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Graeme Wadlow

Dichotic and Dichoptic Digit Perception in Normal Adults - 1 views

    ingentaconnect Dichotic and Dichoptic Digit Perception in Normal Adults
Graeme Wadlow

Communication, Listening, Cognitive and Speech Perception Skills in Children With Audit... - 1 views

    Communication, Listening, Cognitive and Speech Perception Skills in Children With Auditory Processing Disorder (APD) or Specific Language Impairment (SLI)   Ferguson et al. 54 (1): 211  Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research
Graeme Wadlow

The gaps-in-noise test: Gap detection thresholds in normal-hearing young adults - 1 views

    GIN, Test, Gap detection, Temporal resolution, Auditory perception, Psychoacoustics
Graeme Wadlow

Phonemic and grapheme perception in Dyslexia and (Central) Auditory Processing Disorder - 1 views

    Annals of General Psychiatry | Full text |
Graeme Wadlow

Speech-perception-in-noise deficits in dyslexia - 2 views

    Developmental Science
Graeme Wadlow

Speech-perception-in-noise deficits in dyslexia - 1 views

Graeme Wadlow

Subcortical differentiation of stop consonants relates to reading and speech-in-noise p... - 1 views

    PubMed is a service of the U.S. National Library of Medicine that includes over 18 million citations from MEDLINE and other life science journals for biomedical articles back to the 1950s. PubMed includes links to full text articles and other related reso
Graeme Wadlow

Selected performances in speech perception in children with APD - 1 views

    [Laryngorhinootologie. 2009] - PubMed result
Graeme Wadlow

Perception of Non-Verbal Auditory Stimuli in Italian Dyslexic Children - 3 views

    Developmental Neuropsychology Auditory temporal processing deficits have been proposed as the underlying cause of phonological difficulties in Developmental Dyslexia. The hypothesi...
Graeme Wadlow

Repeated Stimulus Exposure Alters the Way Sound Is Encoded in the Human Brain - 0 views

    PLoS ONE: an inclusive, peer-reviewed, open-access resource from the PUBLIC LIBRARY OF SCIENCE. Reports of well-performed scientific studies from all disciplines freely available to the whole world.
Graeme Wadlow

Multiple benefits of personal FM system use by children with auditory processing disord... - 1 views

    Informa Healthcare - International Journal of Audiology - 48(6):371 - Summary Psycho-social/emotional, Pediatric, Assistive technology, Behavioral measures, Speech perception
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