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Contents contributed and discussions participated by ahmad ansori


Jenis Batu Akik - 2 views

started by ahmad ansori on 28 Nov 14 no follow-up yet

batik solo assidiq semakin populer - 2 views

started by ahmad ansori on 10 Nov 14 no follow-up yet
  • ahmad ansori
    berbagai macam baju batik motif batik yang telah ada memberikan gambaran kepda kita tentang majunya budaya dan kreativitas bangsa indonesia yang sangat bagus sekali di bidang batik.
    salah satunya saya ambil batik indonesia contoh dari motif batik pekalongan yang sangat unik dan menarik,kenapa saya ambil contoh motif batik pekalongan ?
    ya.. karena batik pekalongan batik modern merupakan jenis yang sangat bagus dan banyak pilihannya,selain itu motif batik seragam batik juga sangat bervariasi,
    ada dua macam motif batik pekalongan :

    sesuai baju batik muslim dengan artinya,tentu motif batik modern lebih mengacu kepada inovasi dan trend fashion masa kini,baju batik 2012 sedangkan classic lebih mengutamakan kesan natural yang telah ada dari zaman dahulu kala.
    para pecinta pun bayak juga yang berburu motif-motif baju batik terbaru pekalongan classic namun tidak sedikit juga yang memilih motif baju batik modern sebagai fashionnya,umumnya para kawula muda yang model baju muslim memilih jenis motif classic.
    grosir batik pekalongan assidiq menyediakan  baju batik modern berbagai motif batik pekalongan,motif batik solo,dan berbagai motif batik tulis serta printing motif batik pekalongan

    Grosir batik pekalongan termurah ASSIDIQ baju batik sarimbit memberikan discount 5% dari harga untuk setiap pembelian batik batik pekalongan dalam jumlah satu kodi atau 20 potong baju batik pekalongan,ini berarti jika anda membeli 2 batik tulis kodi atau 40 potong maka discountnya model batik juga dua kali.
    Lumayan bukan ???
    bagi yang berminat silakan pesan sekarang.
    Promo ini berlaku dari tanggal motif batik 4 juni 2011 sampai dengan 4 juli 2011,manfaatkan kesempatan ini.
    mumpung ada discount sampai 5 %....
    Jangan siasiakan kesempatan ini.
    Bagi anda yang menginginkan gambar batik pekalongan dalam jumlah banyak atau untuk di jual kembali maka moment ini tentunya sangat model baju 2012  tepat untuk memborong koleksi baju-baju batik pekalongan di grosir assidiq.

    Produk-produk yang mendapat discount meliputi :
    1.baju batik sarimbit
    2.kemeja batik pria
    3.kemeja batik wanita
    4.kaos batik
    5.sarung batik.
    pesan sekarang juga sebelum kehabisan,persediaan terbatas.
    Terimakasih atas kunjungan anda,semoga artikel ini bisa membantu apa yang anda butuhkan tentang produk-produk pakaian yang anda cari di sini
    Wassalam wr wb

    grosir assidiq menjual batik tulis pekalongan yang asli,bukan batik printing atau hasil dari penyablonan.
    Jika anda adalah pecinta batik tulis pekalongan maka kami menyediakan berbagai busana batik tulis pekalongan yang benar-benar asli,bukan bajakan,bukan batik printing,bukan menggunakan kain murahan melainkan kain yang kami ambil dari kain halus sejenis katun tetapi kekuatannya sungguh teruji.
    Akan baju batik bola tetapi jika anda menginginkan jenis batik dengan kualitas menengah kami juga menyediakan,baju batik wanita tentu saja harganya pun jauh lebih murah kalau di bandingkan dengan batik tulis,
    Batik pekalongan bukan identik dengan baju batik pria batik murahan,banyak sekali jenis batik pekalongan yang harganya mahal.
    Yah....semua tergantung dari kualitas baju batik couple barangnya,baik itu dari sisi kualitas kain,model baju,kualitas jahitan dan mutu batikannya sendiri apakah batik tulis atau sekedar sablonan model baju batik atau hasil printing oleh mesin sablon kain saja.
    Berminat ingin membeli batik berkualitas baju batik gamis nomor wahid ?
    Kami ada untuk semua kebutuhan anda tentang busana batik.
    Silahkan anda lihat produk-produk busana batik baju batik solo pekalongan kami di sini.
    batik tulis pekalongan Terimakasih banyak atas batik keris kunjungan anda,semoga anda puas dan mendapat apa yang anda cari di situs ini.
    Bagi penggemar busana batik,khususnya batik baju batik online pekalongan,kami beritahukan bahwa di sini kami menyediakan beraneka ragam busana batik pekalongan,
    Untuk klasifikasinya model baju terbaru kami bagi menjadi dua macam,yang pertama:
    Baju batik modern dan yang kedua baju batik classic.
    Baju batik modern khas pekalongan kini keluar dengan berbagai model dan motif yang sangat menarik.
    Inilah yang menjadi titik berat kain batik pengklasifikasian batik disini,sedang untuk batik classic menggunakan motif dan model yang bercorak natural.
    Umumnya untuk trend busana saat ini batik modern lebih cocok karena model serta motifnya mengikuti arus jaman sekarang yang serba pasang iklan murah
    trendy. Mengenai artikel lain seputar batik pekalongan silahkan lihat di situs ini,kami telah memberikan semua gambaran baju batik dinasti produk-produknya disini.
    Selamat berbelanja

batik solo assidiq semakin populer - 1 views

started by ahmad ansori on 10 Nov 14 no follow-up yet
  • ahmad ansori
    berbagai macam baju batik motif batik yang telah ada memberikan gambaran kepda kita tentang majunya budaya dan kreativitas bangsa indonesia yang sangat bagus sekali di bidang batik.
    salah satunya saya ambil batik indonesia contoh dari motif batik pekalongan yang sangat unik dan menarik,kenapa saya ambil contoh motif batik pekalongan ?
    ya.. karena batik pekalongan batik modern merupakan jenis yang sangat bagus dan banyak pilihannya,selain itu motif batik seragam batik juga sangat bervariasi,
    ada dua macam motif batik pekalongan :

    sesuai baju batik muslim dengan artinya,tentu motif batik modern lebih mengacu kepada inovasi dan trend fashion masa kini,baju batik 2012 sedangkan classic lebih mengutamakan kesan natural yang telah ada dari zaman dahulu kala.
    para pecinta pun bayak juga yang berburu motif-motif baju batik terbaru pekalongan classic namun tidak sedikit juga yang memilih motif baju batik modern sebagai fashionnya,umumnya para kawula muda yang model baju muslim memilih jenis motif classic.
    grosir batik pekalongan assidiq menyediakan  baju batik modern berbagai motif batik pekalongan,motif batik solo,dan berbagai motif batik tulis serta printing motif batik pekalongan

    Grosir batik pekalongan termurah ASSIDIQ baju batik sarimbit memberikan discount 5% dari harga untuk setiap pembelian batik batik pekalongan dalam jumlah satu kodi atau 20 potong baju batik pekalongan,ini berarti jika anda membeli 2 batik tulis kodi atau 40 potong maka discountnya model batik juga dua kali.
    Lumayan bukan ???
    bagi yang berminat silakan pesan sekarang.
    Promo ini berlaku dari tanggal motif batik 4 juni 2011 sampai dengan 4 juli 2011,manfaatkan kesempatan ini.
    mumpung ada discount sampai 5 %....
    Jangan siasiakan kesempatan ini.
    Bagi anda yang menginginkan gambar batik pekalongan dalam jumlah banyak atau untuk di jual kembali maka moment ini tentunya sangat model baju 2012  tepat untuk memborong koleksi baju-baju batik pekalongan di grosir assidiq.

    Produk-produk yang mendapat discount meliputi :
    1.baju batik sarimbit
    2.kemeja batik pria
    3.kemeja batik wanita
    4.kaos batik
    5.sarung batik.
    pesan sekarang juga sebelum kehabisan,persediaan terbatas.
    Terimakasih atas kunjungan anda,semoga artikel ini bisa membantu apa yang anda butuhkan tentang produk-produk pakaian yang anda cari di sini
    Wassalam wr wb

    grosir assidiq menjual batik tulis pekalongan yang asli,bukan batik printing atau hasil dari penyablonan.
    Jika anda adalah pecinta batik tulis pekalongan maka kami menyediakan berbagai busana batik tulis pekalongan yang benar-benar asli,bukan bajakan,bukan batik printing,bukan menggunakan kain murahan melainkan kain yang kami ambil dari kain halus sejenis katun tetapi kekuatannya sungguh teruji.
    Akan baju batik bola tetapi jika anda menginginkan jenis batik dengan kualitas menengah kami juga menyediakan,baju batik wanita tentu saja harganya pun jauh lebih murah kalau di bandingkan dengan batik tulis,
    Batik pekalongan bukan identik dengan baju batik pria batik murahan,banyak sekali jenis batik pekalongan yang harganya mahal.
    Yah....semua tergantung dari kualitas baju batik couple barangnya,baik itu dari sisi kualitas kain,model baju,kualitas jahitan dan mutu batikannya sendiri apakah batik tulis atau sekedar sablonan model baju batik atau hasil printing oleh mesin sablon kain saja.
    Berminat ingin membeli batik berkualitas baju batik gamis nomor wahid ?
    Kami ada untuk semua kebutuhan anda tentang busana batik.
    Silahkan anda lihat produk-produk busana batik baju batik solo pekalongan kami di sini.
    batik tulis pekalongan Terimakasih banyak atas batik keris kunjungan anda,semoga anda puas dan mendapat apa yang anda cari di situs ini.
    Bagi penggemar busana batik,khususnya batik baju batik online pekalongan,kami beritahukan bahwa di sini kami menyediakan beraneka ragam busana batik pekalongan,
    Untuk klasifikasinya model baju terbaru kami bagi menjadi dua macam,yang pertama:
    Baju batik modern dan yang kedua baju batik classic.
    Baju batik modern khas pekalongan kini keluar dengan berbagai model dan motif yang sangat menarik.
    Inilah yang menjadi titik berat kain batik pengklasifikasian batik disini,sedang untuk batik classic menggunakan motif dan model yang bercorak natural.
    Umumnya untuk trend busana saat ini batik modern lebih cocok karena model serta motifnya mengikuti arus jaman sekarang yang serba pasang iklan murah
    trendy. Mengenai artikel lain seputar batik pekalongan silahkan lihat di situs ini,kami telah memberikan semua gambaran baju batik dinasti produk-produknya disini.
    Selamat berbelanja

dengan harga terjang - 1 views

started by ahmad ansori on 06 Apr 14 no follow-up yet
  • ahmad ansori

    dengan harga terjangkau. model baju batik Untuk info dan pembelian bisa langsung kini seakan menjadi salah satu trend fashion busana yang cukup degemari oleh mereka para kaum pria di tanah air, kesan simpel namun elegan menjadi salah model baju batik wanita satu daya tarik tersendiri yang bisa membuat mereka semua melirik model batik yang satu ini.hal ini karena ada batik prasetyo lah yang senantiasa  menyediakan hampir seluruh busana batik modern seperti model baju terbaru 2014 batik gamis modern, batik sarimbit moder dan lain sebagainya yang pastinya memiliki kualitas bahan pembuat dan jahitan yang sangat menarik.

    Kemunculan jenis batik dengan beragam model menarik yang motif batik pekalongan sekarang kita sebut dengan model batik modern seakan membawa sebuah perubahan yang sangat besar bagi masyarakat yang ada di Indonesia. Model kain batik murah dari gamis batik kombinasi adalah salah satu contoh model batik yang sekarang ini sedang mengalami pengambangan yang sangat luar biasa. baju pesta wanita Model yang terdiri dari 2 kebudayaan yakni timur tengah dengan Indonesia ini seakan membuat suatu sensai berbeda yang baju batik 2014 membuat banyak orang mulai tertarik membelinya. Meskipun masih banyak para penjual batik yang menawarkan sebuah model menarik dari  gamis batik kombinasi tersebut namun harganya masih bisa dibilang cukup mahal bagi sebagian orang.

    Nah, untuk anda yang ingin menikmati jenis dari fashion  gamis batik kombinasi ini namun tidak memiliki gambar baju batik budget yang banyak tak perlu khawatir karena sekarang ini muncullah sebuah online shop bernama batik sutikno yang motif batik solo  menyediakan berbagai macam jenis batik modern menarik dengan harga yang tentunya sangat terjangkau bagi model batik terbaru semua orang. Mulai dari jenis batik gamis, batik pesta, batik kerja wanita, batik kerja pria dan banyak lagi lainnya dijamin akan membuat anda bisa nyaman memilih jenis batik mana yang anda sukai baju seragam batik kantor tanpa harus khawatir akan menghabiskan dana yang cukup besar.

    Dress Batik Pesta – Bermodalkan kreatifitas dan daya imajinasi yang sangat tinggi, saat ini baju batik para pengembang dan pengerajin batik telah dapat membuktikan bahwa baju-baju batik tradisional yang dulunya mungkin kurang diminati oleh orang kini menjelma model baju gamis batik menjadi beragam produk fashion yang modern dan juga menarik yang banyak di cari banyak orang. Pengembangan dari model baju batik yang saat ini kita sebut dengan model batik modern ternyata membawa pengaruh besar pada dunia fashion di model baju muslim terbaru Indonesia terutama kepada para kaum hawa. Kemunculan beragam model batik-batik cantik nan elegan bagi mereka seperti dress batik pesta,  baju batik pekalongan  batik muslim, batik sarimbit dan sebagainya seakan membuat para kaum hawa pecinta trend fashion ini serasa dimanjakan dengan munculnya banyak model tersebut.

    Dengan munculnya banyak model baju 2014 terbaru modern wanita seperti  dress batik pesta ini menjadikan pandangan akan batik seolah berubah total. Banyak yang mengakui bahwa batik-batik modern yang dihadirkan saat ini seolah memilii sebuah keistimewaan, toko baju batik online dengan mengkombinasikan beragam motif-motif batik nusantara yang kaya akan seni yang dikombinasikan dengan balutan nuansa modern membuat beragam batik modern yang ada saat ini memiliki banyak keistimewaan dan bahkan lebih indah model baju batik modern dari pada model pakaian import. Ratusan jenis bati-batik cantik dan elegan baik untuk pria maupun wanita saat ini banyak sekali diperdagangkan para pedagang baik secara online baju blus batik maupun tidak.

    Nah, bagi anda semua yang mungkin ingin mencoba membeli balutan batik-batik cantik tersebut dengan  kemeja baju batik pria kualitas bagus dan harga yang mirng maka batik sutikno online shop adalah jawaban dari semua hal yang anda inginkan baju batik sarimbit keluarga  tersebut. Di online shop yang menyediakan batik online terlengkap ini anda dijamin tidak akan menyesal jika mempercayakan semua hal tentang batik di online shop ini karena kami akan selalu model baju dress batik menyediakan beragam model batik-batik berkualitas mulai untuk pria maupun wanita dan dari beragam daerah pernghasil bati terbaik di baju batik couple pasangan nusantara.


indonesian batik trend this year - 1 views

started by ahmad ansori on 31 Mar 14 no follow-up yet
  • ahmad ansori

    For batik enthusiasts who like to shop online ,baju batik especially there is no harm if you try to visit an online shop named sutikno . Why so ? This is because there are hundreds of models of modern batik fashion ready available for you . Its products and services are guaranteed to be what you get if you shop at the online shop , some of the benefits you will receive ,model baju batik among others, is a servant who was very friendly , transparent transaction process , a model that continues to be updated every week and will guarantee delivery of your items . In addition it was one of the highlights is all prodak batik clothes sold there using quality basic material and coupled to the prices quite skewed

    Speaking a fashion trend , it would seem incomplete if it did not discuss about a baju batik modern fashion trends . As the times that exist today , batik clothing has been experiencing a lot of change and development model that has a variety of types and models of interest . If calculated , starting from the launch of the first models of modern batik till now it has hundreds of interesting models and most of the model have been the fashion trend in Indonesia . Right now because of the many interesting and unique baju batik wanita models of batik many of our nation's very affectionate and love it , even not only in Indonesia alone , overseas there are also many people who love our national batik . With such a case it is fitting we are proud of the products we have .

    For the young people , the modern models of model baju terbaru sarimbit is one of the many fashion models are becoming a trend . Models of this modern batik shirt sarimbit currently developing the community as having a unique and distinctive beauty . Sarimbit modern batik shirt is usually favored those who are in a relationship , whether married or just a kain batik regular dating relationship . Traditional impression nan elagan will add a separate romance presented from this type of batik clothes , so it 's no wonder with sarimbit modern batik is one fashion trend that is now beginning to rage among our nation .

    For those of you who are interested in this modern batik sarimbit do not hesitate to buy it on our website , batik prasetyo online shop . In our online shop yan is indeed established specifically provide various models model batik particularly interesting about the processed sarimbit batik batik modern , batik sarimbit modern addition to the model we also provide hundreds of attractive models will be refined modern batik and batik wrote the original tradional such as gain , batik dress , batik party , batik marriage and so forth , all we provide the high quality but the price is very affordable for anyone

    The need for modern clothing models in this global era of the all as if batik modern growing every day , this is evidenced by the creation of more and more kinds of fashions that are always popping up in the fashion market today . Hundreds of types of clothes as the model turns filling and coloring fashion trends in Indonesia , in addition to the domestic fashion today many are also different kinds of clothing imported from abroad into Indonesia and many of the models of clothing imports which dominate sales the fashion market baju batik pria . If this continues, it will very likely be lethal original fashions from Indonesia . To anticipate this current lot of designers who develop and combine local products in a fashion such that the country can match the clothing import existing blus batik popularity .

    Talking about developing domestic product ,model baju batik now a fashion product called batik was having a very disignifikan development , it is dimaksukan that this kind of clothing does not sink through time . Model beautiful batik shirt is one of the models of modern batik development that is currently emerging , the idea of ??developing this type of batik robe of the expected favored especially by the women because some communities in Indonesia is Moslem woman . After long time development experience ,baju batik this beautiful batik shirt can now be one of the fashion trends that can be an alternative for Muslim women who want to look beautiful but it also still maintaining Islamic elements .


models and trend fashion batik for elegant - 1 views

started by ahmad ansori on 12 Mar 14 no follow-up yet
  • ahmad ansori

    Interesting and beautiful design of an office baju batik modern woman is like giving a distinct color for a woman carrier , for those who want a different work clothes and more attractive than is currently possible modern batik shirt women office was a fashion alteratif contains elements of traditional as well trendy and thus indirectly you toko batik online will preserve the tradition of the nation .

    If you are interested in batik modern woman 's office you can get modern batik shirt women model baju terbaru office with a model that is very diverse and qualified in the online shop batik prasetyo . Relax, the price offered by us do not have to worry because all we sell baju batik pria prodak we offer at very oblique . In addition to modern batik shirt women office we also offer a myriad of other beautiful batik as batik abaya , batik dress , batik dress , and so forth

    Semarang is a metropolitan city that is currently almost equal to Jakarta ,baju batik couple but in addition to being a metropolitan city center of Semarang memilii many cultures and many specialties are very proud , pride of Semarang as increases because some time ago baju muslim dubbed as Semarang Pesona Asia . Well besides having ancient buildings full of art and culture and many traditional foods , it turns Semarang also has a beautiful batik fashion . Not enough people who know batik is typical of Semarang city baju batik sarimbit , but the quality is presented Semarang batik is not less good as batik of Pekalongan and Solo which is famous for its beautiful batinya .

    Secretly batik Semarang also has a busana muslim terbaru lot to steal the hearts of many fans batik batik with modern innovations Dihadirkannya today . To Khasan of patterns and motifs presented by Semarang Batik clothes may seem unique and different from the others , kain batik in addition to the quality of material and stitching is very prefetch queue and not inferior to the model batik from other regions . Some of the names of the cash Batik Semarang Batik village include marine ,baju batik modern ocean flower , Asem monument , Stork Semawis , Puspita Beautiful , Asem War line and many others .

    For those who are interested to buy wholesale cheap batik in batik pekalongan Semarang maybe you will get it in the market johar because there are many places that sell batik wholesale at cheap prices . But for those of you who do not like you enough to stand batik solo panasan sutikno buy in batik . What is the batik sutikno it ? sutikno batik is an online shop that gamis batik sells a wide range of Semarang batik , and batik nusanntara many others . For those of you who want to try to buy it you can now also

    If you like to hunt and collect the town of Pekalongan baju batik wanita is the right place for you to buy batik because there is one of the best batik , Pekalongan batik modern fashion has a characteristic that is very beautiful and contains elements of art is thick .seragam kerja Of the many batik produced from the entire territory of modern Indonesia Pekalongan batik clothing is the most famous of them . Actually batik is not the name of a garment , is a way to make the clothes , the technique used to create a modern batik Pekalongan alone model baju 2014 there exist several kinds of batik , printed batik , and batik samples . Altogether  blus batik it has its own beauty which has been recognized by our own nation and of other nations .

    To find sellers in Pekalongan batik is not difficult , the article is gambar batik almost all the way to the town of Pekalongan , we just choose any shops selling batik suit our tastes . Well for those of you who live in Pekalongan probably will easily be able to buy modern Pekalongan model baju pesta clothes , but what about that do not live dipekalongan ? Do not worry because now many stores that provide fashion batik Pekalongan batik modern as his view item , so you do not have to bother to go to just to dress batik buy a Pekalongan batik .

    In addition to sold in stores batik clothing , batik modern pekalongan also model batik now available over the counter at many online stores that have sprung up on the internet , but you need to be careful because if you are not familiar with modern Pekalongan  motif batik is genuine then you be fooled , plus now also shop online scams are rampant . In anticipation of this you can buy modern Pekalongan batik is easy , safe and fast in the center of batik clothes that you can access the info in addition to Pekalongan model baju batik modern fashions sold there are also various batik motifs from Semarang , Solo, Banyumas and so forth .


Model batik tradisional dari solo dan pekalongan - 1 views

started by ahmad ansori on 12 Mar 14 no follow-up yet
  • ahmad ansori

    Weaving Lurik (Not Weaving Machine Tool)
        Lurik a small industry with its desain baju batik products include: towels, fabric ihrom, the interior of the house and others - others. Has entered the export share of production, among others: to Japan, Singapore, model baju batik modern America and Europe.

        Natural fiber craft
        With raw materials gondog hyacinth, banana and banana stem,model baju pesta batik pineapple fibers and other natural fibers, small business owners use it for a variety of crafts such as bags, clothes, home interiors and others - others.

        Fish processing industry
        Fish processing industry is also one of the leading toko batik online murah sectors of Pekalongan. This sector consists of:
            Fish canning
            Salting / drying (penggerehan)
            Freezing fish
            Processing and preservation of fish

    Arts and Culture

        Dance sintren
        Sintren model baju 2014 trend is the traditional art of Pekalongan and surrounding communities, is a dance of mystical / magical that comes from love story Sulasih and Raden Sulandono. The inside story is that the baju blus batik son of Raden Sulandono Ki Bahurekso marriage with Goddess Rantansari results.
        Raden Sulandono Sulasih making love with a motif batik tradisional daughter of the village Kalisalak, but the relationship did not get the blessing of Ki Bahurekso. Finally Raden Sulandono go meditated and Sulasih choose to become a dancer. baju seragam kerja Nonetheless meeting between the two is still ongoing through goib nature. The meeting was arranged by model baju muslim Dewi Rantansari the angel to enter the spirit Sulasih body, at that moment who was imprisoned Raden Sulandono invoked his spirit to meet Sulasih, then there was a baju batik couple pasangan meeting between Sulasih and Raden Sulandono.
        Since then each held performances sintren dancers must be entered by the angel baju batik sarimbit keluarga spirit keeper. Sintren played a girl who is holy (virgin), assisted by the handler and accompanied gising 6 people.model busana muslim terbaru Development sintren as entertainment folk dance, and then fitted with a companion dancer and comedian.

        Simtud Durar
        Simtud durrar is a traditional art that Islam breath using model batik 2014 a tambourine and Jidur as his instrument. This art consists of between 15 to 20 people, with the accompaniment of music they sing the praises or sholawatan as an kemeja batik pria expression of gratitude and supplication salvation of the world and the Hereafter to Allah. Art is commonly used at the opening ceremony or the gambar batik terbaru celebration of salvation held by citizens of Pekalongan City is famous for its devotion to preserving the religion.

        Kuntulan is a traditional art that Islam breath played by  baju gamis batik 18 people all of whom were men. 18th position this person is doing dance 9 people in front and behind the 9 people. It is intended to contain meaning that 99 baju batik solo Asmaul Khusna Allah properties.

        Sya'banan (Khol)
        Sya'banan (khol) is a religious ceremony / culture in model baju terbaru 2014 Pekalongan held every 14th of Sha'ban (ruwah) once a year to remember / recall services Sayid ibn Abdullah ibn Abdullah ibn al Tholib Up, during his  model baju batik trend pioneering the establishment of Boarding Schools in Java.

        Is a traditional ceremony for Muslims who are Pekalongan and baju batik pekalongan cutting around it to watch the BIG Lopis (Javanese: lepet BIG) which has a diameter of approximately 150 cm, weight 185 kg and 110 cm tall. The event is held one week jual kain batik after Idul Fitri by Mayor / Acting Muspida.

    Rice megono (Javanese: sego megono)
        Pekalongan is famous for his trademark called Megono food,baju dress batik which is a kind of side dish made of young jackfruit (gori) finely chopped mixed with grated coconut and chilli anointing anointing (kluban). However, with a more complete herb spices with a slightly spicy flavor and floral aroma combrang and sliced ??lemongrass, will cause a distinctive model baju batik wanita taste. Megono is very tasty and is suitable as a breakfast side dish, suitable also combined with any side dish. Even just accompanied with fried tempeh and soy sauce, it tasted very delicious. In Pekalongan, Megono very easy to find. From street stalls to provide almost all of the great restaurants Megono Rice.



started by ahmad ansori on 31 Jan 14 no follow-up yet
  • ahmad ansori

    That's basic elements . The process of generating jasa seo murah input in the contact form Bloggers to arrive at the email could not be known with certainty because all occurred on the server directly Blogger . As in general , because it is not open source , we can not know exactly how the engine worked Blogger . Clearly , the message will be forwarded to the appropriate email account blog . One is for sure , you have to register ( activate / use ) widget contact form in advance will even do a hack and displays them on a static page , not on the widget . Without a register , contact form will not be active .

    The process that will be conducted is :

    A. Installing Widgets Contact Form

    B. Removing element jasa seo indonesia Contact Form In Sidebar Widget

    C. Simple customization In Contact Form

    D. Installing Contact Form on Static Pages


    How to Install Widget Contact Form

    1 . Login to dashboard > layout > add a gadget

    2 . Select Widget jasa seo terbaik Gadget Contact Form and save / store .

    3 . Done .


    Removing element Contact Form Sidebar Widget

    After you install the Contact Form , then the widget will be displayed on the sidebar or footer bar on the appropriate option and your template . We had to remove it so that the Contact Form can only be accessed template seo friendly via the Contact page . Why are removed ? Why not just hidden ? Some tutorials related to hack blogger I often encountered using methods hide the widget ( with conditional tags ) . I think this way is less effective , because the widget contact form will not be displayed anywhere on the page , so the best way is to remove the element, not hide / exclude only. Remember that removed only the elements , not the whole widget , because we still want to maintain a register of active contact form .


    1 . Go to dashboard > Template > Edit HTML .

    2 . Then find the section of code contact form widget preinstalled by using the "Jump to Widget " . Consider the following picture :

    3 . Click " ContactForm1 " to go to the widgets section , then click the arrow to the left of the widget code ( expand ) to open the contents of the widget , as shown in the following figure :

    4 . Widget will be stretched , and once again click the arrow to konsultan seo the left of the section between <b:includable id='main'> and < / b : includable > . Once again, the widget will be stretched more detailed , clear sections within / between the tags b : includable it. Consider the following picture :


    5 . Note that the code is properly removed , after confirmed , save the template .


    Simple customization In Contact Form


    The composition of the default blogger html contact form belajar seo by default is very simple , see here . Without customization , the code was already ready for use . To do some additional customization , I give you some simple ideas and is still very basic , to hack the CSS in several attractive designs and personal , I will review the following opportunities .


    The first customization I did was change the order of information pakar seo such as " Name" , " Email " is by default located at the top of the input box be in the box and will be deleted automatically when clicked . To enable this , I fill the value matches the text you want to display and use simple javascript onblur and onfocus . ex :


Model batik tradisional dari solo dan pekalongan - 0 views

started by ahmad ansori on 31 Jan 14 no follow-up yet
  • ahmad ansori

    Weaving Lurik (Not Weaving Machine Tool)
        Lurik a small industry with its baju batik products include: towels, fabric ihrom, the interior of the house and others - others. Has entered the export share of production, among others: to Japan, Singapore, baju batik modern America and Europe.

        Natural fiber craft
        With raw materials gondog hyacinth, banana and banana stem,model baju pesta pineapple fibers and other natural fibers, small business owners use it for a variety of crafts such as bags, clothes, home interiors and others - others.

        Fish processing industry
        Fish processing industry is also one of the leading toko batik online sectors of Pekalongan. This sector consists of:
            Fish canning
            Salting / drying (penggerehan)
            Freezing fish
            Processing and preservation of fish

    Arts and Culture

        Dance sintren
        Sintren model baju 2014 is the traditional art of Pekalongan and surrounding communities, is a dance of mystical / magical that comes from love story Sulasih and Raden Sulandono. The inside story is that the blus batik son of Raden Sulandono Ki Bahurekso marriage with Goddess Rantansari results.
        Raden Sulandono Sulasih making love with a motif batik daughter of the village Kalisalak, but the relationship did not get the blessing of Ki Bahurekso. Finally Raden Sulandono go meditated and Sulasih choose to become a dancer. seragam kerja Nonetheless meeting between the two is still ongoing through goib nature. The meeting was arranged by baju muslim Dewi Rantansari the angel to enter the spirit Sulasih body, at that moment who was imprisoned Raden Sulandono invoked his spirit to meet Sulasih, then there was a baju batik couple meeting between Sulasih and Raden Sulandono.
        Since then each held performances sintren dancers must be entered by the angel baju batik sarimbit spirit keeper. Sintren played a girl who is holy (virgin), assisted by the handler and accompanied gising 6 people.busana muslim terbaru Development sintren as entertainment folk dance, and then fitted with a companion dancer and comedian.

        Simtud Durar
        Simtud durrar is a traditional art that Islam breath using model batik a tambourine and Jidur as his instrument. This art consists of between 15 to 20 people, with the accompaniment of music they sing the praises or sholawatan as an baju batik pria expression of gratitude and supplication salvation of the world and the Hereafter to Allah. Art is commonly used at the opening ceremony or the gambar batik celebration of salvation held by citizens of Pekalongan City is famous for its devotion to preserving the religion.

        Kuntulan is a traditional art that Islam breath played by  gamis batik 18 people all of whom were men. 18th position this person is doing dance 9 people in front and behind the 9 people. It is intended to contain meaning that 99 batik solo Asmaul Khusna Allah properties.

        Sya'banan (Khol)
        Sya'banan (khol) is a religious ceremony / culture in model baju terbaru Pekalongan held every 14th of Sha'ban (ruwah) once a year to remember / recall services Sayid ibn Abdullah ibn Abdullah ibn al Tholib Up, during his  model baju batik pioneering the establishment of Boarding Schools in Java.

        Is a traditional ceremony for Muslims who are Pekalongan and batik pekalongan cutting around it to watch the BIG Lopis (Javanese: lepet BIG) which has a diameter of approximately 150 cm, weight 185 kg and 110 cm tall. The event is held one week kain batik after Idul Fitri by Mayor / Acting Muspida.

    Rice megono (Javanese: sego megono)
        Pekalongan is famous for his trademark called Megono food,dress batik which is a kind of side dish made of young jackfruit (gori) finely chopped mixed with grated coconut and chilli anointing anointing (kluban). However, with a more complete herb spices with a slightly spicy flavor and floral aroma combrang and sliced ??lemongrass, will cause a distinctive baju batik wanita taste. Megono is very tasty and is suitable as a breakfast side dish, suitable also combined with any side dish. Even just accompanied with fried tempeh and soy sauce, it tasted very delicious. In Pekalongan, Megono very easy to find. From street stalls to provide almost all of the great restaurants Megono Rice.


traditional batik from java indonesia - 0 views

started by ahmad ansori on 05 Nov 13 no follow-up yet
  • ahmad ansori

    Eventually Sokaraja baju batik spread to the people and at the end of XIX century is directly related to the area of Solo batik and Ponorogo . Areas in Banyumas batik has been known since long ago model baju terbaru with motifs and colors in particular and now called batik Banyumas . After the world war started batik unity is also done by China in addition to their trade batik material . .


    Similar to batik in Pekalongan . baju batik wanita The followers of Prince Diponegoro who settled in this area then develop sekitara batik business in this coastal area , which is not only in their own area of ??Pekalongan , motif batik grew rapidly in Buawaran , Pekajangan and Wonopringgo . The existence of batik in these areas batik solo almost simultaneously with batik other areas is about XIX century . Batik development in areas outside of Yogyakarta and Solo apart is closely connected with the history of batik pekalongan the development of the kingdom of Yogyakarta and Solo.


    Widespread batik out of the palace after the end of the toko batik online Diponegoro war and the royal family moved many stricken areas outside Yogya and Solo because it did not want its partnership with the colonial government . The royal blus batik family brings new followers was stricken on the ground and continued batik craft and batik modern then into work for a living .


    Batik style in this new area is also adapted to the circumstances surrounding area . batik keris Pekalongan in terms of the process and designya much influenced by batik of Demak . Until the early twentieth century dress batik known batik process batik is the morinya materials domestically as well as most imports . After the world war a new unity baju batik sarimbit known batik fabrication and use of foreign drugs made ??in Germany and the UK .


    At the beginning of the 20th century, first made known to produce kain batik Pekajangan is weaving the yarn spun himself stagen and simply . In recent years new known batik is done by the people who gamis batik worked the weaving sector . Growth and more rapid development of batik weaving stagen and never sugar factory workers in Wonopringgo and Tirto ran into batik companies ,gambar batik because wages are higher than the sugar factory .


    Tegal batik being recognized at the end of the nineteenth century model baju 2013 and that the time used homemade taken from plants : pace / noni , indigo , soga wood and homespun fabric . Tegal batik was first color is Sogan and babaran gray after a known indigo plant , and then increased to a red - blue color . model baju muslim Tegal batik market when it's already out of the region such as West Java taken by the entrepreneurs in the foot and they are the ones who developed the historically batik in model baju batik Tasik and Kudat as well as other immigrants from the cities of Central Javanese seragam batik kantor .


    In the early twentieth century was known mori import and import of baju batik modern new drugs known postwar world unity . Batik entrepreneurs in Tegal mostly weak in capital and raw materials baju batik pria obtained from the Pekalongan and with credit and batik are sold in China that provides the raw material of credit . Time of economic crisis Tegal batik - batik actively involved flagging baju batik couple and new back about 1934 to the beginning of the second world war . model batik Time Japan entered dead again batik activities


Model terbaru baju batik paling gress - 1 views

started by ahmad ansori on 17 Sep 13 no follow-up yet
  • ahmad ansori

    Get a variety of baju batik working models of batik and batik clothes for office in 2013 , for men and women model baju batik have different working models of batik clothes that you can choose according to your taste .

    now very commonly baju batik wanita used batik uniforms to work both in the office and non - office , of course, very good baju batik pria, because it will increase the cultural traditions of our ancestors that has model baju muslim been used since , and also increase our love for domestic production .

    Our shop serves dynasty in a variety of blus batik fashions batik batik very special offices , trendy and elegant .gambar batik very suitable for office uniform . below are samples of the work of batik clothing gamis batik that you can choose according to taste , but if you want to see more uniform model baju pesta collection office please open the menu batik batik shirt women or men dress batik on the menu that we have provided .

    all our kain batik models show models dress batik modern office and the latest updates motif batik, I hope you are satisfied with all the products that you buy from us .batik solo thank you

    Featuring a variety of model batik of modern batik clothes most trendy in 2013 for men and women INCOME The specially designed to satisfy your desire in finding the latest modern batik pekalongan fashion trends .

    there are many models of toko batik online clothing options to choose from , such as batik robes , dresses , shirts , batik dress shirt and reseller batik various models for others . We design all kinds of the latest fashion trends in 2013 .

    Below are some examples of busana muslim terbaru products that you can make reference in selecting models of modern batik clothes from our boutique :

    of some of baju batik modern the clothes in there to see our complete collection by clicking on the menu other men batik , batik or batik female partner on the right side of model baju terbaru this page .

    wide range of options for 2013 fashion trends line designed very carefully seragam batik and thoroughly , sihingga producing batik clothes are very elegant and special baju batik sarimbit, all models can be found in stores batik

    2013 clothing trends that we have in baju batik couple general this is a modern batik shirt design using the latest moment , so besides this dress also has a model of the value of art is not outdated .

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