This tutorial demonstrates a great advanced exercise that works on your diddle control between a close and open stroke roll. This tutorial I find this tutorial important because it doesn't provide a basic 101 demonstration but is meant for marching percussionists who want to learn how to build their roll quality in a more advanced way.
Midi mapping in Ableton Live is a very useful feature of Live In this tutorial we will look atwhat is midi mapping, starting midi mapping mode, assigning controllers and ...
We will be using Ableton Live 9 later in the semester and this link will provide a lot of valuable tutorials to help answer some of the questions you may have about using Live 9.
From the official site and has videos for these:
Setting up an audio interface
Setting up a MIDI controller
Recording audio
MIDI beats and melodies
Working with Session View
Session View to Arrangement View
Exporting audio
Optimizing your audio interface setup