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Lera Technologies | Best Digital Transformation Company in USA - 1 views

    Lera Technologies: Best Technology Consultant in USA. Specializes in developing custom products for Pharma, Finance, Retail industries. Best Digital Transformation company in USA.
india art n design

Technology-inspired Design: Looking back - Looking forward. - 0 views

    Flexible solutions, machine learning and changing pedagogy- Carlo Ratti Associatti, Ar. Sushant Verma of rat[LAB] and Ar. Rajat Sodhi of Orproject give us their take on the future changes anticipated for technology in design.

Blockchain Technology: Doing it Big for the Agriculture Industry - Steem Experts - 0 views

    There are so many examples & applications of blockchain and cryptocurrency technologies. But, there are progressive applications of Blockchain in different industries. Let us(blockchain marketing agency) tell you about the uses of Blockchain in Agriculture Industry. Read Now!
Bharatbookbureau MarketReport

Shale Gas Market by Technology - 0 views

    Global Shale Gas Market by Technology, Geography, Applications, Regulations Market Trends & Forecasts 2016 Shale gas is natural gas produced from shale. Shale gas has become an increasingly important source of natural gas in the United States over the past decade, and interest has spread to potential gas shale basins in Canada, Europe, Asia, and Australia. Although shale gas has been produced for more than 100 years in the Appalachian Basin and the Illinois Basin of the United States, the wells were often marginally economical.
Puja Bhatia

Nanotechnology: The Basic Idea - 0 views

    Working on the molecular and Nano scale, is one of the technology that has diverse implication in the world. It is combining different field of study and bringing it to a single platform.
Bharatbookbureau MarketReport

Information Technology - 0 views

    ICT budget and staffing trends in Australia :- The proportion of ICT budget allocated for internal development and maintenance will be retained at the same level in 2013 compared to 2012, although large enterprises in Australia are expected to raise their in-house ICT budgets significantly.
Bharatbookbureau MarketReport

Consumer Electronics - 0 views

    Technologies for Sensors are found in most spheres of life today. The need for sensors is increasing dramatically with the ongoing boom in smart mobile communication technologies and tablet PCs. Many companies are already researching novel types of sensors for these applications. Mobile phones with face recognition are just around the corner.
Bharatbookbureau MarketReport

The Biometrics - 0 views

    The unique capabilities of biometric identification technologies provide solutions to a range of security issues for both military and civilian markets. With technological advances now ensuring greater effectiveness, and multi-modular identification systems able to integrate several methods of identification, biometric technology systems are increasingly vital components for the digital age. Visiongain values the global Biometrics Market in 2012 at $7.59bn.
india art n design

Blending art and technology for interior spaces - 0 views

    Enquiring into contrived morphologies of parametrics as art, Anchal Chaudhary of rat[LAB]INTERIORS explores the effects of technology on art. Do read about it here and leave us your views…
india art n design

Kernel of Life - 0 views

    Healthcare and technology are old bedfellows. Here's the latest breakthrough - a diagnostic accessory that offers cloud-based health care…
    Healthcare and technology are old bedfellows. Here's the latest breakthrough - a diagnostic accessory that offers cloud-based health care…

DCI Securite Provide Snake Cam CCTV by dcisecurite on deviantART - 0 views

    Snake Cam - DCI Sécurité is present in the world of information technology for over 10 years, so she is constantly aware of the latest technologies. DCI Security is a division of DCI Consultants, which continues to make its mark in the field of computing: computer support service, networking, Internet security, integrated system, etc.. Specialties

DCI Securite Provide Snake Cam CCTV - 0 views

    Snake Cam - DCI Sécurité is present in the world of information technology for over 10 years, so she is constantly aware of the latest technologies. DCI Security is a division of DCI Consultants, which continues to make its mark in the field of computing: computer support service, networking, Internet security, integrated system, etc.. Specialties
Alex Parker

10 storage technologies of the future (and past) - 1 views

    Tapes are so '80s, but also incredibly important for the future of data storage and crystals and helium... Data storage practices have advanced dramatically over the past few decades, and there are many more exciting and ingenuitive storage concepts and technologies on the way. Here are 10 of our favourite.

Camera de securite montreal Dci Securite Camera de Video Surveillance - 0 views

    DCI Sécurité is present in the world of information technology for over 10 years, so she is constantly aware of the latest technologies. DCI Security is a division of DCI Consultants, which continues to make its mark in the field of computing: computer support service, networking, Internet security, integrated system, etc.. Specialties

Camera de securite montreal in DCI securite - 0 views

    DCI Sécurité is present in the world of information technology for over 10 years, so she is constantly aware of the latest technologies. DCI Security is a division of DCI Consultants, which continues to make its mark in the field of computing.
Alex Parker

Top 15 emerging technologies to watch - Computer Business Review - 1 views

    Forrester Research has released a list of the top 15 emerging technologies to watch from now through to 2020.
Alex Parker

Himax and Lumus team up to create smartglasses - 1 views

    Taiwanese display driver and semiconductor product maker, Himax Technologies, has teamed up with Lumus, an Augmented Reality glasses maker, to develop smart glasses. Lumus plans to use its ultra-thin optics enabled wearable display and combine it with Himax's LCOS technology, which provides high level of brightness required for see-through Augmented Reality, to create wearable technology that can be used in daily life.

Impact Of Blockchain On Search Marketing | Blockchain Council - 0 views

    It is indisputable that blockchain is closely associated with cryptocurrencies. Blockchain technology is the underlying concept which defines the very existence and functioning of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. The disruptive nature of the blockchain is undoubtedly changing the face of search engine and digital marketing which makes it imperative to catch up on the capabilities of this technology and understand how it is catching up with the industry, to remain competitive.
Alex Parker

Edge technology will create trillion-dollar sectors: Fast Future CEO - 1 views

    Edge technology is paving the way for entirely new sectors that have the potential to be worth trillions in the future, according to Rohit Talwar, futurist and CEO of Fast Future
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