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FlickrStorm. Search on Flickr with some Magic - 0 views

    FlickrStorm is a front-end search tool for searching Flickr; if you pick the "advanced" option before you search, you can search by a specific Creative Commons license

Soople - 0 views

shared by anonymous on 01 Mar 12 - Cached
    a great page to start your search that breaks down many of the types of searches on Google into separate search boxes; good way to demonstrate to students the many things one can search on Google

search-cube - 0 views

shared by anonymous on 09 May 11 - Cached
    visual search engine, once you press search, websites will come up in a visual cube, you hover over a tile and it will show on the right hand side.

Searchy Pants - Safe Internet Search for homes & schools - 0 views

    student friendly search engine which uses Google search. You can customize the background and link it to your school website

instaGrok | A new way to learn - 0 views

    New search tool that uses some of th eold features of the Google wheel search plus more. it finds videos, concepts, synonms and even quizzes. you can join for free and it will remember your searches

Bridging Apps | Bridging the gap between technology and people with disabilities - 0 views

    used to be called Snapp4 kids * We have create and launched a new app tool call Insignio. This tool brings search to a whole new level, you can search any of the itunes stores, our database of apps and our database of Android apps all at once, you can create list of apps and publish them for other to see and you can save searches

Soople - 0 views

shared by anonymous on 12 Mar 13 - Cached
    Google search broken down by types of searches 

All About Explorers - 0 views

    has been designed as an interactive Internet search task to guide pupils through making more discerning use of information presented online. The task includes a range of spoof material to help show primary pupils how to evaluate what they read online, and how to be selective about the information they find. The tasks are presented to pupils as an interactive Webquest. There is a section for teachers which includes a series of lessons and explanations of what the pupils are learning about better online searching as they complete each webquest.
anonymous visual search engine. Open your eyes to the web. - 0 views

    visual search engine. typ-e in word and it will show the visuals of the webpabe

Wiki Summarizer - 0 views

    is a site that allows you to search Wikipedia, have articles summarized by key points, and provides lists of articles that are related to your original search.

Yippy - Welcome to the Cloud. - 0 views

    breaks the search results down into categories, displayed on the left-hand side of the screen. Good for narrowing down topics.

Creative Commons Search - 0 views

    creative commons to search for items that might have a creative commons license indicating that it should be copyright free

SweetSearch4me - 0 views

    search engines for elementary school age students. restricts what it searches

Flashcard Search - 0 views

    Flashcard search engine, search in google for flash cards per subject

Yahoo apps search - 0 views

    search for Android or IOS apps

LYRICSnMUSIC.COM - A Lyric and Music Search Engine for Music People by Music People - 0 views

    a lyric and music search engine. The site allows users to enter the name of an artist or song and get the lyrics, YouTube video content, and more all in one place

Watchily - the best way to watch. Streaming movies and tv - 0 views

shared by anonymous on 24 Feb 12 - No Cached
    Watchily is a search engine that pulls results from popular movie and television show providers. Enter your search in Watchily and get results from Hulu, Netflix, Vudu, HBOGo, iTunes, Amazon, MaxGo, Comcast XFINITY, Redbox, and Showtime Anytime. Watchily results can be refined according to movie/ television content rating, price, duration of video, genre, and hosting service.

One for everyone | You save and Let people to Search - 0 views

    Save and Search is a new social bookmarking/reminder site that makes it very simple to bookmark and share or save any URL. With a nice interface and some simple features, this is a nice tool for students and teachers to use in order to send URLs with accompanying notes to classmates or colleagues.

14 Essential Google Search Tips for Students ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Learning - 0 views

    14 Google search tips

Explore Google Search - 0 views

    Google Search page information: shows you how you do simple searchses in googel fo rweather, unit conversion, time, zip codes, fill in the blank, cooking conversions etc
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