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50th Law - 0 views

  • what you really value in life is ownership, not money.
  • Events in life are not negative or positive.
  • .Things merely happen to you. It is your mind that chooses to interpret them as negative or positive.
  • ...58 more annotations...
  • neutral.
  • out of fear
  • Most people wait too long to go into action
  • what you do that must have flow, but also how you do things.
  • what you do that must have flow, but also how you do things.
  • constantly be adapted to circumstances.
  • emotional flow.
  • develop
  • not let it remain the following day.
  • intense feelings of love, hate, or anger can be used to impel you forward on some project, but that is an illusion
  • greatest danger you face is your mind growing soft and your eye getting dull.
  • less respectful of the rules that other people have established.
  • initiate a new order.
  • terminate the relationship — no arguing, no bargaining, no compromising
  • “All of man’s troubles come from not knowing how to sit still, alone in a room.”
  • Understand: the real secret, the real formula for power in this world, lies in accepting the ugly reality that learning requires a process, and this in turn demands patience and the ability to endure drudge work.
  • It is unnatural to not feel fear.
  • process that requires challenges and tests
  • What separates those who go under and those who rise above adversity is the strength of their will and their hunger for power.
  • efensive position of overcoming fears converts to an offensive one — a fearless attitude.
  • Testing and proving his courage
  • as an individual you cannot stop the tide of fantasy and escapism sweeping a culture.
  • emotions give you a burst of energy that falls quickly and leaves you as low as you were high.
  • mind tends to drift into fantasies;
  • turn inward to your thoughts and desires.
  • If things are going well, you become complacent,
  • don’t pay attention to people’s good or bad intentions. They don’t matter.
  • All you look at are people’s maneuvers
  • experiencing things as they are
  • position of basic ignorance was what you had as a child.
  • imagine for a day that you do not know anything
  • what you believe could be completely false
  • When it is yours to lose - you are more motivated, more creative, more alive.
  • take in as much as possible with your own eyes.
    • eterry02
  • You communicate with people up and down the chain of command within your organization.
  • expand your access to different ideas. Force yourself to go to events and places that are beyond your usual circle. If you cannot observe something firsthand, try to get reports that are more direct and less filtered, or vary the sources so that you can see things from several sides. Get a fingertip feel for everything going on in your environment — the complete terrain.
  • True ownership can come only from within
  • It comes from a disdain for anything or anybody that impinges upon your mobility, from a confidence in your own decisions, and from the use of your time in constant pursuit of education and improvement.
  • strength and self - reliance
  • When you do not get to the root of a problem, you cannot solve it in any meaningful manner. People like to look at the surfaces, get all emotional and react, doing things that make them feel better in the short term but do nothing for them in the long term.
  • dependency is a habit that is so easy to acquire. We live in a culture that offers you all kinds of crutches — experts to turn to, drugs to cure any psychological unease, mild pleasures to help pass or kill time, jobs to keep you just above water. It is hard to resist.
  • progression towards ownership — first mentally of your independence, and then physically of your work, owning what you produce.
  • what you really value in life is ownership, not money.
  • powers of observation
  • rigorous reassessment of who you are and where you are headed
  • engage in every few weeks
  • you alone control the direction of your enterprise and depend on no one.
  • cultivate the proper sense of detachment
  • keep yourself free of the unnecessary entanglements and alliances.
  • make sure that you are clear as to what function they serve for you and how you will free yourself of them
  • Reversal of Perspective
  • real poetry and beauty in life comes from an intense relationship with reality
  • when people give you things or do you favours it is always with strings attached. They want something from you in return - assistance, unquestioned loyalty, and so forth.
  • Realism
  • highest point of human rationality.
  • keep yourself free of as many of these obligations as possible
    Notes from 50th Law Robert Green and 50 cent
Intermission Cash

Intermission Cash, Post Links for Cash - 1 views

Building a network of intermission links is one of the greatest techniques to build a monthly re-occurring income while you enjoy surfing online in forums, social sites, blogs, etc. Our newest tech...

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started by Intermission Cash on 11 Dec 09 no follow-up yet

Pol Khol Part -2 : Samjhota Express for Safe Corruption free Respectable Journey. | Hic... - 0 views

    Samjhauta Express was started on July 22, 1976 following the Shimla Agreement and ran between Amritsar and Lahore, a distance of about 42 km and then later it ran from Delhi to Lahore. `Samjhauta` Express as a train is important to fight cross border terrorism by opening passenger travel and the Aam Admi cross border communications. Allow me.....
    Samjhauta Express was started on July 22, 1976 following the Shimla Agreement and ran between Amritsar and Lahore, a distance of about 42 km and then later it ran from Delhi to Lahore. `Samjhauta` Express as a train is important to fight cross border terrorism by opening passenger travel and the Aam Admi cross border communications. Allow me.....

Clown and Crown | Hichkey - 0 views

    Excited people, lusty eyes… To them I am like a prize. My white skin and the sumptuous red lips, the thin lean waist and curvy hips. My blonde hair floats in little curls, when the wind blows and comes back in swirls.   My sense of humor they laughed upon, ravished my body from dusk.....
    Excited people, lusty eyes… To them I am like a prize. My white skin and the sumptuous red lips, the thin lean waist and curvy hips. My blonde hair floats in little curls, when the wind blows and comes back in swirls.   My sense of humor they laughed upon, ravished my body from dusk.....

What Are The Roles of Online Surveys and Polls - 0 views

    Most of the companies that have used online survey and polls have a lot to say about this method of conducting research. Online polls might look easy and simple to carry out but they're very useful in conducting research. Online survey and polls brings about the change and creates awareness to your firm. One of the advantages of this process is that it is less costly to carry but very efficient.

Self Induced Constructive vs. Destructive Thoughts - Road To Collateral Gain Or Loss - 0 views

    We as an human are thinking round the clock.We face issues which impacts our daily life in positive or negative way. The clear vision and mission of one's life set the tone of your thought process. We are also aware that every humans goes through up's and down which lead us to a situation of growth or loss of confidence. We are habitual of developing perceptions and subsequently react to situation but miserably fails to look our inner thought process as humans tends to be partial. Thought process posses vitamins which may kick-start any activities in positive or negative manner. In our professional or personal life, we tend to develop perception about work to employees to family members that lead us to self induced thought process. Self Induced thought process can be of positive which I called as Constructive and Destructive.

Reliance Jio Entered In Danger Zone - Incumbent Will Be On Recovery Path - 0 views

    Reliance jio crossed 100 million user and it's chairman Mr.Mukesh Ambani announced it with full of proudness. He should be proud of his distribution team who respected his directive and started distributing Jio SIM to everyone. Reliance jio gave upto 9 SIM per Aadhar card as identification. Mr. Mukesh Ambani gave encouraging number around data and voice traffic and he should be proud too.

Hari Priya's answer to How do I learn digital marketing? - Quora - 0 views

    This course is designed by practicing managers and subject matter experts. It aims at covering the essential marketing and advertising concepts, revisit the fundamental statistical tools for analysis and prediction along with in-depth knowledge of online marketing and analytical tools.

Color symbolism - Wikipedia - 0 views

  • love, passion, and lust.
  • danger or warning
  • importance.
  • ...28 more annotations...
  • China,
  • symbolize good luck or happiness
  • ocean and the sky
  • serenity,
  • stability, inspiration, or wisdom
  • reliability
  • calming
  • full of grace" by divine favor.
  • baby boys'
  • nexperienced or new.
  • ] Children tend to like this color,
  • sunshine or joy
  • cowardice or fear
  • "yellow-bellied
  • school buses and taxi cab
  • bright, noticeable
  • nature, healing, or fertility
  • used in the US to symbolize money, greed, sickness or jealousy
  • relaxing
  • dominant color in nature
  • sadness.
  • Western culture, it is considered a negative color and usually symbolizes death, grief, or evil
  • mourning,
  • symbolizes perfection, faith, innocence, softness, and cleanliness.[20] Brides often wear white dresses to symbolize virginity or purity.
  • softness
  • sweetness
  • love
  • here is an urban legend that pink was a masculine color before the mid 20th century, based on evidence of conflicting traditions before about 1940. Del Guicide (2012) argues that pink-blue gender coding has been broadly consistent in the UK and the US since it appeared around 1890.[23
    The meaning of colors. Helpful for designing visuals.

Golden earn tips to make youtube videos and get youtube money earning - 1 views How to make youtube videos and get youtube money earning In todys' date, everyone is trying to make youtube videos and ge...

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started by mdansari on 28 Jun 21 no follow-up yet

Reliance Jio Business Vs. Flipkart Business Model - 0 views

    Reliance Jio 4G service Operator crossed 100 million and darling of Telecom sector just like Flipkart used to be darling of e-commerce sector. Reliance jio invested more than $24 Bn of investor money to build state of class network to create best 4G network. Reliance jio bought user by offering free data and voice to end user just like Flipkart bought user base through cashback and discount. Both the organisation invested billions of $ in order to ensure that user traffic continue to grow. Buying a users by offering discount is nothing but shows that one don't have a confidence on their product or service line.

Zodiac Sign Daily Prediction - 22nd Feb 2017 - 0 views

    Today's Puja Vishnu Jee Puja Vishnu is one of the Trimurti Gods alongside Brahma and Shiva. By worshipping Vishnu, devotees are blessed with long and happy life. It brings peace to Mind, body and soul. Travel If you are travelling to North direction, drink Milk before proceeding for travel. Careful Rashi/Zodiac - Taurus They need to be attentive today. They should not get into any arguments.

Zodiac Sign Daily Prediction - 17th Feb 2017 Prediction - 0 views

    Lakshmi Narasimha Swamy Puja Lakshmi Narsimha is the fourth avatar of the Hindu god Vishnu Narasingha is visualised as having a human torso from lower body, with a lion face and claws. He is known primarily as the 'Great Protector' who is known to fight against evils and protects his devotees in times of need and from all harms.

Benefits of Blue Topaz Rings | Hichkey - 0 views

    Man has discovered various facilities or things to enhance the natural beauty. Make-up products, fancy clothes and jewelry are some of the most talked about discoveries of human beings that are known for their ability to bring overall change to the personality of people. Jewelry and other accessories not only add a charm to the.....
    Man has discovered various facilities or things to enhance the natural beauty. Make-up products, fancy clothes and jewelry are some of the most talked about discoveries of human beings that are known for their ability to bring overall change to the personality of people. Jewelry and other accessories not only add a charm to the.....
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Fast and Reliable Computer Repair Services - 1 views

One day, I was working on my thesis which was due in three days and then suddenly my computer shut down. I then browsed for companies that offer computer repair services and found Computer Hardwar...

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started by seth kutcher on 02 Nov 11 no follow-up yet

Better ways of Conducting Online polls and Survey - 0 views

    Online surveys and polls are one of the most dominant tools to weigh how your new product or brand is performing in the market.

How Search Engines Crawl & Index: Know Everything | Fastidious - 0 views

    Google has crawlers following links and thus, provided your site is in the index already and that the new content is linked to from within your site, Google will eventually discover it and add it to its index. More on this later.

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How to Optimize and Speed up Your WordPress Site - - 0 views

    Speed Up and optimize Your WordPress Site with These most useful plugins. It will sure increase performance of your site and reduce its loading speeds.
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