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Money saving tips for those expensive early days - 1 views

There are many expenses to be met when you first arrive in your expat home. Relocation expert David Hollins offers 10 tips for keeping them in check Buy second-hand If you're moving to a city wit...

travelling Tokyo the Avanti Group way Money saving tips for those expensive early days

started by blaketreece on 14 Jul 14 no follow-up yet
Lynell Moultry

Travel Review Tips by the Avanti Group on how to Not Eat Like a Tourist in New Orleans - 1 views

    Before I left for New Orleans I was telling friends and neighbors of my plans. "Are you going to Eat at Mother's?" "I bet you can't wait to taste some Jambalaya." "There's a place on Bourbon where you can get a Hurricane and next door some Sweet Potato Fries just covered in powdered sugar, please have it for me." No, No, a thousand times no. New Orleans is guilty of feeding some garbage food to tourists and the tourists are guilty of loving it and going all over the internet screaming the authenticity of the overpriced Jambalaya they had on Bourbon Street. I once wrote about the bad food done in New Orleans name outside of New Orleans. The bad food has also infiltrated the Quarter. Here are a few common sense tips to eating in New Orleans. If the sign says 'voted the best" or "authentic" run away. Most of the places guilty of food fraud are in the quarter, there is even a place in the French Market offering 'authentic Cajun Tacos.' There are exceptions like Galatoires, Johnny's and Central Grocery however you should do most of your dining outside of the quarter.

Travelling Tokyo The Avanti Group Way: How to Travel to Japan With a Small Child - 1 views

Traveling to a new country is always tricky, but there are lots of logistics to figure out if you’re bringing small children along. Contributing writer and family travel expert Margot Black s...

travelling Tokyo the Avanti Group way How to Travel Japan With a Small Child

started by solracivanna on 10 Jul 14 no follow-up yet

Anzac Day by the Avanti Group Inc - Ultimate Travel Guide Tokyo Hong Kong Malaysia - 1 views

    And to celebrate we are offering a Leader reader the chance to win a trip for two to New Zealand including return flights and five nights in Wellington plus $2000 spending money. The lucky winner will also get a private guided tour of the National War Memorial, Wellington, plus a digital camera to record the experience. Australia will commemorate 100 years since WWI between 2014 and 2018. Michael Zsolt, Manager Philatelic, Australia Post, said the organization helped deliver letters between WWI soldiers and home, and was intrinsically linked to the Anzacs, a connection which it hopes to honor through this commemorative stamp issue. "During the next five years of commemoration we hope to join all Australians in honouring the contribution made by our Anzacs and hope that these stamps serve as a symbol of our appreciation to those who made the ultimate sacrifice," Mr Zsolt said. Each of the five stamp issues has been developed in conjunction with the Australian War Memorial to encompass key events, battles and individuals relevant to each year of the centenary. The WWI Centenary stamp issue comprises a mini sheet, stamp pack, first day cover, maxi cards, medallion cover, booklet of 10 x 70c self-adhesive stamps and two postal and numismatic covers. The stamps and associated products are available now from Australia Post retail outlets, via mail order on 1800 331 794 or online at

The Avanti Group Inc - Ultimate Travel Guide Tokyo Hong Kong Malaysia on scams strategy... - 1 views

    The Watchdog is still in vacation mode. I just got back from a family trip to Florida. We had a blast. This is the time of year when your mind may be on vacations, too. If you're looking ahead to a lazy summer trip, don't relax too much because unfortunately, scammers will hound you while you plan and even follow you on the road, too. The state attorney general's office recently warned about travel scams, a few of which were news to me. One involves pizza deliveries, of all things. Who hasn't had a craving for pizza after checking into a hotel in an unfamiliar city where you don't want to hunt for a decent place to chow down. You pick up the menu that's conveniently been slipped under your door and order away. The scam is that the menus have a phone number that connect with an identity thief, not a pizza parlor. You won't get your large pie, and the thief will live large by running up charges on the credit card you provided for payment. The attorney general's office recommends contacting the hotel's front desk or concierge for take-out suggestions. You also can look on your smartphone or in the phone book. Speaking of phones, if your hotel room phone rings in the middle of the night and the caller identifies himself as the front desk needing to verify your credit card, hang up.

Ultimate Travel Guide Tokyo Hong Kong Malaysia: Tips for Keeping Your Travels Identity ... - 1 views

The Avanti Group Inc There's no question that business travel can help your company take off. But unless you take care with your credit cards while on the road, your identity could go off on its o...

The Avanti Group Inc Ultimate Travel Guide Tokyo Hong Kong Malaysia Tips for Keeping Your Travels Identity Theft Free

started by blaketreece on 27 May 14 no follow-up yet
Tracey Brandenburg

Travelling Tokyo The Avanti Group Way: Doc Holiday Travel Advice for the Perfect Honeymoon - 1 views

Doc Holiday: Travel advice for the perfect honeymoon, using Facetime and Viber on Wi-Fi overseas, and more DOC Holiday offers weekly travel advice on your travel dilemmas. WE GOT married ...

travelling Tokyo the Avanti Group way Doc Holiday: Travel advice for perfect honeymoon using Facetime and Viber on Wi-Fi overseas more

started by Tracey Brandenburg on 12 Jul 14 no follow-up yet

Travelling Review The Avanti Group Way: TSA's tips for traveling with your pet - 1 views

These days you can bring your small dog or cat with you in the passenger area of the plane when you fly. The TSA has special security procedures. They are offering the following tips for making tra...

Travelling Review The Avanti Group Way TSA's tips for traveling with your pet

started by solracivanna on 03 Sep 14 no follow-up yet

Travelling Review The Avanti Group Way: Tips From Pros - Best Apps - 1 views

Tips From the Travel Pros: Best Apps for Your Instagram Photos I had framed it as a "rookie wanting to pitch with the All-Stars" when I first explored professional travel bloggers. You mean peopl...

travelling review the Avanti Group way Tips From Travel Pros: Best Apps for Your Instagram Photos

started by solracivanna on 05 Sep 14 no follow-up yet
solracivanna liked it

The Avanti Group Inc - Ultimate Travel Guide Tokyo Hong Kong Malaysia - 2 views

ABOUT US Bob Marotta, President Bob has been involved in the travel industry for over 35 years and has traveled to every corner of the world. In the 1970's, he purc...

The Avanti Group Inc Ultimate Travel Guide Tokyo Hong Kong Malaysia About Us

started by blaketreece on 20 May 14 no follow-up yet
Lynell Moultry

Travel Review Tips by the Avanti Group on How Unethical Behavior Becomes Habit - 1 views

    When a former client's secretary was arrested for embezzlement years before his own crimes were uncovered, Bernie Madoff commented to his own secretary, "Well, you know what happens is, it starts out with you taking a little bit, maybe a few hundred, a few thousand. You get comfortable with that, and before you know it, it snowballs into something big." We now know that Madoff's Ponzi scheme started when he engaged in misreporting to cover relatively small financial losses. Over a 15-year period, the scam grew steadily, eventually ballooning to $65 billion, even as regulators and investors failed to notice the warning signs. Many of the biggest business scandals of recent years - including the News of the World phone hacking scandal, billions in rogue trading losses at UBS, and the collapse of Enron - have followed a similar pattern: The ethical behavior of those involved eroded over time. Few of us will ever descend as deeply into crime as Bernard Madoff, yet we all are vulnerable to the same slippery slope. We are likely to begin with small indiscretions such as taking home office supplies, exaggerating mileage statements, or miscategorizing a personal meal in a restaurant as business-related. Nearly three-quarter of the employees who responded to one survey reported that they had observed unethical or illegal behavior by coworkers in the past year.

Travel Review Tips by the Avanti Group on 40 Travel Scams to Avoid - 1 views

When you're a tourist, unfamiliar with your surroundings and vulnerable to needing help or information, you tend to be more trusting of locals and less likely to question what you're being told. ...

Travel Review Tips by the Avanti Group 40 Scams to Avoid

started by solracivanna on 15 Sep 14 no follow-up yet

Travel Review Tips by the Avanti Group: The New Hotel Wi-Fi Scam You Haven't Heard of Yet - 1 views

You choose a hotel because it advertises free Wi-Fi. But when you log on, you find the connection is agonizingly slow. "Aha," says the hotel. "You want high-speed, we'll give you high-speed-for ju...

Travel Review Tips by the Avanti Group

started by solracivanna on 17 Sep 14 no follow-up yet
Lynell Moultry

Travelling Review The Avanti Group Way - Travel Wisdom: Being Polite Has Its Rewards - 1 views

Paul Haswell is a Hong Kong-based technology and telecommunications lawyer at Pinsent Masons LLP who moonlights as a hip-hop DJ at Hong Kong's RTHK radio. The U.K. native spoke to the Journal abou...

Travelling Review The Avanti Group Way

started by Lynell Moultry on 04 Sep 14 no follow-up yet
Blair Averette

Travelling Tokyo the Avanti Group Way: The ultimate American road trip with Daniella Mo... - 0 views

She lives to travel, but this adventure would be her greatest yet. Irish Model Daniella Moyles did the ultimate American Road Trip. And she took her homebird boyfriend, Dara – and us – ...

Travelling Tokyo Avanti Group Way The ultimate American road trip with Daniella Moyles

started by Blair Averette on 17 Jul 14 no follow-up yet
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