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Kayla Davis

Child-sex trafficking victim sues Netflix - 0 views

    Well, that's really bad for Netflix, that Child sex-trafficking victim sues the makers of film and this popular streaming service for revealing her real
Filefisher com

UK threat level raised to critical from severe, prime minister says - ABC News - 0 views

    Eiffel Tower goes dark in solidarity with victims of Manchester Arena attack.

Twitter Hack: Kim Kardashian, Elon Musk Put In Danger Because Of Bitcoin Scam | Enstars - 0 views

    High-profile personalities such as Kim Kardashian and Elon Musk have been victimized by Twitter hackers in an attempt to steal Bitcoin funds.

New connection for connected Car hacks - 0 views

    In the CBS demonstration, the victims were only some Install Avg With License Number activation orange traffic cones. But the implications were real: two tons of moving steel out of the driver's control.Granted this may be the worst-case scenario but there are also implications for hijacking your data that give us cause for concern.In that vein, a new report Install Avg With License Number activation was issued last week (Feb. 9) in the U.S. on broader security and privacy vulnerabilities in smart vehicles. The report by Senator Ed Markey (D-Mass.) called "Tracking & Hacking: Security & Privacy Gaps Put American Drivers at Risk," identified risks and proposes new safety standards for smart vehicles.
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