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My Past-Life Regression Therapist - Round 3 : Page 7 | Transmigrant Blues by Indi River... - 0 views

    Llewellyn's job is to sort and search these files, divining interconnections between them and leading the mouse pointer to the likeliest prospects. It is an inexact science, to say the least-but, with history to corroborate recollections of notable avatars, it is actually less so than, say, psychology, in which my past-life regression therapist holds a distinguished Ph.d.

The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test - Round 3 : Page 6 | Transmigrant Blues by Indi Riverflow - 0 views

    We had determined, by cross-referencing my recovered memories, that my most recent life had be that of Norman Hartweg, a no-name playwright from California, who was best known as Tom Wolfe's snitch for The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test
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