It's tax time, and time to get a grip on reporting my digital currency holdings. After exporting my trade history - I wanted to know how to calculate the profit and loss of all my trades on Poloniex, and was searching for a something like a spreadsheet that could calculate that for you...
The first video is to help newbies really realize how big the price move in bitcoin has been. The second video is to teach about the dangers that are involved in digital currency trading, the third video shows two different set-and-forget crypto trading strategies that you can use to be sure that you don't miss out on the big changes coming to how money is used
Digital Currency Trading Course and community. A compilation of lessons and trading strategies, organized into the order that I would teach my younger self - so that I could have avoided many years of misdirected efforts, trading losses and frustrations.
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Are Altcoins Generally Making Bottom Formations? Review of Altcoin Price charts, Bitcoin Cloud Mining and In the video , at about 14:40, the answer to the question "How do I start out with little or no money?".
CLAM lending rates remain high as the price of CLAMS drop lower under continued heavy selling. Margin Trading on Polonoiex Margin traders are carrying large short positions in the CLAM Altcoin market...
An educational place to focus on reviews and tutorials for places that provide a bitcoin lending market. Bitcoin Lending Rates. How To Provide Bitcoin Loans.