Global Computer Numerical Control Solutions - 0 views
Bharatbookbureau MarketReport on 19 Mar 13Advanced CNC Solutions offers customized CNC programming for Fanuc, Siemens, Okuma and various other controllers. Support of probing programming for Fanuc and Siemens. Such uses are probe raw part to determine number of face milling passes, to find "best fit" of part or to set (linear and/or rotary) part coordinate systems. Program routines can also be created to probe to inspect part features and dimensions. Support of parametric (macro) programming. We work with Fanuc custom macro B programming, Siemens Sinumerik macro programming, Okuma user task 2 macro programming and others. Parametric programming can include the creation of special canned drilling cycles, pocket milling, plunge milling, variable-driven universal thread milling routines and much more. Can develop parametric programming code to create an entire product line, scale an entire range of parts, or create a stock part that can be scaled to any size for a customer's needs.