To celebrate International School Libraries Day on Monday 25 October, the School Library Association of Victoria invites you to join in an Elluminate session at 11.00am (AEDST - check your time zone here) where we will launch the 2012 National Year of Reading
By developing this wiki with reading lists, information on texts, study guides, rubrics, book trailers, book reviews, directions and general requirements, students in years 9-12 (and their parents) have a head start on the year's required reading for English classes. Well done to Joyce Valenza for supporting her students in this manner.
If you are using Microsoft Internet Explorer, PLEASE STOP NOW before it's too late for you. Please read this article I wrote on JoshiesWorld with reasons that you should stop using internet explorer right now.
If you are using Microsoft Internet Explorer, PLEASE STOP NOW before it's too late for you. Please read this article I wrote on JoshiesWorld with reasons that you should stop using internet explorer right now.
Judi Jagger, the current Western Australian Children's Book Council judge, has developed her own blog. It is a must read for anyone interested in children's and YA literature.
You may remember reading about Whitefriars College teacher librarian Tania Sheko's collaborative learning project using Flickr. The project has now concluded and a few of the students have shared their thoughts, reflections and ideas about what they loved most about the project.