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Sunny Jackson

Rebutting more outlandish statements about atheists | Psychology Today - 0 views

  • correlation does not equal cause
  • These broad-based assertions about atheists are so groundless and outlandish that it's difficult to know where to start in rebutting them.
  • atheists have indeed inhabited foxholes
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • In truth, of course, atheists, like all people, regularly experience far more severe "stress" without abandoning their worldview.
  • the most important factor in creating atheists is education, not material comfort. In fact, if material comfort correlates to atheism, that is only because it also correlates to education.
  • a non-theistic worldview is attained via a lifetime of education and thoughtful consideration of knowledge and reason
  • this is insulting to the millions of atheists and humanists who take their lifestance seriously, who have given much thought and energy to understanding the world
  • Atheists suffer like everyone else, atheists watch loved ones suffer, atheists encounter unbearable hardships, and atheists die in pain - all the while remaining atheists.
Sunny Jackson

The Myth of Militant Atheism | Psychology Today - 0 views

  • When the media and others refer to a "militant atheist," the object of that slander is usually an atheist who had the nerve to openly question religious authority or vocally express his or her views about the existence of God.
Sunny Jackson

What Is Atheism? Narrow vs. Broad Definitions of Atheism: Why Do Atheists Define Atheis... - 0 views

  • broadly defined, atheism is the absence of belief in the existence of any gods
  • agnosticism is about knowledge rather than belief (a related, but separate issue)
  • Agnostic Theism: belief in a god without claiming to know for sure that the god exists.
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • Agnostic Atheism: disbelief in gods without claiming to know for sure that none exist.
  • the simple absence of belief in gods — aside from being the default position — is automatically justified and made credible so long as theists are not successful in making a credible case for their god.
  • Atheists agree that gods exist as ideas in people’s minds; the disagreement lies over whether any gods actually exist independently of human beliefs.
  • Atheism implies no further belief system
  • Atheists vary as much in their beliefs and attitudes as theists do. If you know that a person is an atheist, then you know that he or she lacks belief in gods — nothing more, nothing less.
Sunny Jackson

Is There a Godless Church of Liberalism or Atheism? Responding to Ann Coulter & Christi... - 0 views

  • Liberalism is a political philosophy, no different from conservatism
  • Liberalism is a political philosophy, no different from conservatism
  • a person can oppose abortion in principle but be unwilling to criminalize it
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • children of all religions and no religions are equally free
  • Many who accept evolution do not believe that humanity was an acciden
  • It’s not enough to simply criticize liberal policies on the basis of real or even perceived flaws; instead, conservatives must claim that the real and fundamental problem with liberalism is that it is godless and then proceed to describe every real or perceived flaw as stemming from that godlessness.
  • Addressing the actual issues which liberals or atheists advocate would mean treating both the ideas and the people with some measure of respect.
Sunny Jackson

Human Rights Campaign - 0 views

shared by Sunny Jackson on 09 Jul 13 - Cached
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