List of famous songs to learn musical intervals. Create your own custom lists with the interval song chart maker. A perfect starting point for ear training.
For those of you that don't own a piano, this app is a portable piano for your iPad/iPod/iPhone. This is really helpful for visually seeing where notes such as C4 and the other notes on the piano fit. It is also useful for practicing ear training (like we do in class).
A simple to use Beat Making app. I find it very fun. You can export sounds you create to soundcloud. It only works in 4/4 and 8 bar loops, but nevertheless it's very entertaining.
An extremely cool and simple to use Synthesizer app. $1.99 on the App Store, and even for just messing around I found it worth the money. Very good app.
This is a comprehensive study guide for many concepts within music theory. Given specific parameters, it will generate specific scales, key signatures, etc. It also has manuscript paper, glossary of vocab terms, and more.
The site interacts with apps for mobile devices/tablets to create customized flashcards. You can utilize both text and pictures, depending on the content needed.
This site talks about the different moods associated with different chord types. It can help narrow down the categories that a specific chord could be.
This website lists intervals and shows them on the treble clef. There are also tabs on the side to notation, rhythm, meter, tempo, musical form, scales, chords, and harmony.
This website has key techniques to help with sight reading and interpreting the piece in your mind faster. This website also helps understanding sight-reading on different levels, not just note by note.
This website helps recognize different scales by ear, without looking at what key it's in. This also helps greatly with hearing different trichords, harmonics, and melodic scales.
So this site has a variety of different intervals, scales, chords, and some melodies that you can use to help you identify the different names of intervals, notes andmelodies. Also has a perfect pitch trainer to help you work on your inner ear.