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Ayoub David

Galaxy S5 coming with a metal body - 0 views

    The Galaxy S4 was marketed soon it is already clear that Galaxy S5 released in 2014 is currently a persistent rumor swells on the web. In fact Samsung would like to project next model to be the first smartphone of its brand with a metal body and the traditional plastic would be replaced by metal.
Ayoub David

Samsung Galaxy S5 a high-end look and an ultra Slim Shell for the Smartphone? - 0 views

    While the Galaxy S5 will not start until next year, we expect that this device was a huge success. This upcoming smartphone Samsung promises to have the characteristics of dream. Experts are already talking about a flexible screen dressed in a shell hardly noticeable.
Ayoub David

Samsung announces 64-bit processor for the Galaxy S5 - 0 views

    Samsung Galaxy S5 will have 64 bit processor. Really it is a good news for Samsung lovers. Already Apple has launched the iPhone 5S, which support 64 bit processor. In response to this, The Samsung spokesperson announced that, next Smartphone will include a 64 bit processor.
Ayoub David

Samsung Announces The Galaxy S5 in January of next year - 0 views

    According to the Korean media with sources from Samsung, the Galaxy S5 will have its official announcement in January 2014. The release earlier than planned is explained by the disappointing sales of the Galaxy S4.
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