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Clay Burell

village voice > news > The Official Village Voice Election-Season Guide to the Right-Wi... - 0 views

    Good list of conservative blogs to share with students for "balanced" reading with liberal blogs.
Bud Hunt

dy/dan » Blog Archive » Who Do We Think We Are? - 0 views

    • Bud Hunt
      Teachers need to be doing a much better job of showing the data side of their teaching. Myself included.
    For whatever else it's worth to anyone bothering with the comments here, in spite of my failings as a blogger and an online community member, this site has been - from first post to last - a concerted effort at reconstructing the narrative of a Teacher and, particularly, that of a New Teacher. There are loftier goals for a blog, certainly, but this has been mine.
Al Upton

aquaculturepda » Al Upton - 0 views

    A collation of blog posts, Twitter tweets, podcasts, events concerning the closure of 'Al Upton and the miniLegends' - by Sue Waters
    Collated posts, podcasts, wiki, upcoming events related to the broader implications of my blog being closed
Al Upton

TESL-EJ 11.4 -- Blogging in the Language Classroom: It Doesn't "Simply Happen" - 0 views

shared by Al Upton on 07 Apr 08 - Cached
    Blogging as a conversation/higher order thinking skills .. some good 'why' stuff in here
Al Upton

» Order for Closure Al Upton and the miniLegends 08 - 0 views

  • During this process I had been verbally reassured by DECS leaders that nothing I was or had been doing could be considered inappropriate. There was no indication or reason given as to why my blog should be investigated. Nothing was found that was inappropriate.
    Class blog of the 2008 miniLegends, temporarily closed ... the front page explains more and has over 200 comments of support and dialogue of the broader issues.
    Testing Diigo widget on my page plus have highlighted one section.
Al Upton

Transitioning to Web 2.0: Using Blogs to Promote Authentic Learning in the Classroom - 0 views

    Using Blogs to Promote Authentic Learning in the Classroom
Al Upton

Top 100 Education Blogs | OEDb - 0 views

  • Education Policy
  • Education Policy These are blogs written by activists who are looking to reform our school system or just education in general. Change Agency D-Ed Reckoning Education in Texas Education Intelligence Agency Jenny D. Practical Theory Schools Matter
glen gatin

Why Web 2.0 Will Not be an Integral Part of K-12 Education: A Reply to Steve Hargadon |... - 0 views

  • Much of the teacher’s work is in the preparation, when mistakes and dead-ends are invisible to students.
  • Much of the teacher’s work is in the preparation, when mistakes and dead-ends are invisible to students.
  • Much of the teacher’s work is in the preparation, when mistakes and dead-ends are invisible to students.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • Much of the teacher’s work is in the preparation, when mistakes and dead-ends are invisible to students.
  • Much of the teacher’s work is in the preparation, when mistakes and dead-ends are invisible to students.
  • Much of the teacher’s work is in the preparation, when mistakes and dead-ends are invisible to students.
  • Much of the teacher’s work is in the preparation, when mistakes and dead-ends are invisible to students.
Grace Kat

Questioning the Notion of Online Predators | Andy Carvan - 0 views

    A blog post about a new study published by the American Psychological Association (APA) raises tough questions about the conventional wisdom regarding online predators. The study takes aim at the mainstream media's coverage of online predation, labeling its portrayal of the phenomenon as "largely inaccurate."
paul reid

BBC NEWS | UK | Education | Pupils 'should study Twitter' - 0 views

    The Guardian said the draft review requires primary school children to be familiar with blogging, podcasts, Wikipedia and Twitter as sources of information and forms of communication.

Best Deals Websites in UAE - 0 views

    SavnPik provides the best online shopping Discount and Offers on Restaurants Deals, Fitness Deals, Travel Deals, Beauty Spa Deals, Rent a Car Deals and more
Syed Amjad Ali

Why E-Learning - A simple analysis - 0 views

    E-Learning industry is witnessing tremendous growth in terms of revenue and application. It has become a synonym for many of the learning requirements in corporates, academics and government institutions. To provide most suitable learning solutions, industry experts exploring and inventing creative methods and approaches such as Custom Learning Solutions, Rapid Learning Solutions, Gamifications, Instructor Led Training programs and blend of these methods and approaches.
Meri Walker

The Power of Small Steps and Tiny Changes - 4 views

    small steps - no overwhelm

Steps to Create a Successful Online Business | Go Sky Go - 0 views

    Starting an own business is the dream of many people in this world to explore their talents and make money. It involves technical skills, money, and many more things to be researched before starting a business. One should be aware of what is going around in this business world before starting a business. Proper planning strategies help the entrepreneurs to make their dream of becoming a successful person into reality. The internet has its revolution in this world and makes the business process much easier and comfortable for the people to make their dream. In this internet driven world anyone can start their online business without the need of much resource and can become successful. It is easy to start an online business with the following steps to grow and succeed and can make their place in this global business world.

Key Points on How to Choose Domain Name Registrars | GoSkyGo - 0 views

    Go Sky Go: How to Choose Domain Name Registrar, Domain Registration Company
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