Communication, Attention, and Priority | Restless Hands - 2 views
"Homonyms" in #Asperger Behaviour, part 1 - 0 views
Hang on, I'm different | ...autisticook - 0 views
Assume Good Intentions: Autism Acceptance Month 2013 | The Third Glance - 0 views
Teaching Learners with Multiple Special Needs: Why "Prove it with Low Tech First" Doesn... - 2 views
No Arguing | Married, With Aspergers - 0 views
Emma's Messiah Miracle of Music: Hello There Expert of Me - 1 views
Life with Aspergers: Aspergers and Depression - 0 views
Sh*t People Say to People with Asperger's | The Asperger Café - 0 views
Reports from a Resident Alien - Bridging the Gap - 0 views
"It takes a lot for a neurotypical person to understand someone who is highly autistic. NTs are good at understanding each other--but their theory of mind gets in the way when they try to understand those who are not like them. They're bad enough at understanding Aspies--think how much worse the connection gets when they try to understand someone who doesn't use language! [...] The biggest thing, I guess, would be to somehow teach NTs how to listen to low-functioning autistic people--because once an NT can listen to someone without prejudice, they almost automatically begin to connect, to empathize. After all, connecting with each other is what NTs do best; if they can learn to connect with autistic folks, the autism-rights battle is all but over."