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Layson Heugly

International Double Reed Society - 0 views

    If you have really nerdy double reed players who want to establish their professional networks. Great for selecting music schools too.
Emmett Oleary

Emmett O'Leary | An Everyday PLN Workflow - 3 views

    An example of a workflow for quickly processing sources through a Professional learning network.
Danielle Franklin

American Music Therapy Association - 0 views

shared by Danielle Franklin on 15 Jan 14 - No Cached
    Professional Organization for Music Therapists
    This site gives the definitive answer to the question of what exactly is Music Therapy.

Reddit: Music Theory - 0 views

    The subreddit for music theory is a good place to ask questions or get music theory tips from professionals around the world. They also have great beginner's guides and resources on the side panel.

The Southern California School Band and Orchestra Association - - 0 views

shared by pbblackwell86 on 27 Aug 13 - Cached
    We believe that aesthetic education through instrumental music performance is essential to the school curriculum. Our mission is to provide educational leadership to the membership of the Southern California School Band and Orchestra Association. To fulfill our mission, we provide opportunities for professional growth through developmental resources.
Christopher Wakeley

Drum Lesson 11 Cool Break Beat - 0 views

    This is a video tutorial on a short groove. I find this tutorial to be considered a bad one because the educator is in a costume which takes away from professionalism, the video quality is not the best, he does not show a slower break down of the groove he is playing, and there is no application as to where the groove would be played. It just demonstrates a quick groove for someone to randomly play and in my opinion seems a bit unprofessional for a tutorial video.

The Genius Hour Design Cycle: A Process For Planning - - 0 views

    Good general teacher comments/professional development are also important for music educators.
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