Get Aftercare instruction for Laser Vein Removal Treatment - 0 views
Derek Martin on 02 Oct 14Laser vein removal is a proven, effective treatment for unsightly broken vessels. Leg veins are mainly caused by oestrogen, prolonged standing, obesity and inheritance. Our Cutera NdYAG laser successfully treats leg veins. It is a safe, effective and comfortable procedure , that does not involve painful injections. So to take care of your skin after a laser vein removal treatment follow our aftercare instruction at Lanu Medi Spa Drogheda.
Derek Martin on 02 Oct 14Laser vein removal is a proven, effective treatment for unsightly broken vessels. Leg veins are mainly caused by oestrogen, prolonged standing, obesity and inheritance. Our Cutera NdYAG laser successfully treats leg veins. It is a safe, effective and comfortable procedure , that does not involve painful injections. So to take care of your skin after a laser vein removal treatment follow our aftercare instruction at Lanu Medi Spa Drogheda.