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IN Too

Boundaries of Responsibility « Reflections in the WORD - 0 views

    Your responsibility begins with what you can control; you are at peace with all the people in your life. Your responsibility ends with what you cannot control - like whether or not they are at peace with you. You will have more personal peace when you accept that responsibility boundary.
IN Too

Swaddling Clothes: Gift-Wrapped Love « Reflections in the WORD - 0 views

    Just as a loving mother restricts her baby's motion to help it to rest more comfortably, let us allow God to swaddle us with His Word so that we might find true peace. And may God swaddle us with His Will so that we will love and serve our fellowmen, putting their needs ahead of our own.
IN Too

The Secret to Sleeping through Storms: Without Faith lies Fear; Within Faith ... - 0 views

    They had no guarantee that they would survive the storm, BUT they could be absolutely sure that God controlled the storm and controlled their lives. They could be absolutely sure that as fierce as the storm raged, God's love for them raged even more fiercely. No storm could ever blow them out of God's mighty hand.
José Bortolato


    Salmo 34 Quer ter uma doce surpresa? Seja abençoado por Deus, ao contemplá-Lo. Neste mundo vivemos maus dias com alguma frequência. Isto não é pessimismo, é uma realidade que não nos avisaram quando éramos crianças, mas... graças a Deus: esses dias aziagos, porém, não são ainda a nossa
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