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Marylou Thomas

Of Menopause, Stress Incontinence, and Pelvic Organ Prolapse in Women - 1 views

    These problems have been strongly associated stretched or damaged pelvic floor muscles from the strains and stresses of pregancy and childbirth, as well as other causes and contributing factors, including frequent constipation, or persistent coughing, or obesity.
Marylou Thomas

Various Studies Look at the Potential Risks Tied to Bladder Mesh - 1 views

    Another study, which was initiated in 2007 and stopped two years later, was also carried by a group of researchers who aimed to examine and identify the differences between standard POP surgery without mesh and surgical POP repair using vaginal mesh.
Marylou Thomas

Can a UTI cause vaginal bleeding? - 1 views

    Yes. A bladder or urinary tract infection may cause hematuria or blood in urine. You should be fine in a couple of days so long as you religiously adhere to the treatment your doctor prescribed you. If your symptoms do not improve, keep your doctor informed so he or she may do something to correct that. I also found some posts at should-i-sue/ that may give you more info about bladder problems.
Marylou Thomas

Dont have a UTI but hurts when almost finished peeing, what could it be? - 1 views

    There's a list of conditions that may related to your symptoms but I would suggest that you consult a doctor for accurate diagnosis and proper treatment. It's best if you do so as soon as you can to prevent this from getting worse. If you need more info about similar problems though, try checking some posts at should-i-sue/ .
Marylou Thomas

My Bladder problem? Please help? - 1 views

    Hey there. I'm sorry to hear that. I think there are various treatments in place for your urinary problem although it may be best if you seek a urologist for specialized treatment. I also found some posts on the net that may be of help. Try checking should-i-sue/
Marylou Thomas

Five Tips to Managing Urinary Incontinence Among Menopause-Bound Women - 1 views

    Middle-aged and older women often face a host of certain health problems because of dramatic bodily changes that they experience during and after menopause, health experts say. An inevitable aspect of ageing, menopause marks the permanent cessation of a woman's menstruation and ability to become fertile, according to medical journals. While some women may be lucky to encounter lesser menopausal indications, most women may noticeably feel varying symptoms as they approach late adulthood.
Marylou Thomas

Ladies do you kegel - 1 views

    Doctors often recommend non-operative remedies, such as Kegels, to women with mild prolapse or incontinence issues. However, women with symptoms which no longer respond to non-invasive treatments may be asked to undergo surgery that may even involve the use of surgical mesh. It was really disheartening though when I found out from symptoms-of-failure/ that these implants have rather been a greater source of pain and suffering to recipients than the condition for which they are being used.
Marylou Thomas

How do you know if you have a bladder infection? - 1 views

    Increased urges to urinate may indicate a possible bladder or urinary tract infection but if you aren't experiencing any other symptoms, like pain or burning sensation while peeing, or foul-smelling urine, then it may not be a major concern. It's possible that you may have only been drinking more than usual. If you start experiencing other symptoms though, it's best that you talk to your doctor for diagnosis and appropriate treatment.
Marylou Thomas

How do you know the difference between a cramp and a bladder infection? - 1 views

    Cramps normally bring about a dull ache from the lower abdomen to the pelvis, while bladder infections usually cause sharp pain or burning sensation during urination. Bladder infections may also increase your urges to urinate and cause strong-smelling urine. If the pain you've been experiencing may have a slight, or even big difference from your monthly cramps, I would suggest you consult a doctor for diagnosis and subsequent treatment. If you wish to know more about bladder or pelvic problems though
Marylou Thomas

Surgical Mesh and Related Adverse Effects: A Worldwide Health Problem - 1 views

    There have also been reports that about 20,000 Australian women with POP may have gone through a surgical mesh procedure, online news reports. While many of these recipients may have obtained relief from their operation, a large number of women have also reportedly complained of adverse effects allegedly stemming from these medical devices. In fact, diversified healthcare company, Johnson & Johnson based in Australia, has not been reportedly spared from legal challenges set by Australian women.
Marylou Thomas

PBS Shows Two Sides of Medical Device Approval Process Issue - 1 views

    I think that there are too many of these complex devices that have made it to market without clinical testing," Dr. Curfman said. "They really shouldn't be put out on the market to be put into large numbers of people until they've undergone adequate safety testing. And that requires clinical testing."
Marylou Thomas

urinary tract infections - 1 views

    I agree. Antibiotics are not selective in getting rid of bacteria. They may also eliminate both the good and the bad. People who frequently take antibiotics or miss their course of antibiotics may also develop antibiotic resistance. This may make some infections more difficult to treat, or make a person more susceptible to recurrent bladder or urinary tract infections. It's good to know though that you've found a solution that actually worked for you. transvaginal-mesh-lawsuits/
Marylou Thomas

To Your Good Health: Bladder infection common in women | The Columbus Dispatch - 1 views

    Bladder infections, especially when recurrent and without proper treatment, may eventually cause damage to the kidneys and even stimulate urinary incontinence. Reports from transvaginal-mesh-lawsuits/ say that a type of bladder problem known as stress urinary incontinence is now commonly treated by bladder sling implants, but these too have been linked to adverse effects that may even be more threatening than the condition to which it is being used.
Marylou Thomas

Can a bladder infection causes a miscarriage? - 1 views

    There are antibiotics that may safely treat a bladder or urinary tract infection during pregnancy. It's important that your friend gets prompt treatment though to prevent it from spreading to the kidneys and prevent harm to the baby. While it may not normally cause miscarriage, kidney infections during pregnancy may cause premature labor and low birth weight. I also found some posts on the net that may give you added info about similar problems.
Marylou Thomas

Urinary Incontinence: Controlling Odor Issues in Five Easy Ways - 1 views

    Drinking more than enough fluids the body needs every day may not only be unhealthy but may also increase the number of trips to the bathroom, or worse, urine leakage moments. Drinking lesser than necessary may lead to dehydration and may also cause the urine to become highly concentrated, which in turn causes the urine to produce a strong odor. Experts highly recommend six to eight glasses of water a day for a healthy bladder, and less odorous urine.
Marylou Thomas

urine incontinence - 1 views

    There is no other way of knowing exactly what this is unless the problem is brought to the attention of a professional, or better yet a specialist. There are many forms of incontinence to which treatments may also vary. It may be addressed through changes to voiding habits, medications, or even bladder mesh surgery. If you may ever want to look up more info about bladder problems and possible treatments, try transvaginal-mesh-recalls/
Marylou Thomas

What is prolapse and do I have one? - 1 views

    Vaginal delivery is one of the causes of a prolapse and it is possible that you may have incurred it from giving birth I would suggest that you seek a professional's assistance on this as a prolapse may actually progress. It's best you get treatment as soon as you can to prevent it from getting worse, or even delay the possibility of a surgery.
Marylou Thomas

Study Debunks Common Myth That Urine Is Sterile - 1 views

    I always thought that our urine has good bacteria in it. I didn't really expect that it was sterile and squeaky clean. This study actually makes you think twice though.
Marylou Thomas

Study Demonstrates Rapid Diagnosis Of Urinary Tract Infections - 1 views

    This research offers much promise to women, especially those who are more prone to getting UTIs than others. UTIs may actually also indicate another problem such as interstitial cystitis. Obtaining rapid, accurate diagnosis may not only help avoid confusion among patients, but it may also lead to faster treatment.
Marylou Thomas

Four Must-Know Facts About Pelvic Organ Prolapse - 1 views

    The use of surgical mesh devices has been reportedly common nowadays but has also been associated with mounting questions and concerns involving its safety, according to medical experts. The United States Food and Drug Administration advises women to increase conversation with their physicians or performing surgeon pertaining to the benefits and risks that may entail a surgical mesh procedure, and explore other possible surgical options.
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