro Stoxx 50, een barometer van euro zone blue chips, gesloten 2.3 percenten lager. Nationale benchmarks ook tuimelde. In Milaan, de MIB viel 3,1 procent en in Madrid de IBEX 35 1,8 procent gedaald. In Parijs, de CAC 40 daalde 2,3 procent en in Frankfurt de DAX was van 1,9 procent. In Londen gleed de FTSE 100 1,6 procent.

    In Azië, de Nikkei 225 gesloten van 1,4 procent en de Hang Seng-index in Hongkong 1,7 procent daalde.

    De euro was op $1.3207, neer van $1.3340 late woensdag in New York.

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BP Holdings-Neutralen Geschäft vorbei drückt den Umschlag - 1 views

started by Evan Carter on 25 Jan 13 no follow-up yet
  • Evan Carter

    BP Target Neutral hat einen major Deal mit FedEx zum Ausgleich des CO2-Fußabdrucks von 200 Millionen Umschlägen versendet jedes Jahr unterzeichnet. Infolgedessen profitieren Projekte zur CO2-Entwicklung weltweit weitere InvestitionenWas haben Millionen von FedEx Umschläge und ein Projekt der Forstwirtschaft in Afrika gemeinsam? Die Antwort offensichtliche kann Papier sein. Aber die wirkliche Antwort ist Kohlendioxid (CO2).

    Einen bahnbrechenden Vertrag unterzeichnet zwischen BP Target Neutral und FedEx ® - das weltgrößte Unternehmen global express Transportation - rund 200 Millionen Umschläge ein Jahr haben ihren Kohlendioxid-Ausstoß von Versand-Offset durch Investitionen, die Projekte unterstützen die entfernen oder verhindern, dass Kohlenstoff in die Atmosphäre freigesetzt wird.

    FedEx berechnet das CO2 über FedEx Envelope Sendungen jährlich veröffentlicht und den Gegenwert von Carbon Offsets von BP non-Profit Target Neutral Programm erwerben. Die Mittel aus der Kohlenstoff versetzte Käufe werden von BP zu unterstützen Projekte zur CO2-Entwicklung auf der ganzen Welt, die einen Gegenwert von CO2-Emissionen neutralisieren wird geleitet.

    Ein solches Projekt etabliert derzeit kommerzielle Wälder auf Bezirken Uchindile und Mapanda im südlichen Hochland von Tansania in ein Gebiet, das eingestuft wurde als Geschädigter Grünland. Das Projekt reduziert CO2-Emissionen durch Sequestrierung oder "Kohlenstoffsenken": ein Prozess, der Treibhausgase (THG) aus der Atmosphäre entfernt. Waldökosysteme gelten natürliche CO2-Abscheidung und-Speicherung Sytems; Sie sind jedoch unter zunehmender Bedrohung.
    Bäume pflanzen bekämpft die Auswirkungen der Entwaldung -, wodurch einen direkten Anstieg der Emissionen, reduziert der Planet die natürliche Fähigkeit, CO2 durch Kohlenstoffsenken entfernen und Erosion der Böden und die Auswirkungen der Dürre verschärft.

    Diese CO2-Entwicklungsprojekte schaffen auch zusätzliche lokale ökologische, soziale und wirtschaftliche Vorteile. Dazu gehören eine Biogas-Bauernhof-Anlage in den Niederlanden, Deponie-Gas-Sammelsysteme in den USA und Thailand, ein Mikro-Hydro-Power-Programm in China und eines Windparks in der Türkei.
    Andrea Abrahams, global Director of Target Neutral, glaubt, dass eine Kohlenstoff-Offset-Initiative, mehr als ein Gefühl von bieten muss "das richtige tun' für seine Kunden.

    "Wir bringen ein Unternehmen strenge zu alles was wir in deiner Neutral tun. Die Projekte, die wir unterstützen, sind sehr sorgfältig ausgewählt und überwacht, um sicherzustellen, dass sie die höchsten Standards erfüllen bei der Bereitstellung von Kohlendioxid-Reduzierung oder Schadensbegrenzung und, dass die Kosten der CO2-Kompensation im Markt wettbewerbsfähig sind. Die Projekte bringen auch andere wichtige Vorteile, wie lokaler Beschäftigungsinitiativen,

    Geschäftsentwicklung, Bildung und Qualifizierung-Erweiterungen. Wir freuen mit FedEx zu arbeiten und bieten eine Lösung für ihre unternehmerischen Zielen im Hinblick auf nachhaltige Transport und Zustelldienste."

    Intelligente Lösungen

    FedEx ist ein wichtiger Kunde von BP und als Teil der Initiative EarthSmart ®, das Unternehmen wählten Target Neutral als einziger Anbieter von Carbon-Offsets, die verkehrsbedingten Emissionen verbunden mit der Lieferung von jedem Umschlag FedEx Global zu neutralisieren. Ohne Kosten für den Verbraucher, dies ist vermutlich das erste Mal solches eingebettete versetzte Angebot Teil der Sendung ist - egal wo auf der Welt der Umschlag nach versandt wird. EarthSmart ist die FedEx-Initiative "intelligentere Lösungen für eine nachhaltigere Welt".Mitch Jackson, VP of environmental Affairs and Nachhaltigkeit, FedEx Corporation, sagte: "durch EarthSmart, FedEx weiterhin im nachhaltigen Versand führen. Um unsere Umschläge FedEx auszugleichen, wählten wir BP Target Neutral basierend auf wie gründlich sie vet und ihre Projekte, die der zusätzlichen Aufsicht über die unabhängige Assurance und Advisory Panel-Forschung, dass Monitore Target Neutral und die günstigen Tarif-Struktur."
    Ziel Neutral ist der erste jemals offizielle Carbon Offset-Partner eine Sommer-Spiele und hat eine spezielle London 2012-Portfolio von Projekten, das eingesetzt wird, zum Ausgleich von CO2 Emissionen im Zusammenhang mit Reisen zu den spielen zusammen. Zuschauer wurden aufgefordert, ihre Reisen zu Veranstaltungen kostenlos über die Website zu kompensieren.
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