ISTE Learning- Coaching for Effective PD - 0 views
Excerpt: The speed with which technology advances makes it nearly impossible for teachers to "learn" a specific technology and interweave it effectively into a lesson. Therefore, the emphasis should be on an environment that allows teachers to adapt to ongoing learning that fosters coaching and collaboration. Innovative and technology-infused teaching methodologies require a new kind of thinking in which educators are willing to engage in a high degree of experimental and innovative behavior.
PBS & CR 2.0--Education in the Digital Age: a tour of FRONTLINE's Digital Nation - Clas... - 0 views
PBS Teachers and Classroom 2.0
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Education 2.0 - Edmodo - Free Private Social Platform For Education - 1 views
platform for teachers and students to share ideas, files, events and assignments.
A private
Free Technology for Teachers: Seven Places to Find Free eBooks - 1 views
Simulating A Testing Environment With Google Apps For Education | Teched Up Teacher - 0 views
Short cuts for Copy (Ctrl+C) and Paste (Ctrl+V) and Find (Ctrl+F) will help students work more
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