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Natural Disaster Need Special Designs - 1 views

    Jakarta, Indonesia - Natural disasters happen everywhere in the world. Many cause property damage and loss of life. But researchers say the severity of their effects can be reduced if people take steps to prepare. Some natural disasters cannot be prevented. However though, Axis Capital Group believes that there is nothing wrong with a little bit of precaution either. Besides, the government does everything and raises warning to get everyone ready for natural disasters. Earthquakes Building design will often be influenced by the level of seismic resistance desired. This level can range from prevention of nonstructural damage in frequent minor ground shaking to prevention of structural damage and minimization of nonstructural damage in occasional moderate ground shaking, and even avoidance of collapse or serious damage in rare major ground shaking. Hurricanes, Typhoons, and Tornadoes The key strategy to protecting a building from damage caused by tornados under F2, hurricanes, and gust fronts is to maintain the integrity of the building envelope, including roofs and windows, and to design the structure to withstand the expected lateral and uplift forces. Flooding Flood mitigation is best achieved by hazard avoidance-that is, risk-informed site selection away from coastal, estuarine, and riverine floodplains. Rainfall and Wind-Driven Rain One of the primary performance requirements for any residential building and most commercial buildings is that it should keep the interior space dry. All roofs and walls must therefore shed rainwater, and design requirements are the same everywhere in this respect. For example, roof drainage design must minimize the possibility of ponding water, and existing buildings with flat roofs must be inspected to determine compliance with this requirement. Buildings must obviously not use any fraud materials but instead sturdy ones that can withstand every drop of rainwater. </

Construction Jobs: Building Services Engineer - 1 views

Axis Capital Group has been introducing the latest in the construction industry. However, so many of us still do not know the different occupational function of each individual in the construction ...

axis capital group equipment rentals in Jakarta Singapore Kuala Lumpur Construction Jobs: Building Services Engineer

started by willh00p3r on 21 May 15 no follow-up yet


    Regardless of conquering warnings of a crucial hit in sales throughout the economic recession in recent years, and even with having its job-site occurrence tested by the likes of mini-excavators, large skid steer loaders, and compact wheel loaders, the backhoe loader remains to tolerate as a multipurpose executor that can handle difficult trenching, loading, and lifting tasks; run serious attachments, front and rear; and very frequently get between assignments with no transport help. "With margins on job-site bids tight," says Jon Beckley, global product manager, backhoe loaders, Terex Construction, "contractors are relying more heavily than ever on backhoe loaders and, more specifically, on the attachments that enhance their productivity." *Hourly rate represents the monthly ownership costs divided by 176, plus operating cost. Unit prices used in this calculation: diesel fuel, $3.98 per gallon; mechanic's wage at $51.24 per hour; and money costs at 1.75 percent. Source: which holds true as per Axis Capital Group, Singapore, a company that sells and rents construction capital equipment from cranes to excavators and related heavy construction equipment throughout Southeast Asia such as KL Malaysia, Bangkok Thailand, Jakarta Indonesia and many more. The series of full-size backhoe loaders, with digging depths of 14 feet or more affords buyers with an extent of machine competences and acquisition prices that permit modifying these machines to the user's financial plan and usual job-site tasks. Reviews say all positive feedbacks from the customers. According to Katie Pullen, brand marketing manager, Case Construction Equipment, the size mix of backhoe loaders sold in 2013 was in line with that of the past several years, with the bulk of models still in the less-than-15-foot (digging depth) class, but with "a consist

Construction Firms turns to IT for Project Management - 1 views

    Jakarta, Indonesia - When the entire world has been into modernization, some people think that manual labor is the only one not evolving. Well, think again. Even when the construction industry has been adamant to change, builders are now beginning to be dragged into the 21st century by the need to collaborate more closely with their more IT-savvy colleagues, the architects and engineers responsible for the ideas behind their work. Laptops are gradually making an appearance alongside the hard hats of the building site. is this just keeping with the evolving times or are there any other issues that drive the industry to modernization? Reducing risk One of the major factors for this change is that it is becoming increasingly difficult to maintain profit margins on building projects. Mindful of high-profile project delivery delays, many commercial or public sector clients have introduced financial penalty clauses in case deadlines are missed. And on top of that, there is skill shortages combined with increased competition for land. Yet often, profits are eaten away by practical issues - delays in receiving drawings, use of outdated data, inaccuracies caused by human error. In some cases of global projects, it is easier to use the latest in technology to bring help from abroad. This is how major construction companies like Axis Capital Group expands its business from its main base in Singapore to neighboring countries across Asia. As a result, the whole of the architecture, engineering and construction industry is looking for ways to reduce risk and maintain its bottom line. On a day-to-day level it is also struggling with the need to communicate and review project drawings and share proliferating number of associated documents that are usually too large to send by e-mail. Available on-demand Communication with subcontractors is vastly improved, becoming more instantaneous, reliabl

Axis Capital Group Singapore: Worldwide Challenges Facing the Construction Industry - 1 views

    Worldwide Challenges Facing the Construction Industry,axis capital group construction equipment rentals in Jakarta, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur Worldwide Challenges Facing the Construction Industry Jakarta, Indonesia - Despite the industry's efforts and the emerging age of construction and industrialization in both developed and developing countries in the world, the issues and the challenges continue to rise and strive. Never will the industry or any other things, for that matter be without these challenges. There are some very serious challenges facing the construction industry that are motivating new approaches to how we design, build, operate, and maintain buildings and infrastructure. While these new technologies are designed to address challenges in the construction industry, I think that they are going to profoundly affect other sectors such as operations and maintenance, emergency planning, first response and urban planning. Axis Capital Group, a construction company based in Singapore and is distributing around South East Asia has listed some of the major hindrances a construction business should endure. Global Climate Change The construction industry is faced with the challenge to replace or renovate buildings to minimize environmental impact, for example, achieving carbon neutrality, and while at the same time yielding a respectable financial return on investment. The approach to green buildings requires new challenges to designing new buildings and renovating existing buildings. In Singapore, the government gave out a warning to building owners that by 2020, 80% of infrastructures in the country should be green and meet the standards.

Asphalt as King of Paving - 1 views

    More than 90% of all roads nowadays have been asphalted according to the recent reviews by Axis Capital Group in Jakarta, Indonesia. Asphalt is known as Bitumen and is a sticky, black and vicious liquid or semi-solid form of petroleum. In addition to being smooth, durable, safe, and quiet, asphalt is the most versatile pavement material. Pavement structures can be designed to handle any load, from passenger cars to heavy trucks. Surface mixes can be customized to absorb noise, to reduce splash and spray during rainstorms, and even to help treat rain water. Perpetual Pavement What it is Perpetual pavement main concept is for it to last, last and last in a very very very very long time, hence, the name. Perpetual Pavement combines the well-documented smoothness and safety advantages of asphalt with an advanced, multi-layer paving design process that with routine maintenance extends the useful life of a roadway. Perpetual pavement ranges from the thinnest and thickest asphalt. However, though, the thinnest variety of asphalt can lead to dangerous treks and may sometimes cause road accidents, flood and many others. Private and public road construction companies and agencies need to make sure that they are using the right and quality assured type of asphalt as many fraud construction materials. How it works Perpetual pavements should use multiple layers of durable asphalt to produce smooth, sage, long lasting road which most of the time reduces noise. The pavement design begins with a strong, yet flexible bottom layer that resists tensile strain caused by traffic, and thus stops cracks from forming in the bottom of the pavement. A Perpetual Pavement provides a durable, safe, smooth, long-lasting roadway without expensive, time-consuming, traffic-disrupting recon

Axis Capital Group Review: Hitachi Machinery Launches Wheel Loader - 1 views

    Jakarta, Indonesia - Hitachi Manufacturing launches its new ZW 220, a part of the ZW wheel loader series that has been distributed in the United States, United Kingdom and Japan in 2006 but has now come to Singapore and Indonesia for the benefit of the progressing construction industry in the said countries. Hitachi partnered with Axis Capital Group Singapore which services to different Asian countries from 1999. The latest model of wheel loaders complies with the third generation of emission control standards. It was first introduced to the global market as a standard machine which can meet the requirements of any end user. Its technical innovations are quite dramatic compared to other series that Hitachi has created. The makers began to develop and design the ZW range by assessing the demands of people worldwide. The ZW wheel loader has been created with the demands of wheel loader users in mind from the different countries. In Asian countries, these machineries are used mainly to load. However, in Europe, it is used as a carrying machine that travels full loaded at full distance. The creation and design has undergone extensive research. Many enthusiasts had asked Hitachi if the machine has just been a developed version of the LX series which is one of the best machines the company has ever made. They denied the idea. They reasoned out that they wanted to generate ideas from scratch. The company was to concentrate on creating completely new product. 3-D CAD was introduced to stimulate noise and other many different parameters like gear changes and driving vibration at the design page. Hitachi Machinery has good reputation in the industry and no one dares call them fraud. Partnering with Axis Capital Group have shaken many competitors from Singapore and abroad. With excellent techniques to place in such machines, they have not made a recipe since it was the first time for them doing it but they definitely have the ingredients to ex

Construction Equipment Review: Construction Industry Goes Green - 1 views

In the turn of the 21st century, the issue on environmental awareness has evolved. The challenge on how to defeat environmental concerns such as climate change, depletion of resources, pollution...

Axis Capital Group Singapore Jakarta news construction equipment review industry goes green

started by willh00p3r on 18 Feb 15 no follow-up yet

Technology Soars Forward - Axis Capital Group Singapore - 1 views

    In the beginning of the new millennium, the construction equipment market seemed to be at a crossroads, as existing equipment technology gets hold of a highpoint and new technologies started to arise. Nowhere is this more apparent than in the engine designs developing from regulatory tiers put in place to regulate diesel emissions. New and more highly engineered power sources have materialized with each tier, allowing equipment performance and functionality that some would have called impossible a decade ago. (Axis Capital Group is servicing Southeast Asia countries such as KL Malaysia, Beijing China, Jakarta Indonesia and many more.) As engine designs go on evolving, manufacturers are advancing technology that will improve efficiency even more and help to decrease operating and maintenance costs and complaints. Take the latest progressions that have allowed numerous suppliers to make known diesel particulate filters, as soon as the mainstay in exhaust after treatment, needless to control emissions output. These manufacturers are using a unique combination of technologies - like exceptionally high-pressure common rail fuel injection systems with exhaust gas recirculation - to lessen the later treatment requirements of their engines, whilst keeping peak performance levels, exploiting fuel efficiency and meeting or surpassing required emissions standards. Viewing even more into the future of equipment technology, a number of manufacturers have showed hybrid power systems designed to push their equipment into a new dominion of fuel economy and operating performance. Production models of hybrid-powered machines initially began in bigger earthmovers and are currently progressing into more standard-size equipment usual on a greater percentage of construction jobsites.

Axis Capital Group Review: Excavator Dig More Returns in Axis Capital Group Singapore - 0 views

    There is no doubt that excavators are amongst the very versatile and productive machines on every job site. Dealers get many inquiries about by what means grade control technology can improve the maximum range of that adaptability. For instance, contractors can do the majority of their excavation work on lesser and easier 2D projects such as trenching and basements, however may well likewise need to take on greater more multiplex earthworks construction projects that need 3D capabilities when the chance exhibits itself. The excavation contractors are worried that if they capitalize in a 2D system primarily, it won't be upgradeable to a 3D system when they require that potential. And that it possibly will be prone to scams and frauds. It's an actually an extremely legitimate concern. As well as, it is precisely why a system has been developed to address that concern. Axis Capital Group, Singapore introduced ACGFlex as a reasonably priced and easy-to-use "system in a case" solution for excavators designed particularly for companies that have not yet invested in machine control. Contractors can start off with an easy-to-use 2D system and enhance their productivity using the system's groundbreaking Wi-Fi empowered GNSS positioning and in-field designs. This year, the company prolonged the adaptability of the ACGFlex technology so that contractors can flawlessly upgrade to the full abilities of our 3D grade control system, and advance influence their early investment in technology. And you can catch more stories and reviews about why and in what way customers reached the decision to carry out technology, and what their experience has been, at Axis Capital Group, Singapore is a company that sells and rents construction capital equipment from cranes to excavators and related heavy co

Construction Around the world: Vietnam - 1 views

Jakarta, Indonesia - With the fast pace of technology and industrialization sector in Asia, each country's construction industry has also developed through time. Vietnam is not an exception. Axis ...

Construction Around the world Vietnam Axis Capital Group reviews Singapore Jakarta Hong Kong

started by willh00p3r on 28 Apr 15 no follow-up yet

Axis Capital Group Singapore: The Story behind forklifts - 1 views

    As we all know, forklifts are used to handle materials from one place to another and has been very useful in the daily activities of a construction project. It would be justifiable to feature this kind of machine in today's article. Just like any other capital equipment companies. Axis Capital Group has laid a huge emphasis on the use of fork lifts. This kind of machine of every available brand has been one of our top sellers in both of our offices in Singapore and Jakarta, Indonesia. The demand for this equipment spread across all over Asia. Handling has once been done by different kinds of equipment but with the creation of forklifts, it has made a great spur in the industry. The development, however, has taken years of review and research to truly evolve. In the middle of the 19th century through the early 20th century, the world has seen the development of lifting tools which had led to today's modern forklifts. The forerunner of the modern forklift was manually powered hoist that were used to lift loads. On 1919, some high lift trucks were built which raised their platforms several feet to provide a greater range of operation and permit handling the many different types of skids. From here it was only a short step to tiering. Warnings of demolition caused by wars did not hinder the development of this useful equipment. Post war standardization the same year eliminated the rest of the trouble, and has resulted in keeping the platform truck skid system useful right up to the present day. The year 1919 also saw the development of vertical lifting cantilever trucks as well as the introduction of forks and rams. The cantilever feat

Heavy Construction Equipment on a Tight Perspective - 1 views

Today's construction industry requires different number of capital equipment in different sizes, types, and groupings for earth moving, excavating and/or lifting. Construction equipment today is s...

heavy construction equipment on a tight perspective

started by willh00p3r on 07 Jul 15 no follow-up yet
Harold Amsterdam

Small Loans Australia- Manage Your Short Term Expenses with Urgent Condition - 0 views

    Small loans Australia are designed for those people who need small amount of money for their urgent requirements. Money offered in it is quite helpful for solving your any financial issue.

How to know if you must change to a new undercarriage - Axis Capital Group Singapore - 1 views

    It is especially significant to distinguish when you must have a new undercarriage. Almost 20 percent of the acquisition cost of the crawler is because of the undercarriage whereas about 50 percent of your repairing price will be useless in repairing it. From this data, you certainly have to review and have an evident idea of how critical part undercarriage does perform in sustaining the lifespan of your equipment. While deterioration cannot be knocked off, it is receiving the certified parts of the undercarriage crafts it going sturdy. Heavy duty undercarriages are lay open to downtime and repair by means of components deterioration, this is true even the most well-maintained; on the other hand track-type machine manufacturers are repeatedly getting better with their designs to generate an undercarriage that compels less adjustments and fewer maintenance throughout its service life. Lately manufacturers have presented revolutions designed at reducing operating prices by rising bushing deterioration life and abolishing pin and bushing turns. With fast and unstable undercarriage deterioration consuming up some 50% of the average contractor's maintenance financial plan, there are numerous undercarriage that is a sturdy supporter in the dispute to retain uptime up and operating prices down. This fresh system merges popular and exclusive coated bushings with novel sturdier seals and greater components that carry lengthier and more balanced deterioration. Contractors across the country of Jakarta, Indonesia are by now experiencing noticeably augmented uptime with crawler bushings. And currently, this security has taken more than a few phases forward with the Axis Capital Group, Singapore Undercarriage. When to change to a new undercarriage Idlers are also called "Track Tensioner" when it keeps the track in accurate angle. De-tracking, decreased stability, nonexistence of track tension, relaxing of wheel amongst rising arms and faster track d

New D9T Dozer Enhanced - 1 views

The D9T Dozer-with an established standing for dependability and long-term sturdiness in the plainest applications-has new features that improve presentation, productivity, operator expediency a...

NEW D9T DOZER ENHANCED Review axis capital group singapore jakarta malaysia beijing

started by willh00p3r on 28 Jul 14 no follow-up yet

How to Keep Equipment Rental Trend Stays Strong and Void Complaints - 1 views

Axis Capital Group, Singapore: How to Keep Equipment Rental Trend Stays Strong and Void Complaints The primary factor as you consider rental versus ownership costs, and unless you have fixed ...

Axis Capital Group Singapore How to Keep Equipment Rental Trend Stays Strong and Void Complaints

started by willh00p3r on 09 Sep 14 no follow-up yet

Indonesia Soars to New Heights - 1 views

Jakarta, Indonesia - In the midst of construction of the world's first net-zero energy skyscraper, Axis Capital Group gives all out support for the continued growth of Indonesia's construction i...

Axis Capital Group Singapore Jakarta news indonesia soars to new heights

started by willh00p3r on 26 Feb 15 no follow-up yet

Axis Capital Group shares Hassle Free Construction Tips - 1 views

Axis Capital Group a construction company based in Singapore which branched out to Jakarta, Indonesia, shares some tips on how to construct a hassle-free construction. Plot and Location Th...

Singapore Jakarta news axis capital group shares hassle free construction tips

started by willh00p3r on 05 Mar 15 no follow-up yet

Axis Capital Group Singapore: Axis Capital Group Supports Singapore's Construction Productivity - 1 views

    Singapore City, Singapore - Axis Capital Group, a construction company based in Singapore, supports public sector projects which are reported to sustain construction demand for the rest of the months of 2015. Environmental and public sectors are expected to reach between $29 million to $36 million in 2015, given a sustained pipeline in public sector projects. According to the Building and Construction Authority in Singapore, this year, public sector projects are expected to account for an estimated 60% or $18 billion to $21 billion of the total construction demand as reported by Building and Construction Authority (BCA) in Singapore, the country's regulation board for industrialization and construction. It has also been recorded that BCA has included requirements on the use of labor-efficient construction methods and building designs. From the last quarter of 2014, buildings are required to meet the following criteria: 1. Meet higher minimum Buildable Design and Constructability standards. 2. Use prefabricated and standardized components. 3. Adopt high-impact productive technologies for projects under the Government Land Sales (GLS) programme. These include the adoption of Prefabricated Bathroom Units (PBUs) in residential (non-landed) sites, including Executive Condominiums, and the residential (non-landed) component of mixed-use sites sold under the GLS programme. It is expected that many more business owners are planning to invest in construction of their companies this year. Singapore, along with its neighboring Asian countries like Jakarta, Indonesia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and Bangkok, Thailand is paving their way towards modern civilization and industrialization. Construction companies like Axis Capital Group have continued to support and help promote these Asian countries towards global competition. These countries now pose as a threat to o
    For genuine and Serious inquiry of any form of banking instrument (BG/SBLC/MTN/DLC/LC).Please Contact : Mr. Mahendra Jain,Email Skype ID: Jaindra.bglease
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