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Posterous ora gestisce anche le mailing list | Trackback - 0 views

    Ha un sacco di funzioni utili e facili, come la creazione di gallery da immagini allegate alla mail, o di media player dai vostri mp3. Se ora volete creare una mailing list, beh, il procedimento non è dissimile da quello intrapreso per creare un blog di gruppo. Basta crearsi un account (qui serve), ed iniziare ad inserire indirizzi email. Potete rendere privato il gruppo, ed ognuna delle persone sulla lista potrà fare tutto, commentare, aggiornare, inviare immagini e vedere i post senza abbandonare la propria casella email, dato che riceverà tutto direttamente lì. Ovviamente, tutto quanto sarà conservato anche sul web, e navigabile a chi è autorizzato! In questa maniera si aggira il problema di fare fatica per spiegare un blog di gruppo a chi è analfabeta di elettronica, ma capisce almeno le email, e nessuno avrà problemi a collaborare e spedire materiale. E per chi è un power user? Beh, nessun problema: semplice non vuol dire limitato, e potete fare con Posterous quello che fareste con un qualsiasi blog pubblicato su un host esterno.

HOW TO MAKE MONEY WITH E- BAY ~ Online Tips - 0 views

    HOW TO MAKE MONEY WITH E- BAY What is e bay: E- Bay is an affiliate site as like Amazon, here you can make money easily. If you thank how to possible for you, so don't worry, I will help you give some proper step you need just follow. Just follow this step by step and make money with e-bay.

Top eCommerce Development Trends for 2020 - 0 views

    In the past decade, there has been a lot of evolution in the e-commerce industry. Now every business, whether big or small, is making a presence in the e-commerce market. E-commerce has revolutionized the shopping experience of the customers and is still evolving to meet the changing needs of the people. At its inception, e-commerce was fairly limited in its features & capabilities. But not anymore. Whether it is performance, design customization, or complex features & functionalities, these changes are continuously taking the world of e-commerce by storm.

Best PHP e-commerce platforms to develop advanced e-commerce websites - Solace Infotech... - 0 views

    Choose the best e-commerce platform for e-commerce website.
Dennis OConnor

E-Learning and Online Teaching | - 0 views

    Hi impact, curated magazine of articles and professional resources for those interested in e-learning and online teaching. Published by Dennis O'Connor, Program Advisor for the University of Wisconsin Stout E-Learning and Online Teaching Graduate Certificate Program.
Dennis OConnor

UW-Stout ELearning and Online Teaching Certificate (Facebook Program Page) - 0 views

    Here's our new program page on Facebook.  I am updating this page regularly with information for anyone interested in e-learning and online teaching best practices.  You don't have to be a current or former student to take advantage of the information and connections found here.  I do ask you to 'Like' this page if you find it useful.   (Try it! You'll Like It!)
Syed Amjad Ali

E-Templates - A new approach in Rapid E-Learning Course Development - 0 views

    Advanced eLearning Authoring Tools have made eLearning Development Easy The rapid and extensive advances in technology have brought on incredible innovation in all fields of human interest. The impact of the same can be seen in the e-learning space, and these days, this specialized segment is breaking new ground continuously.
Siraj Mahmood

How Fast is E-commerce Growing 2016 - KnowledgeIDea - 0 views

    Do you want to see how fast is e-commerce growing 2016. Let's take a glimpse of the latest facts and figures of e-commerce growth.
Elisa Wilson

10 E-Commerce Website Design Best Practices to Increase Conversations - 0 views

    Follow the best practices for e-commerce website design and craft an attractive e-store that the users wouldn't want to leave with in-depth insights!

e-cigarettes- cancer related cell damage - 0 views

    Contrary to popular belief, e-cigarettes are a safer substitute to conventional smoking. A new study has identified chemicals in the vapors of e-cigarettes that can damage cells in a way that can cause cancer. For more info take a look at this:

Top E-learning Platforms in India that are Transforming the Educational Sector - 0 views

    Top E-learning Platforms in India that are Transforming the Educational Sector
Matt Anderson

Facebook Offers: Coming Soon to Business Pages - 0 views

    add a headline for the offer (e.g. Buy one pair of shorts, get a second pair free) upload a photo that resizes well as a thumbnail icon image set a number of "claims" (e.g. good for 500 customers) choose the offer start and expiration dates add terms and conditions for the offer
vitor sena Season 6 EP 3 ( 22) - 1 views

Participem da Nova Temporada da Jogando.Net/mu em versão Season6 sem bugs e com muitas Novidades. São mais de 20 servidores hospedados na equipe com segurança e diversão garantida, os ...

started by vitor sena on 15 Sep 12 no follow-up yet
vitor sena Season 6 EP 3 ( 22) - 0 views

Participem da Nova Temporada da Jogando.Net/mu em versão Season6 sem bugs e com muitas Novidades. São mais de 20 servidores hospedados na equipe com segurança e diversão garantida, os ...

started by vitor sena on 15 Sep 12 no follow-up yet
vitor sena Season 6 (16 ) - 0 views ( ) Participem da Nova Temporada da Jogando.Net/mu em versão Season6 sem bugs e com muitas Novidades. São mais de 20 servidores hospedados na equipe com segurança e dive...

started by vitor sena on 26 Feb 12 no follow-up yet
Dennis OConnor

E-Learning Graduate Certificate Program: Horizon Report 2011 E-Learning Relevent Research - 0 views

  • The 2011 Horizon Report is a collaboration between The New Media Consortium and the EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative
  • Executive Summary Overview
Dennis OConnor

ELearning and Online Teaching - 0 views

  • Current courses offering:Universal Design & Online Accessibility
    Here's the E-Learning and Online Teaching Facebook Page. I post news, tips, and e-learning resources here daily. Sometimes they are based on my Diigo posts, sometimes not. Feel free to drop by and give it a 'Like'. 8-)
Dennis OConnor

Googlios - 0 views

  • Welcome to "Googlios" where free Google tools meet ePortfolios.   This site is intended to be a collection of resources for those interested in using ePortfolios in Education.  Watch the 2 minute Intro video here
    Many of the participants in the UW-Stout E-Learning and Online Teaching Graduate Certificate Program use Google Sites to create their e-portfolios.  The portfolios are created and used throughout the program. During the practicum, when students become teachers by teaching in one of our graduate classes, they also refine and polish their portfolios. Ultimately the online portfolio becomes a job search tool that helps our graduates show a potential employer what they know. 
Dennis OConnor

ELearning and Online Teaching Facebook Community Page - 0 views

    This Facebook page is part of an outreach effort to students in the E-Learning Certificate program at UW-Stout. It is also intended for anyone interested in E-Learning and Online teaching. I post to this page regularly on all aspects of learning online. Visit Us? Click Like to help spread the word? ~ Dennis
Storm Brain Designs

Analyzing Google Analytics to Improve E-Commerce Sales - 0 views

    Google Analytics is the most powerful tool for e-commerce websites. It helps to record and analyze specific data about items purchased. It is helpful in improving sales strategies as well as overall sales. Visit for more details.
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