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Mallory Burton

Free Math Apps | Math Learning Center - 0 views

    Math apps that are also available in a browser version. Download MLC's free math apps.
    Math apps that are also available in a browser version. Download MLC's free math apps.
Mallory Burton

Dan Meyer: Math class needs a makeover | Video on - 4 views

    Awesome TED Talk about a different way to teach math. Are we making things too simple? TED Talks Today's math curriculum is teaching students to expect -- and excel at -- paint-by-numbers classwork, robbing kids of a skill more important than solving problems: formulating them. At TEDxNYED, Dan Meyer shows classroom-tested math exercises that prompt students to stop and think.
Mallory Burton

Math Playground - 2 views

    Excellent math site for elementary and middle school. Includes a section where students can model problems.
Mallory Burton

Yummy Math - 0 views

shared by Mallory Burton on 11 Nov 12 - No Cached
    Website dedicate to real-world applications of math. Just brilliant!
Mallory Burton

UDL designed math apps - 1 views

shared by Mallory Burton on 01 Feb 13 - No Cached
    Two new free UDL designed math apps from CAST.
Mallory Burton

Most Ridiculous Math Problem of all Time - 2 views

    Best example of the worst kind of math problem...still laughing at "My Favorite Orange"
Mallory Burton

Math TV (Secondary) - 0 views

    Math instructional videos look more appropriate for secondary.
Mallory Burton

Brightstorm Math - 1 views

    High school math site with videos.
Mallory Burton

World Math Day 2009 - 0 views

    World Math Day is March 4, 2009. This post describes a world-wide online competition you may want to participate in.
Mallory Burton

Real World Math - 0 views

    Phenomenal set of lessons which use Google Earth to teach real world math. There are several lessons under each of 4 main topics: concepts, measurement, project-based learning, and exploratory. The author provides a screenshot, objectives and description of the lesson with a downloadable .kmz file and downloadable .doc worksheet. Probably more suitable for middle school or high school. If the Lessons link doesn't work from the main page, go to the resources page and click on lessons.
Mallory Burton

Jim Reed's Math Simulations - 0 views

    Incredible collection of flash to teach middle and high school math. The flash is interactive, allowing you to change a variable such as the value of an exponent and then see how that changes the value in an equation. For example, kids can experiment by altering the value of exponents to learn why we keep the base and add exponents when we're multiplying two powers with the same base. Jim teaches in Alberta.
Mallory Burton

PhET: Free online physics, chemistry, biology, earth science and math simulations - 0 views

    Math and Science Simulations from the University of Colorado. Can change various parameters to create simulation; can also create different graphs associated with the simulation. Appropriate for middle school and high school.
Mallory Burton

Math Apprentice - 1 views

    Shows how math is used in the real world by a number of different professions.
Mallory Burton

UDL Designed Lessons K-5 - 1 views

    UDL-Designed Math Lessons. Interesting lesson plan with space for goals, I can statements, student considerations, tech/materials needed, UDL guidelines written on right hand side opposite lesson elements.
Mallory Burton

With Math I Can - Growth Mindset Tools - 0 views

    Take the With Math I Can growth mindset pledge and access worksheets, lesson plans and other growth mindset resources for use at home, in your classroom and in your district.
Mallory Burton

Teaching With Three-Act Tasks: Act One - 0 views

    Scott McKay found this blog post by Dan Meyer on how to structure a very open-ended 3 part math lesson.
Mallory Burton

Cloudon - 0 views

    This iPad app provides MSWord, PPT, Excel for free. Even includes a Math Editor. Looks like you have to be online to use it. Paul Hamilton is going to review it soon.
Mallory Burton

Algebra Resources from Dan Meyer - 0 views

    several gigs of math resources from what can we do with this guru Dan Meyer...convenient download all option
Mallory Burton

LearnNowBC - Home - 0 views

    Free online versions of 4 Edmark series classics: Bailey's Bookhouse, Milly's Math House, Sammy's Science House, and Trudy's Time and Place House.
Mallory Burton

Welcome to Mr. Vizza's Class - 0 views

    Collection of SMARTBoard activities for math, algebra.
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