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Patrick Black

Treepad Lite: freeware Personal database, PIM, organizer, notes manager, text editor an... - 2 views

  • Freeware! TreePad Lite is an award-winning Personal Information Manager for Windows (and Linux/Wine). It is portable, easy to use, small in size, yet very powerful. TreePad Lite can be used to store, edit, search, organize and browse any type of textual information: notes, emails, articles, links, phone numbers, addresses, scraps pasted from the Web, etc.

Zendo | passionate learners - 0 views

    Take notes and then turns them into flash cards for studying

Note Taking Skills for 21st Century Students @coolcatteacher - 14 views

    The videos are very informative about purpose of visual notetaking.  I really enjoyed watching Rachel Smith's video.  This might be an interesting way to teach students who are visual but have problems with handwriting. think about students who can doodle but can't write. 
Samantha Ward

NSTA News - 0 views

  • AT can be any item, piece of equipment, or teachermade product that is designed to improve a student’s functional capability or help a student succeed in accessing the general education curriculum
  • pencil grips
  • text-to-speech
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • Commercially available mapping software, such as Inspiration, is an example of a high-tech solution to organizational work and thought problems
  • Clip art, videos, animations, maps, diagrams, and other graphic elements can be found online as well and are useful in assisting students who need visual imagery to better understand the concepts in a lesson
  • modified meterstick with staples at the centimeter markings for tactile use by those with visual impairments
  • instructional software program that converts text to speech for students who function at low reading levels; such devices could be used with headsets by students during classroom time
  • Lahm and Morrissette (1994) identify seven instructional areas in which AT has proven advantageous for use with students with mild disabilities: organization, note taking, writing assistance, productivity, access to reference materials, cognitive assistance, and materials modification
  • Organization
  • Light-tech solutions include the use of flow charts, task analysis, webbing or networking ideas, and outlining
  • Graphic organizers

The AutoVerbal Talking Soundboard speaks for those who can't - 13 views

    I think it may be worth noting that AVTS is not written by anybody connected with AAC or autism or special education or even disability, as far as I can tell. Whether that's relevant to the application's future is something we will only know in the future, but I have more faith in the integrity and the security for the future applications where the writers have a strong connection to disability in some way. Looking at the other applications by this company they're things like "Ringtones Uncensored" and other apps which use text-to-speech for amusement rather than utility. That doesn't mean the app is bad or that it won't be supported going forward, but personally it gives me much less faith in the app's long-term support.

Blio eReader - 5 views

  • Blio is FREE eReader software that presents eBooks like you’ve never seen them before!
  • The FREE Blio eReader software is the new touchstone for the presentation of electronic books & magazines. Stunning, full-color pages come alive in brilliant 3D. Even image-rich books are now at your digital fingertips — because Blio preserves a book’s original layout, fonts, and graphics. Enjoy a vast selection of cookbooks, travel guides, how-to books, schoolbooks, art books, children’s stories, and magazines. Relax, learn, work, or play! The smart display lets you insert highlights, notes, videos, and even webpages. Selected books also go hands-free with Blio’s read-aloud feature. Flexible & accessible. Shop endless titles, right from the Blio Bookstore, with access to over one million free books and a huge library of today’s bestsellers. Then, take your library on the road by syncing to your favorite on-the-go mobile device.
    Free E Reader software from Ray Kurzweil
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