definitions from Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, the app offers voice search - to let you look up a word without having to spell it - along with an integrated thesaurus, example sentences, Word of the Day, Favorites, and more. supported by ads
When you search for the Spanish equivalent of the English word "set" in an ordinary dictionary, you get several different words - with very different meanings. But Linguee returns results with examples of how the term is used, so that you can determine the exact meaning.
visual dictionary that comnines Wiktionary content that includes a definition and exxamples of word use in a sentence as well as images from flickr, google and yahoo that coorelate with the specified words.
type in a topic word and it will create a list of words that are related to the topic. you then copy the words and paste them to your document or create a CoWrtier topic dictionary.
onscreen keyboard with built in word prediciton, access to dictionaries. can download during evaluation period and then it appears to be aroune $30. works on PC, TAble PC