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Alex Parker

5 key announcements from IDF14 so far - 1 views

    by Joe Curtis| 11 September 2014 Intel Developer Forum is underway: here are the biggest talking points. Lost amid the fuss being made over Apple right now, Intel has made a series of big announcements at its annual Intel Developer Forum, IDF14. Here's five key take aways so far, from the Internet of Things to biometrics.
Bharatbookbureau MarketReport

RFID - 0 views

    In 2012 the value of the entire RFID market will be $7.46 billion, up from $6.37 billion in 2011. This includes tags, readers and software/services for RFID cards, labels, fobs and all other form factors. It includes passive and active RFID. In retail, RFID is seeing rapid growth for apparel tagging - that application alone demands 1 billion RFID labels in 2012. RFID in the form of tickets used for transit will demand 500 million tags in 2012. The tagging of animals (such as pigs, sheep and pets) is now substantial as it becomes a legal requirement in many more territories, with 294 million tags being used for this sector in 2012. This is happening in regions such as China and Australasia. In total, 3.98 billion tags will be sold in 2012 versus 2.93 billion in 2011. Most of that growth is from passive UHF RFID labels, however, at that frequency suppliers are still barely profitable so far.
    In retail, RFID is seeing rapid growth for apparel tagging - that application alone demands 1 billion RFID labels in 2012. RFID in the form of tickets used for transit will demand 500 million tags in 2012. The tagging of animals (such as pigs, sheep and pets) is now substantial as it becomes a legal requirement in many more territories, with 294 million tags being used for this sector in 2012. This is happening in regions such as China and Australasia. In total, 3.98 billion tags will be sold in 2012 versus 2.93 billion in 2011. Most of that growth is from passive UHF RFID labels, however, at that frequency suppliers are still barely profitable so far.
Alex Parker

5 ways IT leadership is changing - 1 views

    The CIO is dead. Long live the CIO! IT leadership today is a far cry from a decade ago - even five years ago. But while CIOs and IT professionals are being asked to do far more under the same job titles they've always had, a lot of these demands are implicit, not explicit.
Alex Parker

There's more to 5G than speed: Network slicing could be a game changer - 1 views

    When it comes to the shift from 4G to 5G, the average user will most likely only be concerned with one thing: speed. Granted, you will be able to stream or download media on your smart device far faster than before. But behind the scenes, the technology being developed to bring us 5G has the potential to offer far more than that.
sobia khan

An experience without knowing: Chrome OS, the most underrated project of Google - 0 views

    Stepping in the world that is embraced with hundreds of options that can give you a tough competition in deciding a new mobile phone, laptop and even a personal desktop, it's always hard to make a best decision. In the category of computing and the operating systems, by far we have only four players who run the show: Apple, Linux, Microsoft and Google. Yes, I repeat- GOOGLE!
Bharatbookbureau MarketReport

Global Cloud-based Storage market - 0 views

    WASHINGTON: Brazil, Russia, India and China still lag far behind developed countries in policies considered critical for the future of cloud computing, but each made some progress over the past year, a US industry group said on Thursday.
jorden zak

News - 0 views

    Submit Articles - offers a wide and qualitative range of Online Articles with dofollow link, just submit articles with informative know-how to grow visibility in search engine.
Alex Parker

10 things Salesforce does apart from CRM - 1 views

    Almost every aspect of your business can be managed by the tech giant. Salesforce has made its name largely off the back of its customer relationship management software, but the company's tentacles stretch far more widely. Through a mixture of acquisitions and expansion the firm has moved into every aspect of business.
Alex Parker

8 biggest hacks in the first half of 2014 - 1 views

    From eBay details to Twitter handles, here are the largest attacks of the year so far.
Alex Parker

Top 10 apps for your new BB10 device - 1 views

    Some of the must-have tools for BlackBerry's latest OS. The news this week that BlackBerry is planning to release two new mobile devices has shown that the troubled Canadian manufacturer is far from finished. Since releasing its all-new BB10 operating system last year alongside it's first-ever touchscreen devices, the company has continued to be a favourite for business and consumer customers.
Alex Parker

Microsoft Build: Internet Explorer's days are finally numbered - 1 views

    The announcements centred around Microsoft Edge, the shiny successor to IE that has so far failed to attract popular support, despite being installed on all computers running Windows 10.
Alex Parker

Flying cars of the future: Why they won't be cars at all | Verdict - 1 views

    when Blade Runner was released in 1982, Ridley Scott introduced us to a dystopian vision of what Los Angeles could look like in 2019. Amongst the cyborgs, video phones and AI of this world were Spinners - flying cars. Now that we've caught up to 2019, it looks like that vision of flying cars wasn't too far off.
Alex Parker

We are heading towards the Bitcoin price peak, but can it stay there this time? | Verdict - 1 views

    Bitcoin fell below the $4,000 mark in February, leaving many questioning whether the digital currency was on its last legs. However, following a month of gains, sentiment is now far more positive, with many predicting that the Bitcoin price could soon be back above the $19,700 record set in December 2017.

iPhone 14 Design Leaks so far | The Rumors about iPhone 14 - 0 views

The iPhone 14 is coming soon. Although there are many rumours about the next big iPhone, we don't yet know what will be featured in this phone. However, we can speculate based on reports and rumour...

technology tech mobile Internet iphone2022 iphone14

started by robertksmith11 on 28 Jun 22 no follow-up yet
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