the eStrategy mentions embedded practice (as opposed to undeveloped) it includes "Embedded
The site has developed innovative approaches to the sharing of effective practice, coaching and mentoring within and beyond the site and makes use of technology to achieve this. Child and student, peer and/or community mentors are an essential component. Organised and planned processes are in place to support and enhance teaching and learning activities and opportunities." and
"Resources - Virtual Environments
All children and students and staff contribute to virtual learning environments, complementing and extending teaching, learning and the curriculum. There is provision for children and students to create their own personal learning spaces. Virtual learning environments are fully integrated with the site's learner and curriculum management systems."
Worth checking out ... also have a look at EdCap (Educational Capabilities) 4 phases including Online learning across all phases.
"Keeping safe - Child Protection Curriculum" is the document I have been referred to. In particular the sections relating to internet saafety and educators' responsibilities and obligations to children and young people .... do a search for 'internet' on this document (resource for parents) and the word does not appear anywhere! Please help me find this important document.