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Don Sahli

Interactive Art Instruction DVD Collection Launches, Featuring American Painter Don Sahli - 2 views

    An interactive art instruction dvd collection by Don Sahli. Don Sahli teaches how to oil paint, with his interactive oil painting lessons. His was trained in the Russian School of art, Russian Master, Sergei Bongarts last apprentice and the founder of S
The Ravine / Joseph Dunphy

Yellowtail (1998-) by Golan Levin - 0 views

    Another interactive art piece. Holding down a right or left click, one finds that a ribbon of whiteness is left against the black background. "Don't you mean a white ribbon, Joseph?" Not exactly - the whitness, itself, is treated as a kind of liquid, that flows according to rules one is left to decipher. There seems to be some sort of extrapolation from what one draws - quick movement narrowing the ribbon, slow movement broadening it - as if the cursor were a brush that a white liquid was flowing off of - to what is seen as one releases the click, and the whiteness left behind starts to move of its own accord. Close forms seem to move to new locations more slowly than open ones, which snake across a screen on which opposite sites are identified - go off the top edge, and you come in from the bottom edge of the black box where the ribbons move.
The Ravine / Joseph Dunphy

ze's page :: - 0 views

    Blog of the artist who created the .swf in the page linked to by my last bookmark (look below), with more interactive art pieces.
The Ravine / Joseph Dunphy

Daniel Rozin Interactive Art - 0 views

    The pieces that this site is perhaps most notable for are the mirrors, sometimes made of things that are not naturally reflective. For example: the wooden mirror, which, taking the image from a videoacamera, activates selected actuators, causing some of the wooden panels on a display to tilt downward. Those panels, appearing darker because they are now in shadow, create the darkened region of a mechanically created, pixelated moving image of the person standing before the "mirror". In the artist's own words, "Rozin creates installations and sculptures that have the unique ability to change and respond to the presence and point of view of the viewer". Videos and photos of some of his work are included.
Bill Tracer

The Face of Lorvious - News - Bubblews - 0 views

    As with many of my recent fractal image creations, this image started with the KPT filter, "FraxPlorer", after which I put it through my processes of filtering, layering, color enhancement, etc. in Photoshop. The Face of Lorvious emerged from these processes, complete with the digitally embossed Bill M. Tracer Studio logo signature seal, small as not to distract from the design, while decidedly present, showing authenticity. As can be seen, Lorvious is of an extra-dimensional nature, having 4 physical dimensions rather than just our familiar 3. As a result, when he manifest in our 3 dimensional world, parts of him are visible, while other parts are not. When he moves through 3 dimensional space, loops of his body appear and disappear in what seems to us a random way, but in reality conforming to the natural patterns of 4 dimensional beings interacting on a 3 dimensional plane.
The Ravine / Joseph Dunphy

YouTube - 10 + 5 = God: Cool Interactive Art! - 0 views

    The "floating numbers" projects, said to be made for "the Jewish Museum" by Art+Com. Which Jewish museum it was, is left unspecified.
The Ravine / Joseph Dunphy

bomomo - 1 views

    The visitor is provided with a list of buttons and no explanations. He is to do his own exploring. Each button releases a set of objects, each moving according to its own set of rules, that can, when a click is held, leave behind colored trails or make colored marks of a different sort. Mildy amusing, maybe more so if you care for abstract expressionism, which is the genre one tends to end up working in with this tool kit, almost inevitably.
The Ravine / Joseph Dunphy

Wet Paint Group Art - 0 views

    Enjoy the fun of tagging, without trashing anybody else's property or getting arrested. Use simulated spraypaint, rollers, brushes and a paintball cannon on a simulated white wall, save your masterpiece and compare it with the virtual vandalism of others. While I haven't seen anything measuring up to the quality of one of the murals under the Illinois Central Gulf / Metra Electric tracks on the South Side, yet, I also haven't heard of anybody getting rolled over by the El after slipping while using this program, so there is that. People seem to love it. Now, if only we could find ways for them to get virtually stoned, virtually burn down buildings and get into virtual fights, while settling for the use of virtual weapons and virtual gasoline before going to their virtual homes to make virtual babies before they virtually turn 13, Mom's old neighborhood would be a lot more pleasant on the weekends. Not that any ambivalence about the concept of this page, or suggestion that it makes light of a practice that is intimately connected with gang territoriality (with its impressive body count), should be read into that. Pshah. Englewood is lovely this time of year. We are where we are, and I suppose that's what we get to laugh about, for better or worse, even if an eyebrow or two has to go up along the way.
The Ravine / Joseph Dunphy

Resonata - a Wave Machine: Play with Resonance - 0 views

    A computer graphic with adjustable paramaters, said to illustrate the concept of the harmonics of a weighted string. The graphic display, itself, is poorly documented - we don't know what we are seeing, but we know that it can't be the chain, itself, as the movement is generally circular, not linear and largely screen filling, even for small perturbations. The pictures are, however, pretty, and this is a mildly enjoyable toy. Without further clarification, though, I can not, in good conscience, do as others have done and classify this as "science" or "physics" because no real learning is taking place.
The Ravine / Joseph Dunphy

Create Your Own Snowflakes on - 0 views

    Right click, holding the click draw the cursor across the screen, and the software creates a little rounded wedge shape. Release the click, and the wedge shape, formed, is instantly reflected along a few different lines to create the beginning of a snowflake like figure. Insert a few more strokes, and you can quickly and easily create a nice looking stylized snowflake that you can set to rotate in two or three simulated dimensions, in a mannermanner that is surprisingly attractive , given how little work you just did. One flaw is that if you'd like to save that moving image you just created, there's no way to do so; right clicking on the image, you don't save the snowflake, you save the .swf file you used to create the moving snowflake.
The Ravine / Joseph Dunphy

Virtual Bubblewrap - 0 views

    Humans do have instincts - how else can one explain why so many people, handed that plastic padding stuff, will compulsively spend so much time on an activity that practically nobody claims to enjoy. "Pop! pop! pop!" Somebody created simulated bubblewrap, and unlike Officemax, has left the addict with an unlimited supply of what he craves. There is no escape.
india art n design

"Kalpataru" - Identity India - 0 views

    When it comes to showcasing the best of your country, the skill lies not in what all to show; but where to stop! Check out this nuanced installation by Delhi designers at the V&A…
india art n design

'Left Out' or 'Trapped Inside'?! - 0 views

    Many a time art becomes the via media to evoke responsiveness in the numbed disposition called mankind! Check out artist Maxwell Rushton's installation that put the thoughts back into you cap!!
india art n design

Indian mystic poetry as contemporary art - 0 views

    Finding Kabir in mainstream chaos, artist Gayatri Mehta works on a series of paintings and installations that intend to shake one out of the inertia of existence to provoke an inner, more sublime awakening. Check out the story here…
india art n design

Delhi's Street Art Festival - Empowering thru' Art! - 0 views

    Delhi's new WIP st+art project is yet another step towards empowering the society via art. How far are we succeeding in this mission? Check out this link and leave us your views…
Gallery Pradashak

Yogesh Aadkine talks 'inspiration' - 0 views

    A very talented young printmaker, Yogesh Aadkine talks about the everyday matters that drive his art. Here's your chance to interact with the artist. Click the link to view the video...
india art n design

Repurposing art and architecture into a new experience - 0 views

    The Next Level expansion project of the ARoS Aarhus Art Museum in Denmark is collaboration between architects SHL and renowned American artist, James Turrell; it proposes to define a new experiential art-architecture idiom. Check out the recently revealed design and concept and leave us your views...
india art n design

The search within! - 0 views

    Internationally acclaimed artist Subodh Gupta, who has been working with utensil installations, now explores connections of outer space and the cosmos in general, with that of the inner soul. Check out his philosophical bent and tell us what you make of it…
india art n design

Reinventing installation art! - 0 views

    Nature Concert Hall held recently in Latvia gives an out-of-box take on installation art; bringing to life the most unlikely!
india art n design

Let's play with coloured sand!! - 0 views

    Polish artist Adam Kalinowski uses coloured sand to sensitize people to the touch and sight of colour.
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