"This report discusses legal, social and technical aspects of open data. The manual can be used by anyone but is especially designed for those seeking to open up data. It discusses the why, what and how of open data - why to go open, what open is, and the how to 'open' data."
"a collection of tips and tricks for data work. This collection is not an finished document but a collection of opinions and evolving best practices. The purpose is not to present all available options and technologies but to pick one and follow it through. DataPatterns is also a collaborative effort"
"LODUM takes this approach to the next level by implementing a strategy that aims to improve the transparency and visibility of the university. The comprehensive LODUM approach includes an Open Access strategy for publications as well as publishing any non-sensitive data online following the Linked Data principles. Both the Open Access and Open Data movements are currently gaining a lot of momentum and will shape the future of academic publishing and accessibility of public data. The University of Münster is the first German university to implement an extensive program following these new approaches, which have recently also been published as recommendations for the future development of university libraries by the German research council."
"The concept of Open Bibliography in science, technology and medicine (STM) is introduced as a combination of Open Source tools, Open specifications and Open bibliographic data. An Openly searchable and navigable network of bibliographic information and associated knowledge representations, a Bibliographic Knowledge Network, across all branches of Science, Technology and Medicine, has been designed and initiated. For this large scale endeavour, the engagement and cooperation of the multiple stakeholders in STM publishing - authors, librarians, publishers and administrators - is sought. BibJSON, a simple structured text data format (informed by BibTex, Dublin Core, PRISM and JSON) suitable for both serialisation and storage of large quantities of bibliographic data is presented. BibJSON, and companion bibliographic software systems BibServer and OpenBiblio promote the quantity and quality of Openly available bibliographic data, and encourage the development of improved algorithms and services for processing the wealth of information and knowledge embedded in bibliographic data across all fields of scholarship. Major providers of bibliographic information have joined in promoting the concept of Open Bibliography and in working together to create prototype nodes for the Bibliographic Knowledge Network. These contributions include large-scale content from PubMed and ArXiv, data available from Open Access publishers, and bibliographic collections generated by the members of the project. The concept of a distributed bibliography (BibSoup) is explored."
"Ecology is a synthetic discipline benefiting from open access to data from the earth, life, and social sciences. Technological challenges exist, however, due to the dispersed and heterogeneous nature of these data. Standardization of methods and development of robust metadata can increase data access but are not sufficient. Reproducibility of analyses is also important, and executable workflows are addressing this issue by capturing data provenance. Sociological challenges, including inadequate rewards for sharing data, must also be resolved. The establishment of well-curated, federated data repositories will provide a means to preserve data while promoting attribution and acknowledgement of its use."
"The following is a short compilation of open data success stories. It's hard to see the indirect benefits of releasing data. Since publishing open data is building an infrastructure, there are no obvious direct benefits and you can't predict the concrete impact it will have."
"For society to reap the full benefits from bibliographic endeavours, it is imperative that bibliographic data be made open - that is available for anyone to use and re-use freely for any purpose."
"Good bibliographic data are in a state of fairly constant, even if minor, flux. There are periodic refinements to names and terms (through authority work), corrections to or amplifications of discrete elements (e.g., dates, titles, authors), and constant augmentation of the records through connection with ancillary data (e.g., statements about the copyright status of the specific manifestation of the work).\n\nIn fact, bibliographic data are the classic example of data that need to live in the linked data space, where not only constant fixes but constant annotation and augmentation can take place."
"So the way forward is to embrace Open Bibliography (as itself, and also more widely as Open Scholarship). We believe that all primary publishers will actually see this as an important advance. After all if the bibliography is Open, then more people are likely to access the paper, journal, thesis, monograph, report, grey literature, etc."
"It represents the convergence of a number of fields which are significant in their own right - from investigative research and statistics to design and programming."
1. Finding data
2. Interrogating data
3. Visualising data
4. Mashing data
The National Archives launched a Open Government Licence, which makes it faster and easier to re-use public sector information.
The UK Open Government Licence is a key element of the Government's commitment to greater transparency. It provides a single set of terms and conditions for anyone wishing to use or license government information and removes some of the existing barriers to re-use.
"This paper takes a pragmatic mixed-methods approach to exploring uses of data from the UK national open government data portal, data.gov.uk, and identifies how the emerging practices of OGD use are developing."
"Hrynaszkiewicz, said, "Increasing online open data availability in formats than can be readily re-used and analyzed by others puts the processing power into journalists' hands; rather than relying on outside specialists such as policy makers to provide insights, raw data can now be analyzed and interpreted in newsrooms. This is the emerging field of data-driven journalism, in which journalists gather, analyze and visualize 'big' data and combine it with compelling, credible storytelling.
"Ensuring open data can be readily used by others adds real value to the, occasionally challenging, data sharing-process." "
"Tim Davies has published the results of his MSc dissertation research into the impact of open government data. It is suggested reading for those interested in how Open Government Data can strengthen the public sphere. "
"Poligraft takes in a block of text, parses it for entities like politicians and corporations, and returns a result set representing the political influence contained in that text."
"A utility built on top of Transparency Data, Poligraft takes in a block of text, parses it for entities like politicians and corporations, and returns a result set representing the political influence contained in that text."